What makes a good Article

avatar for solidmark
New York
So I *think* I have a good idea for an article, but on every article that I find interesting there's almost always one guy that gave it a thumbs down with the comment "this should go in discussions."

So I guess I want to ask, what's the difference between an article and a discussion? What do you guys expect from an article that makes it more than a discussion?


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avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
6 months ago
Most articles are spam or dogshit.

If it's interesting, informative, original, and related to strip clubbing, I'll approve.

My favorite ones are those related to a city or something that cuts across strip clubs.
avatar for drewcareypnw
6 months ago
As long as it’s not a direct review of a club or a 3 line “discussion starter”, be sure to check spelling and grammar, add some paragraph breaks, and go for it! There is always someone with a bad attitude to tell you that you did it wrong, but fuck them.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 months ago
The difference is a matter of opinion, usually. I've written several articles with many getting at least one down vote [shrug].

Generally speaking, an article is on topic, provides information, and is self contained. Discussions are open-ended topics or questions. But it's not like TUSCL has its own "Strunk & White for PLs".

So, go for it.
avatar for rickmacrodong
6 months ago
An article is supposed to be objective, whilst a discussion is meant to be subjective.
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