
bandits with badges.

mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
Friday, October 20, 2023 10:47 PM
I'm curious what kind of experiences have you had worldwide with the policia or government officials? or are we kind of lucky here in the USA where police corruption is relatively minor? or is it just as bad as Mexico and other places??


  • Jascoi
    8 months ago
    as a civilian, I've only been in Tijuana Mexico. up until a week ago I've had no issues with policia hassling me. but it caught up with me when the officer frisking me grabs my wallet out of my hand as I was standing against the wall and it looks like he took all my 50s which were about $900 worth. at least I didn't wind up in jail or worse.
  • Specialj
    8 months ago
    Ah man that sucks but like you said it could have been worse. Unfortunately it was an expensive lesson....nice of you to share it here with others maybe you can save a few the same fate
  • tuskular
    8 months ago
    That's a bummer brother... Mexico is not the type of place where you wanna mess around though. Yes, we have bad cops who are corrupt in the US, but I feel like Mexico its the opposite, the whole system is corrupt and you have a few folks who are trying to make it right. It also helps to have friends with you can speak spanish really well.
  • From978
    8 months ago
    A city clerk in the Philippines tried to convince me that I was getting married in the wrong city. Ten bucks solved it
  • ilbbaicnl
    8 months ago
    I was the reg of a Russian stripper who was raised by her grandmother. Her mother was dating a cop, and he murdered her. Canadian customs stole some cash ($200) out of my carry-on bag. I got pulled once for running a red light in Mexico. Only cost me a $20 bribe, no higher insurance. Mexico ain't all bad.
  • motorhead
    8 months ago
    Mexican cops [view link]
  • Jascoi
    8 months ago
    yeah. I'd feel better if what the tj policia took from me was 900. pesos.
  • CJKent_band
    8 months ago
    @Jascoi I will play along and comment on your discussion and answer your questions. Q: I'm curious what kind of experiences have you had worldwide with the policia or government officials? A: I have had experiences with government officials and police when I have travelled for work to other countries, and it has been ia very professional and friendly relationship. When I have traveled just as a tourist it has been different, however I always keep in mind the Russian proverb: “People greet you according to the way you dress and say goodbay according to the way you behave" So I always behave like a gentleman visiting a neighbor’s house where I am a guest, and I behave accordingly. Also I get educated about the country’s culture, customs, laws etc. and I am aware of the tourist traps and scams and never drink or do drugs or do anything illegal in another country. I follow the advice of a professor that was a retired Los Angeles Police Captain: “Just remember that police officers carry a gun for a reason, to protect themselves against any perceived threat and won’t hesitate to use if they feel threatened or just for fun sometimes, because believe it or not there are some psycho, racist, corrupt police officers out there, the so called bad apples.” Remember the question in Latin: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (“Who guards the guardians?”) Just like in ancient times, police protect and serve the rich famous and perceived powerful people in the USA. Q: are we kind of lucky here in the USA where police corruption is relatively minor? or is it just as bad as Mexico and other places?? A: We are umam beings just like the human beings all over the world, so you answer your own question. Yes police in the USA is just as bad as Mexico and other places. The difference is that in the USA we live in DENIAL of the fact that; “AMERICANS ARE HUMAN BEINGS JUST LIKE THE HUMAN BEINGS IN THE REST OF THE WORLD. Some Police officers in America kill people just because of the color of their skin, and some times just for fun; “because believe or not there are some psycho, racist, corrupt police officers out there, the so called bad apples.” In your case I am sure you will never have the same feeling of security and inviolability that you had in the past, but hopefully with time you will be able to find that feeling again and enjoy the Happiest Place on Earth again. I just found this in Google; (Posted on June 15, 2023) “Though crime at Disney Parks is rare, it’s not unheard of. Violence is on the rise at Theme Parks nationwide, leading many to institute chaperone policies and stricter security protocols. Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney World Resort both added “courtesy” policies to their Theme Park rules, giving Disney Cast Members more authority to curb violent behavior.” Remember taking risks can take you to a better life experience, and that is why people travel to the Happiest Place on Earth (according to Krusty) [view link] Go back to the Happiest Place on Earth and let’s just be careful out there in the world
  • gammanu95
    8 months ago
    I got rousted by cops in the Chicago 'burbs when I was leaving a party club known for drugs. I was a young, single male in an inexpensive pickup. They made up bullshit about me speeding when I know for a fact I was not. They claimed to smell alcohol, which was probably since I left the bar after some drunk chick spilled beer on me. I knew I was not speeding and they had no cause to pull me over so I refused to step out. I was detained and charged with interference. I bonded out just minutes after being booked. My truck keys were not in the bag of my belongings they returned. As near as I can figure, they must have chucked my keys off into the snow somewhere as part of the roust. I got my spare keys from my house and beat the case in court without an attorney, but that is another story.
  • skibum609
    8 months ago
    After around 100 or so police interactions lifetime ranging from being picked up hitchhiking on the mass. pike after my car broke down, with a pound of weed in brown paper shopping bag to my usual 3-5 speeding stops every year while smoking weed, I have always been treated very well; arrested only once out of 15 times in a police car and with only two speeding tickets; I have no complaints about the police at all; none.
  • ilbbaicnl
    8 months ago
    Mexicans are generally pretty hostile to foreigners who act cheap/broke-ass. They figure Mexico already has too many broke-ass people.
  • jaybud999
    8 months ago
    The "worst" I've ever been treated was having to crush out my last nug of weed as a penalty for getting busted for smoking in "public" (outside on a small beach in CA....albeat surrounded by restaurants :)). Senior cop training a junior cop called me over after I was done and ran through some basic questions. I just told the truth and coughed up the evidence. The kid cop wanted to take me in, the senior explained that I didn't run, didn't lie, and just came clean. He explained that the amount of effort for a misdemeanor (even in 1994) plus the way I presented warranted a confiscation of my pipe, return of my eye drops, and crush out my nug on the ground was the penalty. They never even pulled my ID....maybe because they were on foot patrol.
  • captainfun
    8 months ago
    Hey @jascoi that sucks. I got bribed out of $40 in TJ by the cops - but that was in 1993. Were the policia on foot or stopped their vehicle with you in mind and frisked you? Just curious if you can share any details about how it went down.
  • rattdog
    8 months ago
    let's see - mexico, phillippines, & chicago are mentioned above. i've also seen brazil, colombia and ecuador and east new york mentioned elsewhere. anybody else have anywhere else to add to this list?
  • captainfun
    8 months ago
    Jascoi, sent you a chat message. You click on ‘chats’ icon to view. Thx
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