Icee Loco (asshole)
Will Biden be more senile than skibum or 25? More delusional than Mark or RickDugan? More out of touch with reality than SJG???
I bet he'll
Avoid talking about inflation
Avoid talking about unaffordable rents
Tell us we need to fund his proxy war against Russia and brace for ww3
Remind us to vote for him next year
Lie and say how great the economy is
I bet he'll
Avoid talking about inflation
Avoid talking about unaffordable rents
Tell us we need to fund his proxy war against Russia and brace for ww3
Remind us to vote for him next year
Lie and say how great the economy is
last commentPersonally, I’m just hoping someone releases some balloons in the chamber during the speech.
1. He will call for civility and unity
2. He will criticize Republican as mean spirited, dumb, and racist.……
He’s higher than Hunter right now. He’ll need to sleep for 48 hours after this.
He basically said everything is good and Republicans should work with him.
But he'll shove his head up his ass and send our money to fund his proxy war im fucking ukraine.
Get off my lawn !
No shit, Sherlock.
Even Trump was better for the poor and working class. I'll vote for the Green Party candidate but I'm changing my party to republican so I can vote for Trump in the primary lulz
Biden over DeSantis but Trump over both
I wish Newsom Sanders AOC Ilham or even Schumer would challenge Biden
Biden and the Democrats have failed you. They know it. And you know it.
The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal or crazy,“
Sara Huckabee Sanders
Mark Levin
Plus he said it in the context that oil companies should continue to invest to increased product. If your product was only viable for 10 more years, would you invest in projects and expansion that wouldn’t come oniline until 10 or 20 years out ? So stupid.
Best commentary on his speech
Does he rehearse his speeches - or do they just pump him full of Hunter’s go juice - and tell him to read off the teleprompter and he can have a big bowl of ice cream if he doesn’t shit his pants?
He introduces this guy (ironically named Brandon) who stopped that dance studio mass murderer a few weeks ago. Joe gives the play-by-play on how it went down: "He saw a guy pointing a semi-automatic pistol at him... found the courage to act... "wrestled" the semi-automatic pistol away from the gunman... he saved lives and now it's time we do the same... BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS, BAN THEM NOW!!!"
Okay, so first of all, are we supposed to believe that because Brandon had no other choice and was very, very lucky to disarm a homicidal maniac with his bare hands, nobody really needs a gun for self defense? Shit, maybe from now on when there's an active shooter, somebody should just step up and do what Brandon did and "wrestle" the gun from him.
Secondly, after deliberately repeating "semi-automatic pistol" several times, he starts yelling, "BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS NOW!!" Even using the Democrats' twisted definition, there was no "assault weapon" in this story. Apparently, Biden is now trying to re-define "assault weapon" to include ordinary handguns. It would be one thing if it was just another Biden gaffe, but this was clearly read (and shouted) directly from the teleprompter.
I really don't understand the partisan divide when it comes to guns. Aren't there any looney lefties out there that would also like to protect themselves and their families? It's not like with the economy or foreign policy where an argument is understandable, we're talking about "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" here. However, Kamala did recently use that phrase and conveniently left out the word "life" so maybe the "lives" of everyday Americans don't matter to them anymore.
Here's a clip in case you missed it.…
I really had a good laugh at that comment.
Unfortunately the rest of your post is true but not laughable.
They say to rely on the cops, but then their left fringe wants to defund those too.
In the end, do what they say, and you wind up at their mercy.
And here's what the idiot had to say:…
Apparently "magazines that hold 50 to 70 bullets" are responsible for this massacre. Not included in his comments is that the killer had been arrested a couple years ago for carrying a concealed weapon without a license, a felony that would have prevented him from owning or purchasing firearms, but the DA allowed him to plead guilty to a lesser misdemeanor. Only 18 months probation, and then he legally purchased two handguns. Do 'ya think maybe this was more of a problem than Biden's 50 - 70 round magazine bullshit?
The people who throw around the term “assault rifle” know nothing about guns. It’s just their way of saying “ scary looking gun”. Or, they think they are referring to automatic weapons.
If you come up behind someone and hold a popsicle stick to their throat it's an assault. So the Democrats feel like they can define anything as an "assault weapon" if it scares people. Make a pretend gun out of your thumb and index finger - your finger is an assault weapon.
So, you don’t know what an assault rifle is, but you know it’s evil.