
When a team wins a game or even a championship

Living well and enjoying my retirement
Do y’all notice they all jump up and down like excited little kindergarteners, whether it’s a high school, college, or pro game, and to make matters worse both male and female athletes do this, isn’t this behavior juvenile and undignified. I gotta say it really doesn’t make any of these players look very good, and then the coaches join in, how do they keep the respect of their players and teammates.


  • ww
    a year ago
    Spoken like someone that has never won a game or a championship.

    FYI, folks tend to get excited in the same manner winning or succeeding in other endeavors also.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^That’s stupid what are you 12, back in the day we celebrated plenty we celebrated like grown men or women, not five year olds.
  • whodey
    a year ago
    "isn’t this behavior juvenile" - how can you be surprised that people act juvenile while playing a game? The fact that they make a lot of money if it is a pro game doesn't change the fact that they are playing a game.

    Juvenile celebrations are exactly new in sports, I can remember guys dumping a cooler full of Gatorade on coaches after big wins all the back when I first started watching sports in the 80s.
  • ww
    a year ago

    What you consider celebrating like a "grownup" vs a "five year old" is subjective.

    Since the behavior of excited celebrations do occur, it appears there are individuals who prefer to express that excitement in like a "kindergartener" and not contain themselves like "grownups".

    If you can't quite get that, maybe the problem is not with those people.

  • JimGassagain
    a year ago
    Same “get off my lawn” behavior typified by someone who’s most exciting part of the day is eating his pudding cup.

  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ jello not pudding and I avoid bacon, too salty
  • Mike Rotch
    a year ago
    I don't know about you guys but I still jump up and down like a preschooler whenever a girl takes her top off. Especially if she jumps up and down too.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Both the OP and little babies wear diapers and cry all day long, so he might have some insight as to what ignorant children think.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ nobody knows diapers like gammanut knows diapers
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    The real dumb ones are the guys that get injured during the celebration. Mets pitcher Edwin Diaz tore a tendon in the recent WBC and will miss the season. He’s the most recent but far from alone. There’s been at least a couple dozen injuries. One of the famous ones was the field goal kicker who missed the rest of the season when he jumped in the air after a game winner
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    You cannot blame a loser like twentyfive from failing to understand the psychology of us winners. even before the dementia really kicked in, he had become used being in last place. Pathetic.
  • Mike Rotch
    a year ago
    Ooooh snap he called you a loser AND old! You gonna take that twentyfive? Or should we start calling you eightyfive? OOOOOOOOOOOOOH!
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ I've p'owned him for years he follows me around like an organ grinders monkey throwing feces, and missing, he's outed himself many times as a bigot and a loser.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Hilariously delusional. Hey, tell them about the time you thought I hacked into your account just to make false claims about my own reviews. Or how about the time you made up treaties that obligated the US to militarily intervene in Ukraine? How many times have you said you were going to put me on permanent ignore because you got tired of losing to me? Just give it up 25 IQ. You are stupid, old, pathetic, your family has abandoned you, and you've only got a couple of years left before you quit being a burden on society.
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    Only a stupid penguin fucker like 2 bits would post a rant like this. Just waddle your ass to the North Pole and come back when winter starts, penguin fucker!
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ LOL
    Loser Retard
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    ^there's the pot calling the kettle black
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    I'll comment where i want
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