Who will be Trump's VP pick

Even if you don't like Trump what are predictions to where he will go.

We just saw Kristi Noem basically commit political suicide. That's one of the dumbest things ever, nobody is gonna be down with or vote for somebody that admits to killing a young dog. So she's out.

Tulsi Gabbard. I think it's gonna be Tulsi Gabbard. She super hot. I think you want to run to the center if your Trump. Try to get ok with all those suburban women. Checks the women of color box for those that care about that stuff. And I know they do it on the news where you want to put the older guy with the younger girl to make the older guy look better. I like her foreign policy stuff.

If you want to get gansta, you take Byron Donalds or Vivek. Those guys will go on left leaning networks and defend Trump at every turn. Street brawlers.

Tim Scott and Sarah Huckabee Sanders are in there but idk if you want to veer right on abortion.

I'm on record as stating that Governor Gregg Abbott is the greatest American of our time (perhaps all time) and I'm 150% correct on that. But he needs to be down in Texas defending this country on our southern border and of course embarrassing hypocritical liberal phonies again and again and again, wholesale.

Ron Desantis, he wouldn't be No.2 to anyone he's gearing up for 2028.

Elise Stefanik, you can't do 2 people from NY.

JD Vance. I just don't see two white guys at this point. It's just what it is in the times we are in.

Maybe Ben Carson.

Those are only the people I've heard. I guess it could be anybody though.


  • jackslash
    6 months ago
    Kristi Noem would be perfect for Trump since she's a puppy killer. But he'll probably pick someone who strangles kittens.
  • MrFuturi
    6 months ago
    Why check a POC or WOC box? Seems like you are catering to racists if skin color matters?
  • WiseToo
    6 months ago
    "That's one of the dumbest things ever, nobody is gonna be down with or vote for somebody that admits to killing a young dog. So she's out."

    Yep, I agree. Remember when Mitt Romney seemed to be a strong front-runner for the GOP nomination, but the story of his putting his dog, Seamus, in a carrier on his car roof for a 12-hour family trip made him appear heartless and cruel. And killing a young dog is worse. She's done.

  • Hank Moody
    6 months ago
    “I think you want to run to the center if your Trump”

    You’re thinking rationally. His Magasty has never thought rationally not taken advice from anyone. Only one time can I think of him moving to center since 2015 and that’s with him saying a 6 week abortion ban in FL or the AZ territory law were too severe. He doesn’t think like you do.

    Stefanik being from NY doesn’t matter. He’s a FL resident so they would still be eligible for the NY electoral votes, not that they have much of a chance of winning there.

    The smart choice for him would be DeSantis. It’s also the smart choice for DeSantis to give him the inside track in 2028.
  • Hank Moody
    6 months ago
    “NOR taken advice from anyone”
  • skibum609
    6 months ago
    The pick is Tim Scott. Conservative, hard-working, bland. Perfect V.P. and his Republican credentials are impeccable. Also, people are afraid if elderly Biden passes away because kamala is a fucking moron. Trump has the same chance of passing away and Tim is not a moron. Then voters can wish that Trump wins and hope for the best.
  • 5footguy
    6 months ago
    It's time in the cycle for an economic downturn, some heavier societal chaos, war, and all of that. I think Trump should just drop out of the race and let the inevitable deterioration of America continue as Biden becomes even more of a vegetable. They'll have to wheel him out and use generative AI to make his mouth appear that it's moving, but whatever.

    No matter who wins, the economy over the next 4 years is going to be awful. Inflation is going to head back up, probably higher than 10%, in the next 18 months, and the president will get blamed, even though he has nothing to do with it. If Trump wins, his legacy will be a shattered economy that's not his fault. The winner WILL be the fall guy, and the party that wins in 2024 will NOT be the party that wins in 2028 and for several more elections. Mark my words.
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    I think Tulsi Gabbard is the way to go. Former dem. Military. Female. WOC. Politically, she'd make a stronger ticket with RFK, but she plugs a lot of holes in the Trump ticket .
  • Local Hick
    6 months ago
    It doesn't matter. He'll be in Prison come election time.
  • Manuellabore
    6 months ago
    DeSantis is out because he and Trump are both FL residents and Trump can't kiss those Florida electors goodbye as he would have to under the 12th Amendment. Tulsi is a whackjob but she does check quite a few boxes for Trump. She craves attention and would therefore likely accept the gig. It makes so much sense that he will likely pick somebody else. Tim Scott has done enough public ass-kissing that Trump is likely to hand him the position, even though Scott doesn't help him any more than Pence did
  • EastCoaster
    6 months ago
    I don't know who Trump will pick, but whoever he chooses should jump at the chance to run as VP, as it's a no-lose situation:

    - If Trump wins, it will be his second (and last) term, and the VP will be the presumptive Republican nominee in 2028.

    - If Trump loses, no one will blame the loss on the VP candidate, who then has a good shot at getting the Republican nomination in 2028. (Unless Trump is still alive and decides to run again, but I think that's unlikely.)

    - If Trump wins the 2024 election and dies while in office, the VP automatically becomes POTUS.

  • Puddy Tat
    6 months ago
    I don't know the electoral vote rules but I'd love DeSantis.

    His pick of Pence was cagey, the known playboy and cad to assuage the evangelical base. I think he'll go with Tim Scott, the temperamental foil and another way to remind Democrats that blacks, especially black men, are not their property, or Glenn Youngkin, a competent governor who could put Virginia in play.
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    My bet is he'll pick a woman, I'd say it's 50/50 he picks a black woman
  • mogul1985
    6 months ago
    Elise Stefanik would be interesting. And since Trump's residency is Florida, no issues with her however DeSantis is in Florida with a lot of Electoral votes that are pretty much a given. Byron and Tim would be good too. Whoever he picks, it'll be HIS PICK, and not an arranged "marriage" like Tool Harris.

    I have plenty of popcorn and beer if anyone want to hang here on November 5th and watch the fireworks. Like Flounder said, "Oh boy, this is GREAT!"
  • ilbbaicnl
    6 months ago
    I'm not ready to condemn Noem for killing the dog. It's common that local animal shelters are full up. Even if they're not, unless the shelter tries to pawn off the dog on somebody without warning of its aggressiveness, it probably would sit in a cage for days or weeks, then get euthanized.
  • ilbbaicnl
    6 months ago
    I assume Trump is going to pick somebody who would have gone along with the scheme to throw the election into the House in 2020. Maybe Don Jr.?
  • Book Guy
    6 months ago
    Could someone explain to me the assertion regarding the 12th Amendment and the connected idea that DeSantis' and Trump's mutual Florida residency would be a disadvantage? I don't give a hoot whomever Trump picks, I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this technicality about elector vote distribution.
  • mogul1985
    6 months ago
    @ilbbaicnl: You made a lot of sense about Noem. It like Dems got their panties in a bunch yet support every abortion they can, and the radicals partial birth. Then messed up on Trump Election Overthrow Scheme. When Trump said "Find", he didn't mean "create" or "print".

    Greg Gutfeld did a great job explaining "Find" yesterday, and how the MSM twisted it to meet Their propaganda (starts at at 9:00 and lasts about 2-3 mins): https://rumble.com/v4skes9-the-five-4302…
  • misterorange
    6 months ago
    "That's one of the dumbest things ever, nobody is gonna be down with or vote for somebody that admits to killing a young dog. So she's out."

    Well, ya say that, but... Obama wrote about EATING dog!
  • mogul1985
    6 months ago
    The 12thA states: President and VP need to be from different states. Most recently this came up with Bush/Cheney being from Texas as Cheney moved from WY to TX to run Halliburton. He then moved his residency back to WY to run as VP w/Bush. originally, the each state got two Electoral Votes as each had 2 Senators.

    Somewhere, Electors were created so each state got 2 for their Senators (as in the 12thA) and then at some point 1 for each House member so states like Alaska, Delaware, North Dakota get 3. And this is why CA, NY, OH, some others had a reduction in Electors as the 2020 Census reduced the number of House Members they have, and the only reason states with lots of illegals want then counted in the 10-year Census.. In the 2010 Census NY lost 1 as did OH and something other. This is all available from the Census website.

    In 1960, an Amendment (22 or 23) was passed to let DC have no more Electors (3) than the smallest states (North Dakota, Alaska, ect).

    Book Guy: Did I answer what you were looking for?
  • Manuellabore
    6 months ago
    Here's the relevant sentence from the 12th Amendment: "The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves". So, technically, the President and VP could be from the same state, but the electors from their home state could not vote for them.
    From a practical standpoint, Trump's VP pick is unlikely to move the dial. People who like the idea of Trump becoming President again are going to vote for him no matter what, and people who don't aren't going to vote for him regardless of who he picks. The irrelevance of VP selection to electoral outcome isn't unique to this election.
    OTOH, one VP pick that might make sense (for Trump) would be Herschel Walker. Overall, it wouldn't get him much traction with Black voters, but it could give him just enough to seal the deal in GA. The prospect of a President Walker if something happens to Trump during his term would be disastrous, but that is unlikely to be a consideration
  • Puddy Tat
    6 months ago
    On Noem, remember how the media tore into Romney for putting the dog in a carrier on the roof for a road trip. Actually killing one? That's beyond the pale for a lot of voters. Seriously enough don't have an issue with abortion but kill a dog and that's beyond the pale.

    VPs don't carry the weight that they used to but his choice of Pence to bring evangelicals into the fold was smart.
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    Saw Nancy Mace interviewed on the news this morning. I want a Kristi Noem/ Nancy Mace candidacy. The MILF ticket would definitely get my vote. (And it's gotta be better than what we have now. )
  • ilbbaicnl
    6 months ago
    @mongul bear in mind that, in the first 6 months, the best scientific evidence is that a human fetus is brain dead. That is, if it were being sustained by a heart-lung machine instead of a uterus, the life support could legally be switched off.

    I was referring to Trump's pressure on Pence to not recognize some of the electoral votes for Biden, in hopes of throwing the election into the House.

    What happened in Georgia was more complicated than just that one phone call. I'm waiting for both sides to present their case is court before reaching any conclusions.
  • Hank Moody
    6 months ago
    You just answered your own question on GA but you’re choosing to ignore it. If it was just GA and you could find some alternate definition of ‘find’’ but there’s not. He went to every swing state and without evidence conspired with alternate electors and created an evidentiary record of documents. Keep your head in the sand.
  • Hank Moody
    6 months ago
    He also went on tv before the votes were all counted and told the nation he claimed victory. Yeah, his intentions were pure.
  • Mrsuntan
    6 months ago
    Not sure who it will be, other than someone who's completely, 100 percent loyal to Trump and incapable of independent thought. Heck, don't be surprised if he picks Don Jr.
  • mogul1985
    6 months ago

    There is way more exposure the past 10 years that use to be done in the dark. Voting machines use to be mechanical, paper ballots use to be done in-person and SAVED. Since 2000 "The Year Of The Hanging Chad" it really changed. And now we have way too much software handling ballots and counting, and way more opportunity for fraud or maybe better put, questionable activity that all sides can bitch about.

    When I took my Regents, SAT and ACT tests, it was with a #3 pencil and the sheets were read with a mechanical counter. No questions, and it worked.

    Ballot counting needs to be done in sunlight by all parties being able to reasonably watch - I don't mean like hundreds. After an election, computers, the disks, and routers need to be preserved and available for forensic examination in close, or really questionable, elections. None of these devices should be allowed on the Internet - air gap. Too many times digital devices are destroyed for no reasonable reason. Why? This is why paper and simple tabulators are "safer". Mail-in ballots need to be requested and returned to the County Clerk by 7PM local time cutoff. Voting should not be more than 7 days for the election. And gov't issued ID needs to be required, with proof of citizenship. Voter records needs to be reviewed annually and updated. Residency for at least 90 days. I know, I know, states each have their own rules.

    A few states, like Texas, won't allow Dominion computers, and it makes you wonder why. Florida had their ballots counted the night of the election, and some states like CA took weeks when 10 years ago we had results pretty efficiently.

    I remember going to the elementary school (NY) with my parents who used a big black mechanical machine with switches, and we had results on the 11PM news. Even in the 1950s results were available the next day. The more we get electronics involved, the less people trust.

    In CO, where I live, Ranked Based Voting is being proposed. That's a shit pile of Democracy in Sheep's Clothing.

    The GA trial with DA Willis has become a real contested fumble fuck with her unqualified mattress mambo partner, questionable accountability with cash trips and documented trips to the WH for a local trial.

    It's very hard to know what the truth is anymore. I just have to go with what smells somewhat right, and not something even flies would ignore.

    Years ago, Al Franken's first election was quite questionable regarding the handling of the chain of command with "misplaced" ballots that were found days later that gave the election to Al - wait wait wait, here's more! They should have been tossed.

    Gov't can apply enough pressure on people who don't have the financial resources to defend themselves and they just give up.

    The Pence thing was a self-inflicted moronic move and Pence did the right thing. One problem with Trump is he has been an uber micro-manager CEO for decades and that heavily crossed over into his presidency. And Biden has been a Democrat Tool for decades, and tells people what he thinks they want to hear truth or The Twilight Zone, pause.

    What I know from what we saw on campuses the past 10 days with the Pro-Hamas riots, people from these schools in 10, 20, 30 years will be running things, and that is a real Twight Zone even Rod Serling couldn't dream up.
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    The liberal antics of 2016-2020 changed America's political dynamic, and we will be dealing with repercussions for years to come. The VP and his family being boo'ed and lectured at a Broadway play, the Press Secretary and her family being asked to leave a restaurant, the senior Senator from West Virginia being harassed by activists in his car, and more. Someone asked why Sarah Sanders wasn't in the running for VP? She probably turned it down. Not only is DC a shithole in general, but people have forgotten how to disagree without being disagreeable (25). In AR, she has the highest office in the state, and is treated with kindness, dignity, and respect (not 25).

    We can expect to see many of our best and brightest passing on public service. Who wants to deal with all that partisan bullshit? Who wants to be physically assaulted, endlessly harassed, and not allowed the covenant of quiet enjoyment over a difference of opinion? This extends to SCOTUS justices, too. The highest offices almost seem to require a level of narcissism, and even low grade psychopathic tendencies. However, if the more tempered and rational people avoid the toxic life of public service, then there will be noone to bulwark and push back against the others' worst tendencies.
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    ^ can’t even post without attacking me.
    HaHaHa What a loser
  • skibum609
    6 months ago
    I read Mogul's post and had to admit that his prediction of the future is why I tell people that if I had to change my age by 20 years, higher or lower only, I would choose to be 86 and not 46. I grew up at a time when it was great to be young, male, educated and conservative. Now those are 4 bad things. The world the woke envision is an Orwellian nightmare and while it suits weak, pathetic, lazy, stupid people, virtue signaling people, I will be happier dead and gone.
  • ilbbaicnl
    6 months ago
    @mogul Trump was Pres for 4 years. His party controlled Congress for 2 of those 4 years. As far as I know he proposed or supported NO Federal legislation for more secure elections, under the powers of the Equal Protection Clause. Trump consistently claims vote counting fraud in favor of his opponent. When Democrats claim that more burdensome voting rules are voter suppression, that's not the same. It's a genuine policy disagreement, not a claim with no evidence to back it up.

    If Trump wins, the margin will come from a simple-minded assumption he can roll back time to 2018. But he's not campaigning on that. He's campaigning on a catastrophic deportation of millions of employees, with no plans as to how they will be replaced. How is that NOT going to cause an economic crisis.

    The self-serving tendencies of the deep state are certainly a real problem. But remember that Bush Jr. invaded Iraq against the objections of the deep state. Acting against the deep state does not automatically lead to a good situation.
  • Puddy Tat
    6 months ago
    ^ I'm a republican but rounding up and deporting illegals is only slightly less feasible than confiscating guns.

    Republicans are only for voter suppression of illegals, double voters, and the dead. Even in the supposedly repressive state of Georgia, voting increased after the "suppressive" measures. Minorities can get an ID just like anyone else.
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