Talk about disappointing

I recently took the newly completed skyway connector between Route 42 North and I-295 South (a few miles South of the Benjamin Franklin bridge, Camden to Philadelphia). I glance to my right and down below there's a building with a hot pink awning. The signage says "Jersey Girls".
I excitedly think that it's a strip club. Is it new? Have I somehow missed it all these years?
I get home, Google it, and find it's a small chain of fitness clubs. Female only. All the exercise equipment is hot pink also.
What a letdown. I did confirm via Google and here that, historically, there's been 2-3 clubs in New Jersey with the name "Jersey Girls".
In your travels ever have a similar situation? Discover what you think is a strip club, turns out to be a mirage?
last commentI drove by a place called Curves. I thought it might be a strip club. Turns out it was a female gym and fitness chain geared more toward older women.
@Lockjaw, I think we had a Curves fitness around me.
Strip Club Girls & Fitness Girls Both Luveee ✔️ 📱 📱 📱
Yeah now adays if it's not on google I'm not even wondering about it.
Female only gym? How long before a dude in a mini skirt demands to enter?
Threw you a Curve, eh!😉
LOL. Haven't transited the flyover yet but have been down that stretch of 295, or the nearby surface roads, plenty of times. Every time I see that building with the pink awning and "GIRLS" emblazoned on the front I get an endorphin rush thinking I've spotted a SC that has somehow escaped the TUSCL dragnet. Then I Google it and remember its just a gym. Lather rinse repeat. Like Groundhog Day. SJ needs more SCs
I experienced just the opposite. Years ago, I was driving with my girlfriend along Route 20 near Palmer, Ma. She saw a yellow sign, "Magic Lantern" and thought it was some type of Asian restaurant. At the time, I didn't know what it was so we stopped. Surprise, surprise!