Irish guy bartending (provided there's no gigantic breasted St. Paulies girl to do it),
Greeks running the local diner,
Indian guy for tech support,
Asian women giving me a massage,
etc. etc. and tbh I rather not stray from that,
But when it comes to air travel, I'm gonna be needing white baby boomer, usually rocking a mustache, to be flying the airplane. I'm sorry that part is non negotiable, total dealbreaker otherwise. Sully Sullenberger is going be to the captain I hear on that loudspeaker, at least while my ass in on that plane.
The minute I see Shaniqua and Mamisan up in that cockpit, I will be walking the FUCK OUT. Keep my ticket money. And God help us all if I see Muhammed.
That is all. Small detail. Little nitpick. Tiny ask. Just my 2 cents. Otherwise carry on with all of your diversity quotas, do what y'all gotta do. Good for you. đź‘Ť
Even a worse travesty for humanity is some flat-assed white-bitches trying to do their DEI-shit in big-booty-black-clubs - where is this world gonma end up - just sayin'
Just wait till u have to hit the Emergency Room and the doc is some dude that got into med school with a 'C' average and mediocre test scores bc "he's from an oppressed class"
the way artificial intelligence is going and the rapid birth decline people will be lucky if a person is doing any of the things listed above. Most of us will be dead but it will be races will be a thing of the past and we will worry about man vs machine
well if a mamisan managed to escape north korea by stealing a war plane and somehow managed to land perfectly on our shores then no objections to her piloting any of my scheduled flights.
About 6 weeks ago when the FAA shutdown all air traffic (1st time since 911) because NOTAM was down, I'd bet a year's salary a software release was developed by India coders - you get what you pay for. Yeah, I know the servers/platforms are antiquated and pilots get a STACK of NOTAM Alerts on paper - blame some dude loading a bad database record. It's always the little guy that gets their ass caned.
Rap: Check out the Smirnoff Tea Party in Cape Cod, or if you can find the Jim Belushi White Rap from SNL (he did 2 - priceless). And while we are on Rap, commercialized credit goes to Blonde with "Rapture".
Hate to break it to you, as a Chinese guy and former noodle restaurant owner, most on my employees in the back were Mexicans and the only Chinese guy was the waiter and me
all I ask for is young beautiful fit females for sex. big pluses if they can do other things too... other than that, anybody that can do a good job at what they do is fine for everything else.
I remember as a young traveler being on a flight probably close to 30 years ago - a time when the majority of pilots were former military and some were likely still Vietnam era trained
Instead of a slow steady descent and smooth landing it felt like we dropped from the air and boom hit the runway hard. The guy next to me, an older experienced flyer, looked at me, smiled and said “you can always tell the difference between Air Force and Navy trained pilots”
Not sure if there’s any truth to that but I always think about that when there’s a less than smooth landing
@shailynn, I think you mean the Swiss not the Swedish (though I find Swedish women overrated)
I heard it this way
In heaven, the police are British, the food is French, the mechanics are German, the lovers are Italian, and it's all run by the Swiss (though I like your version with Italian food better)
In hell, the food is British, the mechanics are French, the police are German, the lovers are Swiss, and it's all run by the Italians.
I heard another version from an Indian friend:
In heaven you get an American salary, an Indian wife, British weather, and Chinese food. (I guess they prefer British rain to Indian heat)
In hell you get an American wife, Indian weather, British food, and a Chinese salary (China was a lot poorer when they invented this joke)
^"and said “you can always tell the difference between Air Force and Navy trained pilots” I had heard Alaska Air hires a LOT of former Navy pilots as landing in rough Alaska weather is like hitting the deck on a carrier - it does make a lot of sense.
As time goes by we’ll be seeing less stereotypical pilots (middle aged white guy with a mustache and aviator sunglasses) and more female and other ethnicity pilots. That is, until commercial airlines become fully automated. I can get used to that, however, recently I did have a very involuntary, visceral response to seeing a young Middle Eastern looking pilot board the plane and step into the cockpit. We had a safe, uneventful flight, but I’m glad the first officer made all the flight announcements. I don’t know how I would have responded to hearing a middle eastern accent announcing “I am Mohammed and I am your captain”.
humanity has already reached Papi's worst travesty criterion. Well-qualified white and cisgendered applicants are being denied acceptance in high-level universities and companies because of these dipshit DEI policies. White, cisgendered males, the historical warrior class of America, are not joining some sad sack Army where some animated woke cunt with two mothers who marched in pride parades is their mascot. Do they really think they can build a Navy of iron men and steel ships with some skanky drag queen doing the commercial. Marines: the few, the proud, the woke. Air Farce (always has been).
The American bolsheviks (the noisy, liberal, minority left) are being allowed to drag this country into the gutter - right where George Soros and the democrat party wants it. Our healthcare system is already half-crap. I cannot believe more than half the obstacles and failures we run into daily from other physicians and the insurance providers. Cigna has a policy of not hiring white men. They go by names. Chadwick Boseman - the baddest, blackest man in the galaxy wouldn't even get called for an interview. Lemonjelo Tyrone Brown would get hired without an interview or reference check. This is not anecdotal, this acutally happened at Cigna (except for the names). This is what DEI brings you. This is why go woke go broke is such an important tool for fighting back against DEI in business. Bud makes shitty beer, so it's effective against them. Nike makes some of the best gear in the business, I went to adidas, underarmour, and Asics, but Nike's quality is too high to be effective. However, we have to keep the pressure on.
^ my heart is with Trump for '24 - but DeSantis may be the only-one that can beat-back the leftist-woke-industrial-complex and supa-corrrupt-deep-state
South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott (black Republican) has filed paperwork to run for president of the United States, according to a Federal Election Commission filing.
The filing comes ahead of Scott’s formal announcement, expected to take place on Monday in South Carolina.
Racist chinese jokes are as unappreciated as racist black joke. Im sure all of you have multiple items made in china in your own homes. The rich there take advantage of the poor here. They are hardcworkers, not spoiled welfare entitled lazy bastards like a lot of Biden loving a holes here.
My criterion going into 2024 will be the same it has been for every election cycle of my adult life. In the primaries, I will want to vote for a candidate with a proven executive track record. A senator is a deliberator. Their primary role is to advise and consent to the actions of the other governmental bodies - bills from the house, appointments by the president, presidential impeachment and veto overrides. They don't actually create or have responsibility as individuals, and so lack the credentials to be president. Just look at how awful Obama and Biden have been. There are exceptions, like Rick Scott, who was governor of Florida before he was senator. Looking at Tim Scott's biography, I agree with nearly every position he has taken, but I am concerned that he has no executive experience. Being an insurance salesman does not give him credit towards executive experience as a CEO would. However, I will likely find myself voting for whoever the GOP nominates. Even another McCain would better than anyone coming forth on the democrat side.
I'm afraid nothing can stop the DEI train at this point. Even if two female diversity hires crash a United Airlines flight, the story will be memory-holed in about a day just like anything else that doesn't fit the diversity narrative.
last commentMost pilots are ex air force. So even when diverse, they tend to be pretty squared up, slightly nerdy.
I'll admit I do love nerdy Asian doctors.….
Italians are the cooks
British are the police
Germans are the engineers
French are the lovers
Swedish organize everything
British are the cooks
Germans are the police
French are the engineers
Swedish are the lovers
Italians organize everything
Rap: Check out the Smirnoff Tea Party in Cape Cod, or if you can find the Jim Belushi White Rap from SNL (he did 2 - priceless). And while we are on Rap, commercialized credit goes to Blonde with "Rapture".
Instead of a slow steady descent and smooth landing it felt like we dropped from the air and boom hit the runway hard. The guy next to me, an older experienced flyer, looked at me, smiled and said “you can always tell the difference between Air Force and Navy trained pilots”
Not sure if there’s any truth to that but I always think about that when there’s a less than smooth landing
I heard it this way
In heaven, the police are British, the food is French, the mechanics are German, the lovers are Italian, and it's all run by the Swiss (though I like your version with Italian food better)
In hell, the food is British, the mechanics are French, the police are German, the lovers are Swiss, and it's all run by the Italians.
I heard another version from an Indian friend:
In heaven you get an American salary, an Indian wife, British weather, and Chinese food. (I guess they prefer British rain to Indian heat)
In hell you get an American wife, Indian weather, British food, and a Chinese salary (China was a lot poorer when they invented this joke)
I like your other one as well.
The American bolsheviks (the noisy, liberal, minority left) are being allowed to drag this country into the gutter - right where George Soros and the democrat party wants it. Our healthcare system is already half-crap. I cannot believe more than half the obstacles and failures we run into daily from other physicians and the insurance providers. Cigna has a policy of not hiring white men. They go by names. Chadwick Boseman - the baddest, blackest man in the galaxy wouldn't even get called for an interview. Lemonjelo Tyrone Brown would get hired without an interview or reference check. This is not anecdotal, this acutally happened at Cigna (except for the names). This is what DEI brings you. This is why go woke go broke is such an important tool for fighting back against DEI in business. Bud makes shitty beer, so it's effective against them. Nike makes some of the best gear in the business, I went to adidas, underarmour, and Asics, but Nike's quality is too high to be effective. However, we have to keep the pressure on.
The filing comes ahead of Scott’s formal announcement, expected to take place on Monday in South Carolina.
Dr. Carson- mediocre talent
Marco Rubio - small hands
I want to know if he will grab Nikki Haley by the pussy
Cubans doing VIP rooms
Brazilians swaying on stage
Mexicans going arriba