Illegal Aliens raping and killing American women
Most recent one was 12 year old Jocelyn Nungaray slaughtered in Houston by two Venezuelan gang bangers. Lakin Riley, Rachel Morin. And the American taxpayer gets to pay for all of it. And if you have any problem with any of that deal whatsoever, you’re a racist. Can’t wait to see the gaslighting on this one.
Anybody else had enough of this fucking bullshit?
Anybody else had enough of this fucking bullshit?
Talk about lack of critical, thinking skills! The point is, these are three additional crimes (and there are many more) that should never have happened if Biden had done his job and not allowed them to just walk illegally into the country. Who said this has anything to do with race? Since when has being against allowing murderous, raping gangbangers, free entry into the country been racist?
Yeah, we have enough crime here already. No need to import more.
The big difference here is that Joe Biden and the democrat party invited them, welcomed them, and is giving them all of our tax money in exchange for nothing. The last Republican administration went to extraordinary lengths and was largely successful in minimizing illegal immigration.
I can not understand how liberals will support the party line just because Rachel Maddow tells them to.
Let's forget that like that trans shooter in Nashville, a leftist group cannot be held responsible for anything.
I wonder what it will be when one of the many illegals who jumped the Biden border from China, Venezuela, or the Islamic World will commit another serious terrorist attack. The left will blame it on systemic racism.
The contrary claim is that people whose immigration status in the USA is illegal are less likely to commit crimes, certainly not violent crimes, because they know they can be detected more easily and will not only serve punishment equivalent to any USA citizen's punishment, but also will be deported, thus losing any advantage of coming to the USA in the first place. They are LESS likely to commit crimes.
You pick which narrative you prefer. One of them is supported by facts and statistics, the other by people who gain benefit from telling false stories.
There's so much we just don't know about these newly arrived folks. Only rough estimates now that's over 12 million, ~the state of Pennsylvania, our 5th largest state. And coming from violent countries and countries that fucking hate America. We have to just believe our eyes sometimes. Don't worry when illegals flood your neighborhood we'll get you to see the light real quick, it ALWAYS works like that.
At that point at the very least they would be honest.
Agreed: the border is broken. In particular, the new migrant/illegal pattern is to abuse the asylum system, making claims for which that system is not set up. (BTW this is happening globally.) If only Congress could have come up with a bi-partisan agreement. Oh wait they did. Then Trump told his lap-puppies to nix THEIR OWN LEGISLATION and they sucked his cock instead of acting for the betterment of the country.
Cato Institute, conservative think tank, study generally says illegals commit less crime:
"In 2018, the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native‐born Americans. The illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native‐born Americans in Texas. The general pattern of native‐born Americans having the highest criminal conviction rates followed by illegal immigrants and then with legal immigrants having the lowest holds for all of other specific types of crimes such as violent crimes, property crimes, homicide, and sex crimes."…
And think about what your saying. Use common sense for a second. In the last few years the demographics of those immigrants are wildly different than just a few years ago. Mexican immigration is now been negative the last few years (a lot of people don't know that. And why many mexican americans are going blue to red) Right now you have people coming from wildly different cultures with wildly different genetics/racial groups. You gonna just group that all together? Yeah no.
You know there's a reason Trump ran as a Republican, right ?
Why is Biden only now taking executive action? He gloated about undoing Trump’s successful border policies. His VP dropped some insultingly dumb horseshit about "root causes" (yeah, like we're going to halt illegal immigration by fixing basket case countries, how did that work in Iraq and Afghanistan). It's only now that the election is 4 months away that he takes an action he could have at any time.
If you can't see the political motivations here, you are either lying, stupid, or both.
One of the fundamental characteristics of a nation is that it can choose its inhabitants. We need a merit based system, not some gauzy idealistic bullshit that would impoverish and immiserate actual citizens.
Well, I can agree with you that the border is broken and needs fixing (if the Republicans in Congress would stop sucking Trump's dick we might actually pass some bipartisan legislation on the subject!).
I can't agree that there's a large amount of crime committed by people who entered the country illegally, or on false premises. The numbers and facts say otherwise. The right-wing media hosts who need to blame someone, in order to whoop up fervor and maximize ratings, have chosen illegal immigrants as their scapegoats. Nazis had their Jews, Fox has their illegal immigrants. Neither vilified group was committing anything like the wrongs which the propagandists claimed they were committing.
But the border is a mess. One big problem is that we have resources to process VERY few asylum claims, but EVERY person who gets there is making that claim. We should all dislike the current abuse of the asylum process, since asylum and refugee status are systems designed not for economic migrants, but for escape from specific types of oppression, generally ethnic and political. To claim that you deserve "asylum" in the USA right when you get to the border means, just abstractly speaking, that you would get automatic entry into the USA on the presumption that you'd otherwise be killed or abused if you weren't admitted, because of your membership in a targeted group back home (wrong ethnicity, religion, political party, etc.). But currently, most of the people claiming "asylum" and seeking refugee status, by using that terminology and system they are instead escaping economic and social hardship which is not directly targeted at them individually or at their group. F.e. the claim that it just "sucks to be in Honduras" so I want "asylum in the USA to allow escape from Honduras generally" shouldn't be treated as a valid refugee / asylum claim. (As a bleeding heart, I'd probably want to let them in on OTHER grounds anyway, but that's a different issue.) You'd need to claim, more specifically, f.e., "I will be killed / tortured / denied a family etc. if I have to go back to China because I am a Uighur, thus I am a member of a group which that country oppresses."
If you need to vilify one group in a negative categorization, then your limited thinking is both (a) over-simplifying the issue, and (b) assuming the simplification is valid (it isn't, but assuming) targeting the wrong culprits anyway. For (a), it isn't ONE GROUP that's doing it all, and that group can't be identified as simply "they crossed the border illegally." For (b) even if it were one specific group, you got the wrong group. It's violent criminals who commit violent crimes.
To solve that, I'd suggest taking on native-born USA citizen White male Protestant Christians aged 15 to 35. Without them, we wouldn't have 99% of our mass shootings and we'd return to having safe streets on par with developed democracies in Europe and the rest of the Global North, rather than being a statistically extreme outlier on unnecessarily violent gun usage.
One group comprises 13% of the population and commits more than half the murders. You get called racist when you point that out, but FBI stats say as much.
I fall down laughing when anyone even suggests the power of right wing media. On the left you have MSNBC, the Huffington Post, CNN, Mother Jones, The NY Times, NBC, the Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NPR
On the right you have FOX, and ……..
1. It’s just numbers.
2. It’s FBI stats, not something made up to be printed on a T shirt.
The notion of "hate speech" should not exist.
The politicians are the real criminals every last one of them, they get paid well for doing nothing.
The argument has little to do with the number of media outlets on either side. It's about viewership susceptibility to buy into narratives that are focused on a small set of facts, repeated many times, without applying critical thinking to see the full picture.
“If it so in vogue to ‘Hate America’ then why are so many wanting to come here?” And I never get an answer.
Go on social media and read threads about America written by Brits and continental Europeans and even some Canadians how they despise the US. Only 30% of Mexicans view the US as favorable. But it doesn’t stop them from coming.
I wish 75 years ago Americans knew how British and French school kids would come to view the US. They should have let them fall to the Germans.
Right wing extremists hate America bro. Remember when they stormed the capitol and tried to overthrow our duly elected president?
And this thread is a great example of hating America. America is a melting pot. We're a nation built by immigrants for immigrants. Almost all of us have immigrant ancestors. Our most well known monument is literally a testament to immigration.
Xenophobes who hate immigrants, like you, the OP and others in this thread simply hate America in my view.
Personally, I love America, and I love immigrants and immigration. These two things are inseparable. And in my view, if you don't like immigration, you should leave and go live somewhere like North Korea instead.
them in the fields.
Also I speak for most when I say most of our ancestors came here LEGALLY, came to work, and did not enjoy anywhere near the level of social safety net that illegals today here enjoy, while the American taxpayer is getting hosed.
If we're as systemically racist as the left says, why don't we place a warning sign at the border saying "do not come here, you'll be lynched"? After all, that would be an act of kindness to deter them, right?
I suppose it's only "scaremongering" when the narrative is inconvenient.
Who the fuck is asking you to take immigrants into your home? Like seriously? All I want is for xenophobic hypocrites to STFU and let America be America. Stop telling me who I can or can't hire, who I can or can't associate with, who can or can't cross our borders.
We're in the land of the fucking free. Like I said, go to North Korea if totalitarian dictatorships are your thing.
> did not enjoy anywhere near the level of social safety net that illegals today here enjoy
Pop quiz hot shot. Name a federal welfare program that immigrants (legal or illegal) are eligible for. Go on... I'll wait.
What did you find? Nothing? That's right, because welfare for immigrants has been against the law sin the mid 90s.
Now, if you're concerned about welfare, surely, your focus should be on the massive pyramid scheme that is social security. Surely you're concerned about the completely unsustainable and unnecessary transfer of wealth in our country from young people to old people, right? No? Oh shit, my bad, you probably get those checks and spend them at the club, but it's immigrants who are leeches, am I right?
> most of our ancestors came here LEGALLY
The difference is arbitrary. When your ancestors came here, all they had to do was show up at Ellis Island. We've made immigrating here needlessly complex, to the point that for some LEGAL immigration is impossible.
I never said this word, you did @puddy_tat. I also object to being called a leftist because I certainly am not one. Leftists populist idiots don't like immigration either, see: Sanders, Bernie.
With that said, it's interesting that you found my comment objectionable, but not the one just below it that literally says immigration was better when it was all white people, and subsequently goes on to call for the execution of Hispanic immigrants.
Is that NOT racist? It's fucking fascist, of that I am quite certain.
But whatever, I called you xenophobes and the label is apt.
I'm quite certain that nothing I've said is going to reprogram those of you who have been brainwashed by Fox News, OAN, shitty social media feeds, and a dangerous cult leader. So this will be my parting shot:…
God Bless America, and God Bless our Immigrants.
How easy would it be to put together a book of stories of old white boomers who raped or murdered sex workers? I can think of countless examples off hand, without even needing to look it up. And I can see the editorialized headline now:
If that doesn't sound like a fair characterization to you (and I would agree it isn't) use some critical thinking before you post cringe like the OP again.
Bernie, back before his party went woke, called open borders a Koch Brothers proposal to lower wages. Basic supply and demand, it is. Chamber of Commerce Republicans love it for that reason. Last primary, Bernie was talking about offering free abortions to illegal immigrants, joining in the Dems' dumbass virtue signal contest to see who could deny absolute truth the most. Only he got beaten by Julian Castro who said he'd offer free abortions to illegal transwomen immigrants who don't even have uteruses!
I don't know where you got "execution of Hispanic immigrants", anyone with better reading comprehension than a chimp can see I was pointing out the left's hypocrisy on wanting to open the borders but thinking this is a horrible place of minority oppression. Which is it? If America is a horrible, oppressive place for minorities, it should be considered a mitzvah to warn them away. If we should welcome them in, then perhaps America isn't so systemically racist? It can't be both.
P.S. - If you don't want to be called a leftist, don't act like one.
P.P.S. - Oh, and one of my parents is a LEGAL Hispanic immigrant. Came the right way, worked hard, never asked for a dime. Eat a bowl of dicks :-)
I live in a blue state. I haven't encountered a single incident where an illegal immigrant has caused a problem. I wouldn't even know it's a problem if I didn't read the news. I met one on a rare visit to a low-end go-go bar in Paterson, she showed me video on her cell phone of her walking quickly through Mexico at night, she described it in Spanish as "running with coyotes". That was the only encounter I recall with someone I could confirm was in the country illegally.
I'd like to see a balanced assessment of the pros and cons of immigration, including illegal immigration. I've read the US dairy industry would be crippled without undocumented workers.
Biden has failed on immigration, I've said it before. But it's partly a failure on messaging. If Biden was on his A-game he could rip Trump a new asshole in the upcoming debate, slicing through all the right wing bullshit on immigration and other topics. Not expecting that to happen though.
There is no win on messaging here, not when the evidence is hitting them in the gills. You can say that this was overstated or even "fearmongering," but left or right if it bleeds it leads. You could say the same about school shootings or police killings of unarmed black men, extremely unlikely but gets a lot of ink in the media. Surveys have shown lefties overestimate the number of unarmed black men killed by cops by >100x.
I'd be all for a guest worker program that could fill the needs in an orderly fashion, vet them and make sure they weren't admitted terrorists (who have been caught at the border) or wanted criminals elsewhere, and have a means of being tracked...but that's not what we have right now.
I used to live in a county that was(and still is) a hot bed of illegal immigrants. There are plenty of jobs available that don’t require a lot of skill other than hard work.
What’s liberals like you don’t understand - it’s not that they commit crimes (despite the well documented cases that make national headlines) and it’s not that they take jobs from Americans - there are more jobs available than people - it’s the under publicized fact that they are willing to work for less. They work for employers who pay less than the competitive rate or don’t offer insurance and benefits. The trade off being they look the other way because they are hiring undocumented illegals.
This goes against the very core principles of libs like you. I’ve heard anecdotal cases of employers even paying less than minimum wage. But the illegals don’t care. A group of 6 of 7 guys live cheaply in a one bedroom apartment. This is the dirty literal secret liberals either don’t know or turn a blind eye.
You have an issue with reading comprehension. I never once indicated I was a xenophobe or even didn’t like immigrants. I simply said if the majority of the world claim they hate America, then why do they still want to come here.
Notice how the side that wants open borders, they always come in saying I’m gonna show everybody how awesome a person I am and how welcoming and not xenophobic. It’s never “Hey uhh how we gonna pay for this???” But adults in the real world who actually leave their house once in a while and have a job, just have to ponder that supposedly racist question about being able to afford shit.
Also not to mention the future terror attacks. There a lot of people that don’t like this country and wish to do us great harm, now a days those very folks can just waltz right in.
And there is the big question.... what is "this"?
Neither side has provided a comprehensive and balanced overview of the issue. So it's been up to the individual voter to do their own research. My general conclusions have been: Biden has done an overall poor job on the issue, Republicans have exaggerated and distorted the issue, and Biden has not effectively countered that. Messaging is absolutely a factor.
Perhaps if he didn't want his fingerprints all over it, he shouldn't have so proudly, visibly, ostentatiously reversed what his predecessor did. Perhaps he shouldn't have so blatantly lied to the American people about it. Perhaps he shouldn't have gaslit everyone about what he was doing to solve it. Now, for the cherry on top, he shouldn't have (from a "messaging" perspective) tacitly admitted he fucked up with this half hearted executive order 4.5 months before the election.
There's no "messaging" that could have spun this catastrophic failure, any more than any chef could make dog shit into Michelin starred cuisine.
Oh, and why does everyone think their failures are just a matter of "messaging"? It's not just gaslighting, it's gaslighting about gaslighting. Democrats are going full bore on that this cycle, telling us we can't see the price tags in front of our eyes, or we're just too misinformed to appreciate them.
Tell that to New York City Mayor Eric Adams. He says, "the migrant crisis will destroy New York City." He issued an executive order restricting bus arrivals of migrants. He says New York City is paying for a national problem; the southern border is in crisis and is a disaster.
Migrant = illegal immigrant.
He just needs to outline the provisions of the bipartisan Senate immigration bill, the bill Trump encouraged his supporters to kill, and put Trump on the spot: "Mr. Trump, will you encourage Congress to pass this bill so we can make real progress on immigration?" And keep repeating and hammering at it when Trump tries to deflect.
Then Americans will once again be reminded of the fact: Trump is a self-serving, self-promoting douchebag who will enable more American murders like the one Muddy posted on, for his own political gain.
A large part of it is the damage has already been done. I wouldn't be in favor of mass deportation-- for logistical reasons it would only be slightly easier than confiscating all guns in civilian hands-- but the idea wouldn't be as popular as it is without the border in its current state.
If you think it's all about the Democrats delivering some magic talking point, better start stocking the bathrooms with spray tan.
Second issue is Dems in thrall to their far left radical activists but that's a different matter.
Dems are only in this cycle for one reason--abortion. No one likes having their rights removed. If Roe wasn't overturned, Trump might be looking at 400 electoral votes.
I live in a blue state too you fucking cum stain and we have had four native born citizens die at the hand of illegal alien drunk drivers, but het that's been over the last year, the killers weren't white and collected welfare, while the victims were white taxpayers, so who fucking cares about them in a blue state.
@ wld4 - "This" is all the abnormal, immoral and illogical things happening at our border. On issues you fucking libs support (like changing our border from a leaky faucet into a fire hose) you LOVE to demand absolute and provable statistics about what bad has come from it, without applying the slightest bit of inference or common sense as to what could be (and likely is) happening.
On the reverse side, for issues you’re against, you speculate, embellish and outright lie about what the potential terrifying effects of something might be, without a shred of actual evidence. AR15s must be banned, even though the last time you did that there was no measurable effect on gun crime. Climate change is going to kill us all in 12 years… or is that down to 7 or 8 by now? I could go on all day, but you see what I’m saying.
So to your arguments that “prove” illegals commit crime at the same or a lesser rate than ordinary Americans, or that these border jumpers as a whole somehow contribute more than the resources they consume, I say “this”:
Since the genius Joe Biden took office there have been over 1.7 MILLION border crossers we refer to as “gotaways”. Can I provide reliable statistics on what these runners are up to? No, I can’t. Why not? Because they “got away”. Duh! Nobody knows who or where they are. Now think about that for a moment, because I’m going to speculate a bit on what they “could” be doing, and I guaran-fuckin-tee you my assessment will be a lot more realistic than guessing how many lives will be saved by micro-stamping bullet casings.
Every person on a journey to illegally cross the US Border knows that if you throw your hands up and surrender to the authorities, you’ll be treated fairly, given food, water, and medical attention, a place to sleep, and be released with a “notice to appear” in a few years. So why would any sane individual want to take off running through life threatening terrain and temperatures, just to enter the US without being processed?
Unless you’re completely blinded by your idiotic liberal ideology, you must agree these are not the “good ones”. These are the gang members, rapists, murderers, and all-around scum, many of whom have already been deported multiple times but keep coming back. You want statistics? Again, impossible to know. But I would venture a strong educated guess that 99% of these have ill intentions. And we should HOPE that they are only rapists or murderers, and not part of an organized terrorist movement.
It only took 19 guys to pull off the events of September 11. Now we have 1.7 MILLION gotaways that disappeared into our country. Among those, do you think there are fewer, or more, than 19 America-hating jihadists?
But, illegals flood the country and commit heinous crimes..... still not grounds for ousting Biden.
BTW legal immigration went down while he was president
I don’t give a shit about who’s responsible for this mess, all I want is for the folks who’ve been elected to these various positions do their fucking jobs and fix this mess.…
PuddyTat thinks it's too late for messaging, but that's only for folks who have already drunk the Trump kool-aid. The undecided voters in swing states are going to determine the election, and they are going to be reminded that Biden is the guy looking for a bipartisan solution, while Trump and Republicans are just playing political football.
Again, you're acting like your magic talking point will turn the tide. They've heard it, and it hasn't.
Why do you think Americans can't see what's in front of our faces?
So, I understand the Right's derision of the "elites" (with all that they mean by that term). I can't defend the Biden Harris ticket (or Hillary Clinton; or ... a lot of others) on that score. I'm probably still voting for them, largely because as an educated citizen I value having expertise in leadership rather than bluster and personability. I'd rather have a snot-nosed snob who knows what he's doing as long as what he's doing is policies in favor of working-class and at the expense of multi-millionaires. So I still stand by "eat the rich" but I'm duly chastened by the consistent repetition, by Right winger one after another, of just how annoying and out-of-touch and patronizing and downright corrupt the "elite" leadership is. If you could come up with someone OTHER than Romney / Trump / McCain / Bush1 / 2, all of whom inherited gaboodles of wealth and were (most of them) born into political insider-ship, I'd completely believe you on the "elites" issue. But Trump inherited a Manhattan real estate empire, so, you can't completely whine that he represents something counter to insider-elite leadership. He's on good record referring to working class people as "chumps" and military enlistees as "suckers." Sounds pretty snot-nosed and "elite" to me.
Democrats could learn from this discussion, just by listening harder. "Elites" don't do much of that. They think they "know better" from the outset. I'm really impressed with Bloomberg, who says in all his interviews that political leadership is about building coalitions, finding the people who are with you and bringing along the other people who might not start out with you. Biden doesn't really try to do that, he thinks he knows what's best. With something like Fauci's leadership of the Covid response, where it's simply plain science, he's got a good claim for being right. But with almost everything else, he needs to learn some humility. Stop telling people that this particular goal is something they should want. Even if they do want that goal, they still will hate being told what they should do.
As far as Bloomberg, he is the personification of the "only we know what's best for you" mentality. That's why he flamed out so fast despite spending so much. His whole campaign was "look how brilliant I am," a less polished version of Hillary's "I'm with her."
I think you're missing the point on Trump though. He is a proud class traitor. Real estate empire or not, unlike the Democrats he actually acknowledges that the common man got the shaft from globalization, and that it's OK to shoot guns and go to church every week. It helps that the Dems and pop culture treat Pride Month like Ramadan, Easter, and Yom Kippur put together, and openly insult the white working class. If Biden ran to the center and told BLM and radical LGBTQs and feminists to kick rocks, Trump might look like the upper class bully. But they aren't.
For most Americans this is an issue playing out in the news, not in front of their faces. Your statement is bs. Trump and Republicans are playing political football and attempting a con (just like you) to exaggerate and distort the issue. You will see this countered and exposed in the Dem spending leading up to November.
Homicide convictions of illegals in 2023: 29
Homicides involving guns in 2023: 14700
Pretty stark contrast, huh ? And yet Trump is out there holding rallies calling it "Biden's Border Bloodbath" and lying about talking to the victim's family.…
One poll, whatever. Look at all of them, where Trump has maintained the aggregate lead. And the betting odds where Trump’s lead increases by the day.