OT: Pretty-Cool YouTube Channel

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Recently ran across this pretty-cool YouTube channel called "Nostalgia Hit" - I've only seen one video in that channel and thought it was pretty-cool - the video isn't that long and this one was about the 1982 cult-classic-film "Fast Times At Richmond High" - the video quickly went thru the entire cast (who they were; what they did afterwards; etc) - it was pretty-interesting in part bc there were some people in the movie that I knew from other movies and didn't know they had been in this movie when they started their career - also interesting how young many of the stars were:
last commentCool - I’ll check it out. Fast Times was my age groups American Graffiti. One thing that strikes me as nostalgic and true about the movie after watching it recently was that in the late 70s / early 80s high school kids all had jobs. Me and all my friends did just like all the kids in the movie did. Rich, middle, poor - all kids worked some little job where they made friends, met girls, made a little money, had fun, and learned more at the job than in school.
Now, most middle class HS kids don’t work. Its a loss for them.
^ it was definitely a different, and in many ways, simpler time
Never seen the movie Fast Times at Richmond High. I will have to watch it sometime.
^^ I assume you never saw Animal House either?
@Papi Wow I knew about Phil Specter killing a woman, but didn't know she was in Fast Times. Forest Whitaker, damn, what a great actor. Seeing him play that big dumb ox in Fast Times is like watching Tom Hanks in Bosom Buddies. Didn't know about Eric Stoltz. He was one of the best characters in Pulp Fiction. Sean Penn was so awesome in this. Too bad he became a stupid fucking cocksucker just like Robert DeNiro.
'... Wow I knew about Phil Specter killing a woman, but didn't know she was in Fast Times ..."
That kinda blew me away also (and part of the reason for the thread) - I also had heard about the Specter incident years ago but like you had no idea it was the girl from the movie - shocking, and sad AF especially her being so young and having so much going for her.