Tipping etiquette

What did 50 Cent do when he got hungry? 58.
I don't agree with all of it, but he makes some good points. More importantly, I find his delivery funny as fuck.
I don't agree with all of it, but he makes some good points. More importantly, I find his delivery funny as fuck.
last commentI’ve heard that some sexy strippers feel this is disrespectful, but I believe that you get 7 years of good luck every time you throw a wadded up dollar bill at it hits a lesbian right on her butthole.
But remember, this only works with the lesbos wearing the lipstick, not the frickin’ flannel. ROAR!!!
No such thing as tipping etiquette women use mind games on weak lard titty men to get them to do what they want. They want money, you foolishly think they want a gentleman, so they manipulate the gentleman card you’re pussy ass is playing and say well gentleman or upscale men tip. Then you do tip and have thus been manipulated by a dumb whore. Any girl that asks me for a tip I tell her she didn’t earn it but can try again later. If she earned it I tip her before she asks.
Would anyone here care to summarize the main points here, for those of us not on Instagram?
Main points are: 1. talking with a ghetto-plus-southern accent to be funny, 2. saying you should tip waitresses but not dancers because one type of work is not the other type of work 3. not giving up money too much 4. being obscene for effect
I'm not on Instagram but I can see the video just fine with my laptop.
I've always had that mindset. I tip the bouncers and the waitstaff. They are your allies if an idiot stripper gets out of line. Plus they are a wealth of information on these ho's and they have saved me a lot of money.
Strippers get dances or nothing from me. I can give two shits about pole tricks or you shaking your ass in front of me. I never waste a stripper's time. If she comes over and I'm not attracted. I say " I don't want to waste your time, No thank you."
If I'm attracted we getting dances or extras.