
Risky Business

Avatar for shadowcat
shadowcatAtlanta suburb

Inspired by BabyDoc.

Quite awhile ago a dancer that I knew well from Follies made a proposal to me. She wanted me to let her and a few of her girl friends use my house to take clients to for OTC sex. That it would be profitable for both of us. My reply



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Avatar for gSteph

What could go wrong 🤔?

Hell, No - Squared

Avatar for Jascoi

depending on the girl and the deal, I'd consider it...

Avatar for Jascoi

I mean... what possibly could go wrong??

Avatar for WiseToo

OTC sex might be O.K., but I would be more concerned about drugs and my house being used as a shooting gallery.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

In most states you would get busted for trafficking when the whole thing comes tumbling down. And it would coming tumbling down sooner or later. Much better to be in the buying end of the business.

Avatar for qwerty22

What can go wrong when you have strangers living in your house ~ Airbnb

Avatar for motorhead

You don’t want to go to Princeton next fall?

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

I once took a fav and her (live-in) girlfriend out for sushi. My fav had a temper, and she blew up at her gf while we were eating. After they left, I texted the gf, and told her she could stay in my spare bedroom for a while if she needed to. She never answered. But she must have told my fav, because she mentioned it to me when I saw her again. She was a little hurt, because she had asked if she could move in with me, but I had said I didn't think that would go well. Her gf seemed much more chill than she was. My fav later told me that her gf had picked her up and slammed her into the wall. (My fav was short and slender.) But, if you knew my fav, you'd understand how even a chill person could end up doing that. I heard from that old fav a few weeks ago, she's not together with her girlfriend anymore, but they're still good friends.

Incidentally, one thing my fav didn't like about that sushi place was the vinyl seat covers. She said that, if a chick farts while sitting on a vinyl seat cover, the fart goes right up her vagina.

Avatar for stripperlover777

If It's Safe, Then I Would Say Ok, Coz I Know I'd B In For Some Free For The Hookup!

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