Problems at the border

So I am curious if any of you have had issues walking back into San Diego. Last time I went down BP asked what I was doing in TJ and I told him I was there to meet up with a friend and he seemed overly suspicious. I was a little worried there for a bit that they may want to give me a pat down and cause me some issues. Obviously I didn’t have anything on me to cause issues, but overall it made me hesitant to go back. Have any of you had any issues recently or in the past?
last commentNever lie to a border agent. They are trained to weed out mistruths. "Banging a stripper", while you may appear nervous to admit the truth, still likely yields less noticeable nervousness than telling lie of "visiting a friend". Of course, if you know the stripper and consider her a friend, it's not really a lie.
It seems, though, that you were merely questioned, and then given clearance to pass, so he was just processing your response and didn't have reason to push further.
Irony is that people are passing illegally daily, yet someone goes to TJ to get some pussy (legally), and is afraid.
The last trip the guy asked several questions seeming suspicious of all my answers. When he asked why I wasn’t wearing a coat? I told him because it’s not cold. He didn’t like that either and gave me a long look up and down then passed me through. As long as you’re good, you’re good don’t worry about it.
I just went back this week and this was the first time I used Pedwest (twice) and both times, it was a simple question "where you going?" and handed me the ID, the other was actual two easy questions, "what were you doing in TJ (I say vacation)" and where you live? Then agent gave me back ID. It could be small sample size but my two times going through Pedwest was so much better (will describe in TR).
I'll look to see if there is Sentri thread already with the information, if not I will post my experience.
Last time the agent told me after I mentioned to the clubs, " Piece of advise, delete the pictures. Someone always finds a way to hack and you probably don't want them getting out there" ... I laughed and walked on through.
I will play along and comment on your discussion.
Q: Have any of you had any issues recently or in the past? (Problems At The Border) any of you have had issues walking back into San Diego
A: Who hasn’t have any issues/problems?
The undeniable reality is that people of color, black, brown, yellow and red are treated less fairly than whites in dealing with the border agents, the police and by the American government system as a whole
It however also depends on who is at the border, if you end up with a border agent who is having a bad day or if he is racist and you are not white.
“It's Easier to Get Into Mexico Than Costco but coming back is not”: Jimmy O. Yang…
Keep in mind the Russian proverb:
“People greet you according to the way you dress and say goodbay according to the way you behave"
In my humble opinion and limited experience, If you dress like a gentleman and behave like a gentleman chances are that you will be treated like a gentleman.
I have never had and issues/problems of course I always use my American passport coming back into the country, and when I visit other countries I use my passport of the Fatherland or say I am Canadian, depending on the country/place I am visiting.
In any case I always prepare for the worst and hope for the best and don’t do anything that could cause a negative reaction from the person I am dealing with at the border.
With the right mindset and realistic expectations, most American heterosexual men will have a good time at Hong Kong…
So you can go and enjoy a couple of weeks at the Happiest Place on Earth as long as you go with the right mindset and are patient and willing to do whatever is necessary to stay out of trouble.…
Just remember be careful out there, wherever you decide to go and do.
And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
In your own words pics and videos or it never happened
Particularly if you're returning alone, they have a rather good idea why you were there, at least in hours outside of normal working/commute times. Lest you get any ideas about saying you were on a business trip, be aware they may ask where you work, where is office/site visited/etc.
Be honest.
In another instance, one asked why I flew through XXX airport. I said I prefer XXX airline. "Wow.....not many people actually admit to liking that airline...most think it suck". So, some can be more casual and even a bit comical.
For the TJ crossing, it has my experience that the older and male an agent, the more friendly they are. Younger males are a bit tougher, with the younger females being the most intense.
So ridiculous, @twentyfive must work on his Anger Management Problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend.
Chill @twentyfive Chill!
~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg
~ Born: 3rd Januaryk 2003 , Sweden
~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist
~ Author of some of the most liked tweets in history
Using your own posts define you as a liar, and a loser
To BigBadWolfe, I’ve never had any issues crossing back in the U.S. I just tell them I was on vacation, and no problem whatsoever.
Sorry if I offended you but man he’ is offensive intentionally
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Once I was given some serious grief. After the X-ray, two agents said, “You carry a lot of medications.” I replied, When you get to be my age, you young men will be carrying a lot of medications too.”
All my medications were less than a 30-day supply. All were in my name and in the original USA prescription containers. They made me wait while they took them and looked them up. After they found out that all of the prescriptions were valid, they proceeded to rifle the rest of the contents of my backpack. I had been in Tijuana for four days, so it was very full. Satisfied, they left everything strewn across the table. Almost missed my flight.
Bottom line, if you are not doing anything wrong, don’t sweat it. They might have thought that my answer was a little flip, but I am really old.
Also, you know that they have a complete record of you and your travels in front of them, so they know what the answers are before they ask the questions.