
Vivide, Atlanta shortage of dancers.

Atlanta suburb
Today the house mom told me that they only had 29 dancers to show up for day shift on Monday. A lot of girls gone to Florida for Spring Break and those with kids out of school can't find baby sitters. I suppose other clubs are having the same problem.


  • Electronman
    a year ago
    Sounds like a business opportunity to locate a child care service within proximity of a strip club (and a school). Then again, strip clubs are seldom located in nice residential neighborhoods, the kind where you might find a child care service.
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    I do not know this club but 29 dancers seems like a lot for many clubs - especially day shift
  • shadowcat
    a year ago
    I'd say 29 was about half the normal for a Monday. Fri and Sat there are close to 100.
  • BuckMcNutter
    a year ago
    I would offer my babysitting service for some of the mammas ))
  • ATACdawg
    a year ago
    Ok, Buck, but what are they going to to with their kids while you are with them??
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