Are you going to add pagination for threads? I think a lot of the performance issues would improve if you were returned 10, 20, 30 records at a time instead of "all".
@founder - just a heads up, for some reason threads started by users who are ignored are showing up on the new site. What's odd is that comments from those same users don't show up either on that thread or any other threads. All that is showing up from them is the initial post to start a thread.
Not sure if this is something you are intentionally trying to test or a glitch in the new site.
Also, photos posted by dancers are not showing up, but the titles and comments on the photos are showing.
Otherwise the new site looks good from what little bit I've looked at.
Founder, I think you mentioned something about needing to reset our passwords in another thread. The new site is prompting me to do so. Is that right? Thanks
Yeah, I got the prompt, too. If I need to reset my password I'll just wait until you roll out the new site. I don't need one more thing to remember lol.
It allowed me in through the password recovery link and without changing password. However, when I tried to login after logging out, I got the same password prompt. No worries. I didn’t see the tab for unpublished reviews, but I was definitely logged in since I could read reviews. I assume this is all part of the ‘under construction.’
On the new site, the width is limited. On the existing site, it expands as wide as I make my window.
The other thing I noticed is that "My Feed" throws a 500 error. It initially thew some other error telling me to look at my browser logs, but I didn't capture it.
It looks like the Last Comment link doesn’t move you to the bottom of the thread.
Articles are approved with best of 5 vote. Some shitty rules for strip club beginners article just made it through. Up to you Founder, but I’d be in favor of a supermajority approval hurdle. 5-2 or 5-3 to get approved for articles and reviews rather than simple majority 4-3.
@founder, the new layout is great. a suggestion, instead of putting the USA as a click through to the states, howzabout a list of the states. It takes a lot clicking to get to a particular place in the USA.
Missing the ability to see when the latest review for a club was without clicking all the way in to "Reviews". The other thing I am seeing is that when searching "nearby clubs", if I pick one and view the detail, the entire list has to scan and rebuild before I can get to the next club... Love the faster performance though in general!
last commentreverendhornibastard wants to know if you can add an automatic desploogination feature to the new site???
Not sure if this is something you are intentionally trying to test or a glitch in the new site.
Also, photos posted by dancers are not showing up, but the titles and comments on the photos are showing.
Otherwise the new site looks good from what little bit I've looked at.
founder: ...close...
TUSCL VIP: how close?
founder: Up your ass.
The other thing I noticed is that "My Feed" throws a 500 error. It initially thew some other error telling me to look at my browser logs, but I didn't capture it.
Trying to switch from Google maps, it's too expensive
Articles are approved with best of 5 vote. Some shitty rules for strip club beginners article just made it through. Up to you Founder, but I’d be in favor of a supermajority approval hurdle. 5-2 or 5-3 to get approved for articles and reviews rather than simple majority 4-3.