
Muddy for President

Avatar for Dan3635
Dan3635Gulf Coast. I’m not your boss.

Thanks @founder for all the site updates! I was playing with the function where you can click on all the reviews from a specific user. Cool feature!

I just clicked through dozens of pages of reviews by our man Muddy. By my count, he has reviewed clubs in 42 out of the 50 states. Hope I didn’t miss any. I nominate Muddy for president of the USA based on his up close experience with our people.

Here are eight states where I didn’t see a review by Muddy:
Mississippi (might have to check again)
North Dakota

Apologies in advance if I missed a review.

Not to mention all the Canadian clubs.

Bravo sir! You have my vote come November.


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And South Dakota

Avatar for Nobodygtyu

I really need a Muddy autobiography. I assumed he was some middle aged divorced dude who had some free time and money, but was still cheap enough that he slept in his car in order to save on hotels. But in an old article or review of his he mentioned being in his 30's. I need more details Muddy, who are you?

Avatar for Muddy

@dan Yeah man I don't see a run for president, I can only imagine what would come out of the woodwork on that one. I left way too much evidence.

And I keep doing it because it's still a blast. One one hand every once in a while I meet a girl who's pussy takes MY MOTHERFUCKING ASS TO NEVER NEVER LAND. That keeps me motivated, you kind always want to top the last awesome time. And on the other side when the sc sorta sucks and most kinda do I just take a mental note to cross that one off for good.

As far as states

I've done Washington state. Seattle and Spokane.

Vermont has no strip clubs.

Nevada, yeah I want to try to do Vegas and Reno one of these days.

The Dakotas, yeah I haven't yet but there's not a whole lot going on over there to get me there in the first place. There's no major city. I wanted to hit the badlands last year but ran out of time. (there's 1 strip club in Rapid City which is right there)

Mississippi, no raviews although technically I've visited Babe's in Jackson but I walked out when they tried to charge me cover with an empty parking lot. Not a lot of strip clubs in Mississippi though. What like 2 maybe.

No plans to do Alaska or Hawaii. I've actually never even been. It'd be cool but it's all about the ticket price, it's gonna over 1k, and for that money shit I'll just go to Europe or Australia and maybe Argentina/Chile too. I'd do those first. But I've been sticking to the contiguous U.S cause it's so cheap for my travel and there's still tons of new shit to do. And truth is my favorite girls are American girls. Those Texas cowgirls. I'm good with all of that, sign me up. No need to leave.

@nobody Just one severely addicted PL who is above all cheap as fuck.

Avatar for Dan3635

Awesome, simply awesome.

So, we can give you credit for visiting all the Vermont clubs (all zero of them).

So, 45 states visited and documented. Missing: Nevada, N and S Dakota, AK, and HI. Wow.

Once the zombie apocalypse starts, this record will never be broken.

Avatar for ATACdawg

Muddy, if you do Nevada, definitely do Desert Rose in Elko. It's a legal brothel where the ladies can do dances on request. Main attraction here is Natalie who used to work at Old Glory Daze in Akron OH and has posted here. I don't think she would disappoint you!

Avatar for stripperlover777

How About "State Line Show Girls" On The Boarder Of ID & WA, Being On The Boarder Between 2 States Really Sounds Cool!
Like 🌲 Idaho & Washington 🌲

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