
avatar for Mexy16
I'll be visiting Tucson next weekend. What are the best clubs to have fun at? I'll only be there one night.
avatar for azdd
2 years ago
Curves has the best looking dancers, in my humble opinion, and you can have reasonable fun there with the right girl. It’s just north of downtown, and not far from the freeway. Sketchy neighborhood at night, but I think they have parking lot security. Some like Raider’s Reef on the east side, but it seems kind of divey to me. Ten’s and Love Cabaret (formerly TD’s East) on Speedway are sad shells of what they used to be. Venom used to be known as a UHM club, but I think the talent there is marginal. There used to be a club down by the airport, part of the Christie’s chain, but I’ve always heard it sucks. I don’t think the drive to Nogales, Sonora is worth the trouble. But, YMMV and to each his own. Tucson does have a pretty active AMP scene if that’s your thing, but you will need to research that on other websites.
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