Artificial Intelligence

Our world changed yesterday. Elon Musk demonstrated an entirely new approach to a self driving car. But, the underlying approach it uses for artificial intelligence is the big story.
The method doesn’t use computer code. They took millions of hours of driving video from Tesla cars and put it into a massive AI computer. The computer analyzed the data and learned to drive, matching what it saw on video.
The central computer then trains the computer in each car how to drive. Each car essentially has a brain that simulates the way our brain knows how to drive.
Beyond cars, this method can be used to train a machine how to do any task that can be recorded on video. Tesla already has robots that it is training to work in factories. The progress on these robots should now happen rapidly.
Science fiction has become reality.
last comment@mark94
I will play along and comment on your discussion.
Billionaire like Elon Musk have made fortunes by monopolizing huge industries through the formation of trusts, engaging in unethical business practices, exploiting workers, and paying little heed to their customers or competition.
In the USA both political parties served the interests of these corporate robber barons, fat cats, capitalist pigs.
The idea that computer controlled autonomous vehicles will ever be as good as any healthy, sane human driver ignores the fact that computer software and hardware are just plagued with quality control issues and full of defects, and these types or issues grow as the systems become more and more complex.
There still millions and billions of people suffering hunger, war and slavery/exploitation in the world, thanks to the greed of few, you can call it whatever you want, it is just greed, envy, hatred, ignorance…
“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few.”
Wealth inequality in the world, also known as the wealth gap, is the unequal distribution of assets among residents of the world.
When can we start talking about the fact that exorbitant profits are merely unpaid fair wages?
An ideal distribution of the world’s wealth is one that assures that no individual human being is entirely without the means of housing and sustenance.
Most of our past and current “Economic Systems” Kingdoms, Feudalism, Capitalism etc etc create Poverty, Greed, Violence, Disease, and Environmental Destruction
"There is enough in the world for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed."
~ Frank Buchman aka (Franklin Nathaniel Daniel Buchman) ~ Decorated by the French and German governments for his contributions to Franco-German reconciliation after World War II.
~ Born June 4, 1878 Pennsburg, Pennsylvania ~ Died August 7, 1961 Freudenstadt, West Germany
Self driving will enable robotaxis. These will be a fraction of the cost of an Uber or taxi. A ride on a robotaxi will be affordable even for those who are low income.
Imagine a place like Bombay/Mumbai where the polluting cars, owned by the wealthy, are replaced by affordable robotaxis. Suddenly, a clerk in a store can afford a safe, comfortable ride to their home after a day of working.
Productivity and technology benefit all classes.
“In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the People.”
~ Eugene Victor Debs
Productivity and technology benefits the oppressors and exploiters at the cost of the suffering of the working people.
Get real Mark Ape. You’re such a schmo.
I mean really, if you can train an autopilots using good drivers you can also train one using drunken ricks. Hell, I’ve already perfected the autorick1.0, which emulates a rick driving after 2 to 3 bottles of Jack. I really enjoy turnin’ on the autorick so I can drink with two hands while the hairless apes bounce off the hood of my Tesla.
The hard part was getting the autorick to avoid cubs and apelings. We ricks respect the cubs and apelings for they are the future.
Anyhoo, I’ve been talkin’ to Elon ‘bout mass-producing the autorick. It won’t be truly mass produced because it’ll be a high end feature. For discriminating clients who enjoy the fun of death race 2000 but really don’t want to bother with aiming at the normies. ROAR!!!
Kent ape, you should also get real. You know you’d enjoy the Death Race 2000 autopilot. You are just all bent out of shape because you can’t afford it. Take solace in this: Mark can’t afford it either.
Imagine this: you and Mark runnin’ down the street while I pursue you in a Tesla that plays “La Cucaracha” when I honk the horn. I’m behind the wheel with a gin rickey in one hand and a bottle of Jack in the other, roaring at the top of my lungs. You can try to dodge the rickmobile but the autorick1.0 is drivin’. Looks like things ain’t gonna end well for the non-ricks. ROAR!!!
A couple of days ago, The Onion ran a headline saying, "Ex-FDA Official Confirms Existence Of Vegetables". My blogging app included the AI-generated note "Feedly Al found 1 Regulatory Changes mention in this article"
There's a fine line between artificial intelligence and artificial stupidity, and we're currently on the wrong side of it.
For once I agree with cjk. AI is a silly gimmick for rich privileged people to play with. Elon’s billions let him indulge whatever fantasies he likes, including building robot cars that let people think they’re “saving the planet” while they show off their wealth. He’s just like the fools that buy his toys, just 10000x and spending at a commensurate level.
It doesn’t matter if you or your robot drive your car to work. It does matter that people are poor, un-housed, without healthcare, yadda yadda.
As Gill Scott Heron said:
I can't pay no doctor bill. (but Whitey's on the moon) Ten years from now I'll be payin' still. (while Whitey's on the moon)
Somewhat related note...supercharger business of Tesla estimated to reach $20B by 2030. Turns out Super-Bull Tesla advocate mark94 may have been right about TSLA having much room to run.
Or, mark94=Musk, and he's on here drumming up optimism.
Tesla has several businesses in their infancy that have a reasonable chance of becoming trillion dollar revenue businesses. Bigger than Apple. Charging stations don’t even make the list
Among these businesses, the Robotaxi and Robots have the biggest potential. I mean, crazy, unbelievable upside. Maybe 5 times as big as the EV business. It will be 2-4 years for most of these businesses to prove themselves.
For those who think Teslas are toys to save the planet, go take a test drive. If you factor in rebates and fuel savings, they are half the price, and twice as powerful, as a comparable BMW.
Depending on where you live, the Model 3 is much less expensive than a Corolla or Civic when you factor in fuel savings.
I’m all for it to avoid an Uber/taxi/Lyft driver that doesn’t reek of cigarette or marijuana or body odor. Seems like at least 50% of all my rides have at least one of those scents present when I get into the rideshare no matter what city I’m in.
If they realistically made a car that could drive on the interstate, I could sleep, and no worry about getting killed, I would take the car over flying if the driving distance was under 6 hours.
The economics of a robotaxi are
Elon estimates a robotaxi would cost $.18 per mile. It would be much cheaper to use a robotaxi than own a car, especially in urban areas.
I’m not going to give up my gas vehicle at this point, EV has a lot of potential but I still think it’s 5-15 years off before it’s capable enough to replace IC and the autonomous driving feature has a ways to go before it eliminates a human driver.
^We need to eliminate demented old farts behind the wheel who put the rest of at risk.
^ don’t you ever get tired of ruining other people’s threads and generally acting like an asswipe
Last Thursday I took delivery of my new 2024 gas powered Mustang GT. The gas mileage sucks but I didn't buy it for that. I'll be dead before there is a reliable infrastructure for an all electric environment.
At the rate science is going, it won't be too long before they start making babies in a dish and there won't be any need for fucking.
I legitimately am worried they trained the AI to drive like a typical Asshole Tesla driver
My youngest daughter loves her Tesla now for 6 years. The only hiccup is long distance driving charging. but she does most driving within a 100 mi radius of her home. and she charges it as necessary at home (and she does have solar.)
she does have a 1966 mustang that she drives occasionally.
me... I still drive my 2012 badass Prius that has over 200,000 mi on it.
->Mark94: "Self driving will enable robotaxis."
Already happening in San Francisco. What's awesome is people are fucking in them: (if someone already posted this in another thread, sorry about that). shailynn's got sensitivity to human drivers with "cigarette or marijuana or body odor." In the robotaxis, there'll be cigarette odor and weed odor left by the riders, and now shailynn can add splooge on the seats to his list of annoyances.
Waymo and Cruise have dozens of driverless cars at any given time in SF accumulating AI learning to drive. If you're driving within 2 miles of SF city center, guaranteed you'll see many (2 nights ago I saw 10 driverless cars in less than 10 blocks of driving).
There's ways to sabotage the robocars if you're into that. Currently popular method in SF is to put road cone on the hood:
Lots of problems with Waymo and Cruise.
Tesla solves all this with vision based AI as the source of its software.
Musk is volatile. I’d hitch part of my wealth towards his endeavors, but nothing more than I’m willing to lose. My index funds own about 5% of allocations towards his endeavors, and that’s as much as I’m willing to risk.
Musk, and China, are the 2 biggest risk factors associated with investing in Tesla. As long as Musk stays involved, I think the stock will appreciate at least 25% per year. Possibly 50%.
At some point, each of the Tesla businesses will have enough momentum that it could thrive without him. Like post-Jobs Apple. I’d like to see him stay involved for 4 more years. Fingers crossed.
Tesla’s fasting growing business is its energy storage business. These large batteries allow utilities or large businesses to store electricity when there is excess capacity and use it during peak demand.
Doing this is cheaper than building plants to meet peak demand. It makes so much economic sense that nearly every utility has plans to do this. The demand far exceeds supply.
The profit margin on these batteries is about 30%. Tesla is increasing its manufacturing capacity for energy storage at 50% to 100% per year. Within a few years, the revenue for storage will exceed the auto revenue.
“I legitimately am worried they trained the AI to drive like a typical Asshole Tesla driver.”
As an atypical asshole Tesla driver I take exception to that. ROAR!!!
Tesla FSD is already a safer driver than humans. Humans focus most of their attention on the road directly ahead. FSD monitors 360 degrees and immediately respond to pedestrians, bikes, and cars on the periphery of vision. Plus, response times are immediate.
Your odd fixation on Elon Musk is almost as off-putting as ilbbaicnl's weird fixation on nicespice.
^ Not really weird he posts like a paid shill.
Elon made me over a million dollars this summer so, yeah, I like the guy. Not so weird.
^ doubtful,less%20than%200.4%20times%20sales.