
Atlanta Diamonds

Avatar for will42

Does anyone know where the cute young Latina girls from Diamonds day shift went. I had heard Vivid, TT and Allure but have seen none, there was a group of about 6-8 who used to hang near the door as you went in


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Avatar for shadowcat

Don't know where the dancers have gone but I so know that the lockers wound up at Vivide.

Avatar for will42

I'm looking for the lookers, not the lockers.

Hope you are well man, I was leaving V yesterday and saw your car, recognized the plate, Could not stay as I had business to take care of

Avatar for 5footguy

Saw one at the O, and several are now Vivide.
TBH I had trouble recognizing a few of them because for whatever reason they just didn't stand out much at Diamond because I had a select few faves and would pay them no mind. But at Vivide they kind of blend in and I've confirmed at least 5 or 6 who are now there.

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