
Woke neo-Communist extremism pervasive at the NSA

Sunday, November 19, 2023 11:56 PM
The National Security Agency has been promoting the most radical fringes of woke ideology, especially the baseless conspiracy theory that whites are somehow "privileged" despite there not having been a single discriminatory law anywhere in America for over three full generations against any non-white group, newly public documents reveal... [view link]


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 months ago
    Thanksgiving dinner for you at the table must be a laugh a minute...
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 months ago
    *"with you", rather.
  • RonJax2
    8 months ago
    @[view link].Ishmael, OP isn't verified, has 0 reviews, and 161 discussions, all right-wing propaganda. I'm guessing there isn't a thanksgiving table for him to go to, he's probably a bot
  • gSteph
    8 months ago
    Oh, no . . . This is worse than the Daylight Saving Time outrage. 😫 Guess we are doomed, doomed I say Blow jobs while we wait for doom is good though 🙃
  • shailynn
    8 months ago
    This is when at Thanksgiving Dave’s parents make him sit at the kids table in the other room. Only issue is there’s only 3 people at the house for Thanksgiving. Dave, his mom and his dad.
  • ATACdawg
    8 months ago
  • Brahma2k
    8 months ago
    6 reply posts to the OP being a right wing bot and/or no good at thanksgiving. One or both may be true. What the OP said is also true (very long time fed gov contractor). And it is very widespread throughout depts/agencies all about the fed gov. That’s not important to the above 6, hey you do you, but it certainly should be important to most others.
  • twentyfive
    8 months ago
    Damn Dave aluminum foil is cheaper then ever get some to line your hat, before the Jewish Space Lasers get you
  • motorhead
    8 months ago
    Which leads to the most important question……. Do you tent or not tent your turkey
  • uniquename
    8 months ago
    That little red hat must be on too tight again.
  • skibum609
    8 months ago
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