The Boy Scouts Are No More

You may have seen today’s news reports that the Boy Scouts of America are being rebranded to “Scouting America”. Apparently to further embrace diversity and inclusivity. As a former Boy Scout I have no problem with this. Girls can swim, hike and weave baskets just as well as boys of that age.
But help me understand this. Make no mistake, part of the rebranding is to help improve the tarnished image of the Boy Scouts after numerous lawsuits of homosexual pedophilia committed by male Scout leaders. Those lawsuits have bankrupted the BSA to the tune of $2.4 billion.
Despite the common misconception that homosexuals commit more acts of pedophilia than heterosexuals, most academic studies have shown that sexual assaults of children mirror the demographics of the general population. In other words, by a margin of at least 10:1, acts of pedophilia committed by heterosexual men on girls out number the acts of homosexual men on young boys.
So - isn’t allowing more girls into scouting only going to exasperate the problem?
last comment“exacerbate” Damn autocorrect. (Edit feature?)
So, if the organization formerly known as the Boy Scouts is open to all genders, then mothers and fathers can expect their daughters to be away on camping trips sleeping in tents with men who call themselves women. You will not be allowed to keep the non-binary furry scoutmaster away from your son. A girl who identifies as a tomboy will be put into a tent with horny young males.
What problem don't they think this will fix?
@gammanu, surprised we haven't heard about it already. I think the rebrand was an attempt to revitalize an organization that's been on the decline for some time. It will go about as well as you think.
They’ve admitted girls since 2017. They’ve had a huge drop off in membership and are financially in trouble. They’ve had an abuse problem for years and hundreds (thousands?) of victims. And the name change is what got your attention?
They needed to do something with Trump/Epstein types infiltrating the organization
Catholics need to learn a lesson from the Scouts and rebrand as "Churching America."
When I was a Scout I'd like to see an adult lay a hand on a kid. We'd kick his ass, expose him as a fucking queer, and it would be HIS kid who has a horrible life because his dad was outed as a freak.
Now these predators are protected, with freedom from being called faggot, freak, homo, or other such appropriate titles. Fudge packers. Butt Pirates.
Thanks lefties.
Honestly just blame video games and gen alpha being too fat and call it.
My have times change from when I was a young boy scout. I couldn't imagine my mother allowing me to share a tent with a man in a dress. ( No judgement being passed on those who dress in that manner)