Finding a stripper for a Threesome Miami

Hey Gang,
Used to frequent Body and similar places (thanks Papi Chulo for your service!!).
Now have a fun wife who's keen to party and likes girls. So we wanted to meet some strippers and invite one for a threesome. We love black girls and latinas with nice butts:)
One note tho - the lady isn't too hot on getting FS or similar at the club but more like wants to go party at a SC, get some lapdances and a few simple privates to find a nice girl and then invite her to a hotel later or something like that.
What's the best spots for that these days? We wanna get sexy in a club and then move to hotel later.
All your recommendations highly appreciated!
last commentGo to swinger clubs, where you can get partners for free.
This is an ultra-longshot almost destined to fail. Dancers are complex beasts, wives are complex beasts, swinging is complex. The idea of those 3 lenses lining up for a hot no-consequences night are technically possible, but mostly implausible. Go to a swingers club, have some fun ITC, build some relationships, and then invite folks for OTC hotel or in home gatherings. This is a much better plan for getting the 3 way you want.
@Jacko - really?
you guys are boring. thanks for the lectures. we've done this a plenty before in other cities and have had too manythreesomes too. but I love how everybody shows themselves mostly in answers.
anyway - wife doesn't like swingers clubs for the sleazy atmosphere and she doesn't like other dudes hitting on her, however stripclubs with tons of girls is her vibe - unless you know a predominantly female full swingers club? lol thought so!!
we have had amazing time with strippers in detroit, kyiv, thailand and other places as most are fun girls who see a hot fun young couple that like to get down and wanna join to have some fun and make a little $$ on the side. it's usually a riot
so i was just looking for the funnest strip clubs in Miami. like say the old gold rush used to be - where horrible ass 11 is now, that place I've taken too many girls home from and that was paradise back in the day.
so please spare me sexual education advice/lectures and please give me some hot ass miami clubs if you know, happy holidays! (Papil Culo are you around? you are the shining beacon of the scene no like these boring dudes:)
sorry Papi Chulo, but I may take Papi Culo for myself later lol
Sounds like you already are the expert, so why even ask? The availability of girls for what you want is more dependent on specific girls than a certain club.
It's like the typical TUSCLer drags their SO to clubs. Many of us do this activity in secret.
For sure. Culo can be your third if you are black with a big tapable ass. But, pride month is over!
Your best bet is at a swingers club.
You're the expert, wtf are you asking us for?
Seriously, there's tons of clubs in Miami with black girls and Latinas. They're all gonna have some girls who are up for OTC, there isn't one or two clubs where that's more or less common than the rest. Good luck though, and bring your wallet. Pulling a girl on a first visit to a club in Miami is gonna cost ya. Gonna have to spend big to keep her attention, then pay bigger to get her OTC. Flakes are gonna be hard to avoid too, especially since they'll have just had a good night ITC.
Dolfan, I haven't been to a Miami strip club since before the pandemic. So that's why I asked the experts. Thank you at least for a proper response and not boring boomer sex education.
So would you say that maybe Pompano is a better fit? I can take a drive! Where is the party atmosphere of the old Goldrush? Or the pre-covid Body? That's what I'm interested in, places where you walk in and feel a vibe and everybody is loose and having fun.
I've taken sugar babies to Dean's Gold , too. Eleven and to Vixen's. A woman will feel comfortable going to any of these clubs. The girls will be HOT. Although, you may not find the Papi Chulo types in there. And I've gotten OTC from girls out of Dean's and Eleven. It's not going to be cheap though. To get a dancer to leave a shift and go to the hotel with you, you are going to probably have to pay her close to 4 figures.
Your question is a bit unclear - as some others mentioned it doesn’t seem like a particular club per se will have what you are seeking. Adding the wife into the equation is a complex matter. There has to be 3-way chemistry, as you already know - and how can one know where you will find that? I love big booty black girls also - found some nice ones at Mint Lounge and Climaxx before - but that doesn’t mean on the exact night that you go you’ll find one that both of you connect with. You may find what you want at one of the predominantly white clubs just by chance. It’s probably just best to go without an agenda and be prepared to make a night of it and just try several different spots.
I agree hit the swingers clubs.