Toxic Snail Trails
I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
Last dance I got was from a hot Latina spinner. After the first dance she was fully nude and grinding away on my lap, facing both forward and back. A few great dances.
I left the club soon thereafter. While washing up at home, I noticed snail trails on my upper pants and lower shirt. At first I was impressed with myself that I’d made this girl so wet. I then tried wiping off the trails with a warm wash cloth, but the marks wouldn’t go away. I then put my pants and shirt in the washer with hot water and Tide. Still there.
Any suggestions on how to get toxic snail trails out of a pair of khakis?
I left the club soon thereafter. While washing up at home, I noticed snail trails on my upper pants and lower shirt. At first I was impressed with myself that I’d made this girl so wet. I then tried wiping off the trails with a warm wash cloth, but the marks wouldn’t go away. I then put my pants and shirt in the washer with hot water and Tide. Still there.
Any suggestions on how to get toxic snail trails out of a pair of khakis?
A fav told me her stripper neighbor fisted herself and then licked her hand, and said it tasted like Doritos. I guess everyone's body chemistry is different.