Stripper Business Cards
I finished up getting private dances with a spinner and went back to my table. She followed me out of the dance area about thirty seconds later and put a glossy color card in front of me on my table. I didn’t really look at it and just assumed it was a free admission pass. In the past, it was common for dancers to give spenders free entrance passes so they would return and seek that particular dancer out for more sessions. It wasn’t until about three stage rotations later that I actually looked at the 3.5” by 2” card.
One side had a portrait of the spinner in a thong bikini and a QR code for her OnlyFools account. The opposite side had a scene of her doing a pole trick and two QR codes: one for Cashapp and one for Venmo. I had never seen dancers handing out business cards trying to hustle for “outside the club” tips. I am a dinosaur who doesn’t have an account with any of these services or apps, so I just threw the business card in the trash.
From one small business owner to another, I can respect this dancer’s hustle; it took time and money to design and have these business cards printed up. But if other strip club patrons are like me, it has no place in my Rolodex. Has anyone seen something like this before?
last commentYes. Not quite as elaborate but there was a dancer at the long closed Columbia Platinum Plus day shift that was so popular that you damn near needed to take a number to do a VIP with her. Wish I could remember her name. But she also handed out cards with her phone number on it.
I’ve been handed business cards from dancers before smartphones were the norm. Usually just had their stage name and their phone number.
Not all these dancers were OTC friendly, several just wanted to sucker you back into the club.
More up to date answer - I haven’t been handed a card in years.
Never seen this but yes, respect the hustle.
I could see the club frowning on it however since it seems like an invite to spend $ OTC
I’ve experienced this but the dancers slipped me the biz card discretely. I’d imagine the club wasn’t thrilled that the dancers were trying to promote outside activities.
I used to see it every so often maybe 20 or so years ago, but it started to go away with the widespread adoption of cell phones. Over the last decade I have seen it only twice that I can remember.
As others experienced, it was a mixed bag in terms of motivations. Some were clearly offering outside ass while others just used it to market their ITC activities or online services.
Yeah I haven't seen that yet. But I dig it. I would also like to see dancer maybe give out coupons. I always like feeling like I got myself a deal.
☀️☀️☀️ For OTC, Yes, Would B Good
I had a dancer a few years ago that gave me a business card with her stage name, phone number, snapchat, OnlyFans and her personal escort website on it. It turned out to be a good thing that she did since the next time I was at the club I asked the bartender if she was working and I was told she had been fired. Luckily I still had the card so I texted her and she was a lot of fun OTC.
If dancer business cards start becoming a thing, I'm going to have to get my own cards just so I don't look unprepared for the moment. If I hand a dancer my card that says something like "John Smith - PL", and she busts out laughing, she and I are probably going to get along GREAT!
I had a latina dancer once give me her business card which stated that she offered cleaning services. It basicially had her name and phone number. I thought that was clever. She told me that she did OTC, but I never used the card or the number.
Yep. I’ve seen this with older dancers a few times. The young ones just seem to use ig for this.
You can guess how long ago this was - dancer had a shirt with her MySpace on it.
no phone #? Did she offer OTC discussion, or just dropped the card?
That is a good idea for her.
@ClubFan81077 Why not use the idea and innovate? If it vibes with your personality, may be it enhances your chances. Don't let others dictate the trend. make it work for you, if that is the case fo ryou.
@stainglass My comment was tongue-in-cheek. When I meet the right dancer, it's extremely easy for me and her to vibe with each business cards needed... :)
I've seen this before, but only from white girls in Florida. Conversely, white girls in LA/SoCal are asking me for my instagram. Also, I too, respect the hustle.
Back in 2019, dancer at Spearmint Rhino COI from whom I'd just gotten CBJ handed me business card with her stripper name and cell phone # on it. She asked me to use # for setting club appointments and not for texting and being clingy.
I had no intention of using the # (though I would partake with her again). For laughs, next day on my departing flight I put it in the airplane seat pocket wondering if some subsequent passenger might find it and phone her.
^Correction: Phone # was to be used for club and OTC appointments