Parking Lot Interceptions
I was visiting a strip club a couple weeks ago and had a weird encounter. As I parked and was walking from my vehicle to the entrance, a black guy pulls up to me in an SUV blocking my path to the building.
He says, "Hey, man. Are you going to see the girls tonight?"
I replied in the affirmative. Then he says, "You need some of dat snort?"
I told him I am not interested in cocaine. The situation got tense as he wasn't going away or taking 'no' for an answer. Eventually another PL drove into the parking lot, and the pusher went to harass him. This wasn't the first time I was offered drugs in a parking lot or inside a strip club.
This kind of got me thinking about all of the weird situations I have had over the years on the short walk from my vehicle to the strip club entrance.
In the old days, sometimes streetwalkers would post up and try to intercept guys heading into the strip clubs. They knew the guys were horny and had cash. Similarly, I have seen homeless people posted up near strip club entrances. They know guys going inside have cash to blow, so maybe pity can peel off a few bucks.
I had another weird situation back in Sioux City years ago. I was putting on a buttoned shirt in the parking lot of Mavericks. A car pulls into the spot next to me with two young black women. Presumably, they were strippers coming in for the night shift. They saw my out of state plates and asked if I wanted to go back to my hotel and have sex. I declined, but it was tempting because they did look good. I saw them dancing later that night in the club. They probably figured sex with a handsome dinosaur was going to net them more money that evening and be more fun than working at a slow club where there were all kinds of house fees and tip outs just to work.
Has anyone had any interesting encounters going from your vehicle to the strip club entrance?
last commentWow... i can say i have not ha anything like that, and i am glad that my sc ventures have apparently been in areas that such encounters are not common.
Man I didn’t know you’re a dinosaur? That’s old.
@sinclair - I've had the obligatory encounter with poor guys offering to "watch my car" for $5. It was outside a Hispanic club, and though I speak decent Spanish, I had a better conversation with him than any of the girls inside, so I gave him $20.
Never been propositioned by girls or pushers though. A threesome with two hot black chicks in Sioux City, though? Yes please! (I'm a raging chocoholic)
Here in South Florida it’s not common but it happens, the few times it’s happened to me I’ve just kept moving and put my hand on my CW as a precaution, not to display but to be able to grab it quickly.
It more commonly happens in mall and shopping center parking lots than strip clubs, around here most of the clubs with parking have a person posted in their parking area.
The only times I've experienced approaches have been when waiting too long in my car before leaving. Like when checking phone messages before heading out. Once at Cheetah Hallandale, a SW approached and tapped on my window. A 3 at best, there was no temptation after the VIP action I already had inside. Also, a couple female homeless types at Cowboy's in Lex. It's a sketchy area, with frequent passers thru. Not even worth rolling down the window. Just give'm the hand and get moving.
I’ve been hit up for $20 a few times either going into or leaving a club.
One interesting incident, a black girl said her sister was a dancer at the club and I had danced with her that night. Actually I had danced with a black girl so either she was half way telling me the truth or it was a lucky guess
There is a smoke shop a few doors down from Sugars in Seattle. It’s run by some foreign guys, maybe they’re middle eastern? Anyway at night a few post up on the street and if you try to park in front of their shop they will tell you “tou can’t park here this is parking for the smoke shop”. Which is bullshit because street parking isn’t reserved for any particular business, but of course I can see why they wouldn’t want PLs filling up the limited parking in front of their shop and then smoke shop customers can’t park there. I figure I could tell them to suck it it’s a free country go back to Dongistan if you don’t like it, but then my car would be in their hands while I’m in the hands of the dancers a few doors down. It’s not worth the risk, so I just move to another spot. Shit is tame in seattle.
I was approached once in a parking lot by the baby daddy of a dancer, who was attempting to gather information about her activities. What do you say? "Oh, the girl who swallowed my load a few hours ago?"
Usually it's just a "hey.....I'll be inside soon...wait for me", shouted from her car window, attempting to lay claim to my Benjamins before they are deployed on another girl.
I think all my interesting and uncomfortable encounters have been leaving the club, not entering.
Mom in hospital, need money to get to hospital.
Clean your windshield?
Car is broken, need money to buy part.
No parking lots involved in these attempted interceptions but I was in Paris for business about 15 years ago and, like any degenerate American, I foresook Parisian culture and spent a free night bouncing between American-style strip clubs. As I walked up to each one, I swear that the same odd-looking little old man, in a dapper suit, round glasses, and a cane, stopped me a half block away and told me that I could spend a night with a beautiful woman for what I would spend in a half hour in the club. Maybe they were triplets? Anyway, my horizons hadn't been sufficiently broadened at that point to get in a car with a Parisian weirdo to meet some alleged woman sight unseen, so I instead blew my Euros getting low mileage LDs from beautiful European and Middle Eastern women
I was once approached by a guy who pulled up on me as I was getting out my car to go into the club and asked me if I needed to fix my front fender as it had a dent in it. He said he could fix it right there for a low price. I was kinda tempted, his truck had a auto body business sticker on it and said he had all the tools and could be finished within the hour and I don't pay him till he's done. I almost went for it but instinct told me to just go inside and decline so I did.
In sc parking lot, I have not. Elsewhere, yes. Although, I have seen people approached and guy heading to the club approached me and warned me "watch out, that guys selling drugs". Through some various means (working security at conventions...I'm not a Navy Seal), I've picked up on some cues that deter that kind of event.
Here's what I always do:
I'm a paranoid type. What makes a person a target here?
Got approached at Rumors in Forest Park (Atlanta) by a guy washing cars in the parking lot.
@Glockv1911 (LOVE the handle) - there was a rash of "knockout games" near where I live. Unlike the ones going after grandmothers in the hood, this guy was going after able-bodied males in my moderately-safe city. The constant? Most had their stupid faces in their phones at night. There's no weapon, martial art, reaction time, or tactic that can compensate for a lack of situational awareness. Someone comes a little too close and I square to them with a "hey, what's up, man?" or at least look them in the eye without cowering so they know we see each other.
Weirdly, I've never been offered drugs on the street/gas station. Only on tropical beaches in Jamaica and Thailand (neither trip for mongering). Just said "no thanks, I'm good."
I told one of my martial arts instructors that if I have to use anything he taught, I'll have failed at 4-5 layers of defense first. Thankfully I'm a big, muscular dude, I'm not tough (I've trained enough "tough guy" things to know I'm not), but I look tough, and that might be even better to pre-empt trouble.
Years ago a girl sat in her car in the Cadillac Lounge Parking lot and offered to go around the corner to the Home Depot parking lot for a BJ. I always assumed someone would be over there waiting to rob me!
^ Good one OldWhiteGuy. Every male on this board is here because we are (or have been) led into trouble by our dicks (and like it).
@PuddyTat69 - absolutely. Growing up in a big city the first thing I learned was to be aware of your situation. Head on a swivel to know what's going on around you. Even better, eyes on a swivel so you don't look like you're worried to be where you are. If you see something that doesn't look right, do something to avoid it long before it gets to you.
Like 25 mentioned, its uncommon in the south Florida area. Most of our clubs have a parking lot attendant to minimize that sort of thing.
I've run into a few current strippers I knew and wound up back at my place instead of in the club, I guess those could be considered interceptions as they initiated contact but I was a pretty willing participant. Those aren't that interesting though.
I recalling running into a streetwalker outside of a club, which in itself isn't particularly interesting. But as soon as she spoke, I recognized her. She's a girl I had seen and been with ITC at a club in another area, but taken off my list of repeats because she seemed very unstable and prone to hysterical outbursts. And almost on queue, she had an outburst when I declined her offer to blow me in my truck. It was significant enough that another customer called the cops and the lot attendant called out bouncers/managers form inside. Fortunately, the responding officers were quite good and deescalated, sending everyone along their way without so much as taking names or checking ID's. The stripper turned streetwalker was evidently a frequent flyer.
I've had a few offers for drugs in the club, and obviously offers for sex. But never really any "pushing" aside from that one stripper turned walker. I didn't even realize pushing drugs or sex was still a thing, I've always thought drugs and pussy sold themselves and dealers really just had to worry about having inventory.
Never been approached and offered drugs in the parking lot of a strip club or anywhere else. I have dealt with panhandlers approaching me as I walk towards a club and I just ignore them. There was once when I was sitting in my car finishing up a phone call before going into the club. It was right at shift change and about half a dozen or so girls came out and got in their cars and left. Then a good looking brunette got in the car next to mine but instead of leaving she just rolled down her window and smiled at me. She sat there occasionally glancing at me and smiling during the 5 minutes while I finished up my call. As soon as she saw me hang up the phone she got out of her car and came towards mine. She told asked me if I wanted to come back to her place and have a lot more fun than I could in the club. I decided to take her up on the offer. It was a decent experience but not great compared to a lot of otc fun, but since the club was a strictly non-extras place it was a better night than I would've had in the club.
Wow, in my 30+ years of clubbing, I can't recall any parking lot stores of interest.
Probably 20 years ago, I was at Blue Zebar (Los Angeles, North Hollywood) and I closed to place down and had been getting a VIP dance all the way up to closing time.
I was paying out the dancer at the bar and I was the last customer in the place. Another dancer approached me and asked what direction I was hearing and could I give her a ride home. I was thinking, this is strange and is it a possible set up??? She seemed nice, so I did give her a ride as it was on my way. Nothing happened, we talked, she said the the other dancers said good things about me and she didn't want to pay for a cab ride home.
There used to be a decrepit looking woman at the old Bottoms Up in NJ about 10+ years ago who would offer to keep an eye on your car. No price quoted, she’d just be happy if you gave her anything at all. I seriously doubt that she’d do anything if your car was being burgled, or maybe she’d come inside and say someone’s car was being fucked with, who knows. Luckily, I never had to find out. Anyway, I’d usually give her about 2 or 3 bucks on my way in. Saw her there, on and off, for maybe a few years.
So one day I give her a couple bucks “security” money, and she says we can go back to my car and she’ll suck my dick. Again, no price quoted. Apparently she was willing to blow me and take whatever amount I offered. Well, let me tell you, if there’s a 10 point scale where a 10 is one of Longball300’s beauties that he posts pics of, and a 1 is an accident victim who just crawled out of a burning vehicle with half her face melted off, this woman was about a 2. Needless to say, that was a hard “no” from me. The worst dancer I ever saw at Bottoms Up was a beauty queen compared to this one. Definitely looked like a crackhead.
This has happened to me several times, I’ve had guys or girls quietly go away to a few that have flipped out on me, thinking making a scene will scare or embarrass me.
I have had this happen the most in Midwest cities that don’t have valet and in Toronto.
Somewhat related: One of my weirdest encounters going into a club is when I went to a shady club in San Antonio years ago and walking into the parking lot I noticed almost all the cars had people in them and the windows were steamy (hot summer night). It didnt dawn on me until I got inside that I realized that’s where people were doing their “extras” with the dancers even though the club had private VIP “cubicles.” I can’t remember if this was a BYOB club or not, I was thinking people were drinking in their car or smoking weed when I first walked in.
Yeah I've been hit on by pan handlers, dope dealers, and various other dregs while entering or leaving a club. I've been hit on by lot lizards, passed on all, one I regret passing on because she was so cute but back then I never paid for pussy, I'd eagerly take her up on her offer if it happened today.
I've been threatened by punks, I wasn't intimidated, I'm still here.
I suppose my somewhat frequent encounters stem from my penchant for visiting dives or clubs in bad areas, many of them long out of business possibly because of the areas they were in.
I had one experience where I was being set up by the cops. After I entered the club, right next the door some guy was standing who said something like, "Hey, you dropped that" and pointed to the ground. On the ground I could see part of a $20 bill wrapped in some glassine paper or envelope secured with a paper clip. I said that it wasn't mine. He then became belligerent and said in an authoritarian voice (typical of a cop), "I saw it fall out of your pocket." I just shook my head and kept walking. No doubt it was a marked $20 bill with drugs. There was no bouncer at the door.
Misterorange's response reminded me of another one while on my way to my car. Many years ago in Paterson NJ. I'd parked on the street. Get approached by a guy who claimed he had watched my car for me.
Yes - I’ve been approached by shady looking people asking for money a few times in the parking lots of Cheerleaders and Delilah’s in Philly. Thought I was going to get robbed once. People have been subject to armed robbery and even murdered in Philly strip club parking lots - I know it’s happened at Cheerleaders.
Don’t kid yourself - have you’re head on a swivel, don’t drink too much, and watch your back.
I've never had anything like that happen in a strip club, but plenty of times in a regular bar or nightclub. It blows my mind, too, because I know I look like a cop- fit, clean-shaven, and I usuallynhave my hair cut in a high & tight (low- maintenance). Ive never bought party supplies from someone I don't know & trust, so who offers them to a total stranger at Alumni Club or &? I always felt like I was the party who dodged the sting. I remember one at Mother's 2 where the guy who flashed the dope at me was full on pimp-mode- black with a grill, trench coat, fedora, cane, and pimp walk. That was too much and had to be a narc.
^ Cops are fit where you're from?
This is what I envision:
<I kid, I kid>
Walking into a club, there were 3 I remember:
"She told asked me if I wanted to come back to her place and have a lot more fun than I could in the club. I decided to take her up on the offer."
I guess this isn't super risky but so much that can go sideways. In particular, a third party lying in wait to rob, or one of many ex-boyfriends driving by, packing heat and ready to open fire when he finds your dick in his girl's mouth.
@caseyx & @PuddyTat69 Valid points. There are layers of security. Preempt things off by big & tough looking is a lizard brain level deterrence. The strategy is least effort with best reward. Vulnerability markers: Drunk, on your phone, distracted, 'out-of-towner', etc. There is martial strategy here: Violence of action or plan against vulnerable opportunity. Wearing glasses and on your phone? Person times it right and shoves you from the darkness. You are 1) night blind from phone 2) glasses fell off 3) discombobulated or on your ass 4) You're Late because you start Orient Observe Decide Act (OODA loop).
Unless you have preternatural ability from hard training...which we don't, it is way way easier to start OODA loop and deterrence BEFORE don't look easy. Something still might happen, but hey, you're not starting blind and face down in dirt.
There's a very good book: "Meditations on Violence: A Comparison of Martial Arts Training and Real World Violence" and various articles by Marc McYoung. The biggest positive from 'some' martial arts is strategy, 2nd is an advantage in a 'fair fight'. And to sound like an 80s action movie cliche "There's no fair fight or honor in the street". ...I'll see myself out.
"The strategy is least effort with best reward"
Oh yeah and those who flaunt jewelry or dress flashy. If I'm out walking, or at a club, I'm dressed to the level of the crowd or slightly less.
My post bogarted some of MacYoung's ideas, he's great. But I'd disagree that all martial arts gives you is strategy. Saying "I'll just gouge their eyes or kick them in the balls and they don't train that," well, that competitive kickboxer or BJJ practitioner or Tae Kwon do black belt has thought of that too, and could redirect their practiced blows towards a less sport-friendly spot. They have the coordination and are used to getting hit or grappled.
Of course the best street fight is the one you don't get into. First prize is an attempted murder charge. Second prize is a casket.
^ I agree in principle, and generally avoid street fights, haven''t been in one in years, but if it appears inevitable, first punch is the best punch, it's better than all the martial arts training, and any object that can be used to strike an opponent, is way better than hurting your hand, plus, you need to be able to accelerate your level of violence from zero to defcon 5, in a split second if trouble is unavoidable.
With that being stated being aware of your surroundings and smart enough to evade anyone that looks like a troublemaker, are skills that most city kids learn by the time they're old enough to go to the store without an adult chaperone, is just smart practice.
@Studme53 all 3 non-Patterson NJ encounters I mentioned were Cheerleaders Philadelphia. Over a 25 year period. I frequent Delilah's Philadelphia, more often, and don't recall an incident.
@twentyfive - 100% agree. Firstest with the mostest. Of course it helps to know how and where to strike.
in TJ the biggest danger are the bandits with badges.
I had a guy approach me on my way back to my car after clubbing. He demanded my wallet. I did not see a weapon and I am bigger than him. I told him he would have better luck with guys heading into the club because guys leaving the club have empty wallet. He muttered something like "yeah that makes sense" and moved on.
Had another guy ask me for $20 so he could go into the club and watch his girlfriend dance. I politely declined.
I had one funny encounter with a carload of dancers arriving as I did. I knew them and talked to them as they did their hair and put on makeup before heading into the club. Not sure why they did that in the car.
Once saw a girl park and change out of her waitress uniform in her car. She just smiled at me and shrugged her shoulders. I guess I wasn't seeing anything I would not see once she went inside.
Great comment regarding robbing while going into club. It's interesting that he just casually noted "yeah, that makes sense", and moved on. I hope he didn't take your advice, thoigh, and move onto a fellow PL.
Bummer Cheerleaders Philly has a relatively sketchy parking lot with a lot of scumbags lurking. Otherwise it’s a excellent club IMO.
Oh! This is a tangent but still applies. I wrote a review of a place just south of Baltimore. A guy was in the club with a backpack of money. I called him a baller. He made it rain a few times on girls. Definitely dropped $1k in singles during the night. That was a HUGE red flag for me. That basically invites a mugging IN the club. Hell, I could have pulled it off. Slam, Grab, Run.
I don't have a problem with guys making it rain and taking all the girls because of their money. But a backpack full of doesn't take long then people are in the parking lot hitting up people for money or a serious crime happens.
I stopped going there for a while.
I'm guessing the backpack guy was one that everyone knew not to mess with.
"I guess I wasn't seeing anything I would not see once she went inside."
Bro these girls don't think twice about being naked anywhere and they don't think anything about seeing guys naked either. Hell, half the time I go to the bathroom in the club there's girls in there standing 2 feet behind dudes at the urinal taking a piss.