
A Sports Gambling Disaster May Loom

They never tell you what you need to know.
Saturday, February 18, 2023 3:09 PM
A Sports Gambling Disaster May Loom [view link] I figured this was going to happen. I’ve consistently placed sports bets since I was in college. I have my own personal bookie. I do bet responsibly. I have good seasons and I have bad seasons. I do a lot of research too. Today though just about every guy I know bets in some form, something that wasn’t common at all just 2 years ago. I know a lot of women who bet too. If a guy placed a few bets or swings for the stars with a $5 parlay no bid deal but I know there’s guys who are addicted. I know a few. I’m not a conspiracy person but doesn’t it sometimes seem like the world is out to get you? Here’s these prescription drugs, don’t get addicted. Here’s some tasty but unhealthy food don’t eat too much of it, here’s some alcohol and tobacco don’t drink or smoke too much, here’s a car that goes 0-60 in 3.5 seconds that handles like shit, don’t wreck it. Not enough? Here marijuana is now legal, don’t smoke too much. Oh and most important of all, don’t blow your house payment betting on the Slam Dunk contest tonight.


  • rattdog
    a year ago
    they're only disasters if the media is instructed by the government to report them as such. until that happens the government will just get its cut by such industries. both the govt and those companies may issue out warning labels via hotline numbers to combat resulting addictions but at the end of the day no guns were aimed at heads to force to participate.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    If you’re interested one of the hottest stocks this year is Draft Kings, an Internet sport’s gambling website. I wonder how long it takes before someone figures out how to fix pro sports betting.
  • drewcareypnw
    a year ago
    I've never been interested in sports or gambling. Its weird, because almost every man I know is interested in these things. I recently quit drinking, and was interested to find that the few sports events I ever went to (superbowl parties for example) were even less appealing than before. As in, no fucking way am I going to that. I guess those events were just drinking events for me.
  • nicespice
    a year ago
    I know what you mean about that feeling. I wanted to also mention the relentless advertising to apply for new credit cards…and for the existing credit cards I already had, please go apply for a credit limit increase. And then maybe a month later I started noticing the aggressive advertising, the news headlines made a big deal about “CONSUMERS ARE RACKING UP CREDIT CARD DEBT” Well geez, multiply me times however millions of people also got the same aggressive advertising, and duh. 🙄 I can’t remember how long ago was the height of that news media nonsense. But I know it was relatively recently.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    A new resort is being built in a prime part of Scottsdale. It will have what looks like a sports book, except all the gambling will be done using smart phones. No gambling license required.
  • mark94
    a year ago
    You can either give people the freedom to do stupid shit or have government regulate people’s lives. Both alternatives have downsides.
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    ^ yeah I guess that’s called survival of the fittest? The people that go out of control only have themselves to blame in most cases.
  • iknowbetter
    a year ago
    ^ Not to mention that as Americans we all enjoy the right to own guns, and guns are so readily available and easily accessible by all, then we wonder why there are so many mass shootings. Not sure how we can blame the media or politicians for this one. This one is on us. With rights come responsibility, and as a gun owning American, I’ll be the first to admit that we have not been responsible with this inalienable right.
  • Pussylicker2
    a year ago
    I'd like to bet on sports, but when i see them say bet $10 and get $200 in free bets I know they're lying and it's a scam. So I don't bet.
  • Cashman1234
    a year ago
    I understand what the OP is saying. It’s gotten very convenient to access so many things that can easily get addictive and become harmful (when done in excess). It can be dangerous for folks who might have an existing addiction, as you don’t need to leave your couch to get in trouble. Sports betting apps are advertising so much on TV, so I’m guessing those companies must be making tons of money. It’s either insurance commercials, drug commercials or sports betting.
  • Studme53
    a year ago
    Sports is such a sucker bet, but guys who like to watch it think they have some kind of expertise. It’s a bookie’s dream, always has been, and now it’s legal lol.
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    ^ can’t argue with that. It’s virtually impossible to will consistently long term, the best you can hope for is break even. I had a phenomenal year last year (2021-22 season) this year I’ve given about 90% of it back.
  • DeclineToState
    a year ago
    ->@shailynn" Today though just about every guy I know bets in some form, something that wasn’t common at all just 2 years ago. I know a lot of women who bet too." Acquaintance of mine runs a governmentally funded call center in a major metropolitan area. He says 5 years ago incoming calls were 50% suicide and 50% alcohol/drug addiction with negligible % of incoming calls re gambling addition. He says that with proliferation of in-state and itnernet gambling since Supreme Court's 2018 ruling that overturned federal limits on state-approved gaming, the incoming calls are 50%+ gambling addiction and people losing homes, jobs, marriages etc.
  • yahtzee74
    a year ago
    >yeah I guess that’s called survival of the fittest? But the fuckups can drag everyone else down with them.
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