How much are Hi Liter dances now ?

Dances at Hi Liter used to be $10/$25. Then, they surged around the Super Bowl. Now, the prices described in the reviews vary widely. I think what’s happening is a time based system with higher prices after 9 pm plus higher prices Thursday to Saturday. Plus, some dancer discretion/lies.
Has anyone figured out the current cost structure by hour and day ?
last commentHow will we ever find out without Scrub? What will we do??? What WILL we do???
Hi-Liter floor dances are still $10, day or night. VIP dances are now $30 each (up from $25), or $40 each after 9 PM.
Thanks Chili. I went on my tourist season sabbatical and I needed to sort prices out on the back side. I know VIP is only $5 more but it feels like a psychological threshold has been crossed.Especially since, as I understand it, Hi Liter’s portion has doubled. It just doesn’t seem right.
As someone who has a PO Box in their VIP section, it does add up. Was 4/$100, now it's 4/$120, plus tip. While I still buy a shit ton of dances from multiple dancers, I'm much more likely with an average quality dance to stop at 3 songs and just lay out $100 to her, as opposed to letting the experiment go on. I used to regularly do 5-6 song sets, now it's more 4-5 song sets, with the occasional 8-10 for stellar performers.
Drinks are still incredibly cheap and the floor dances have incrementally ticked up their mileage, so it's still a great (strip club) value, but yeah, that $5 does make a difference psychologically.
30 dollars.
40 dollars after 9pm thurs, Fri and Sat nights. What if you start at 855 and get dances until 920?haha. Hopefully it would still be 30 per dance, but you never know.
I’ve also noticed the floor dance activity has ticked up. It’s no where near the HL golden age, but it’s better than it had been.