Can I get in trouble?

avatar for georgmicrodong
So I took this dancer to VIP last week for some fun, and she only did half the work. I mean, she said she'd swallow but when she was done sucking me, she spit it out on the floor! I felt totally cheated, so I didn't tip her and she got all upset making like *I* am the bad guy here! Now she's sending me angry face emojis and threatening to sue me! I wish I hadn't given her my real phone number, name and address now! Wht do I do? I'm thinking of waiting for her outside the club this weekend so I can gank her with my K-Bar.

Do you think I'll get in trouble for that?


last comment
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Hacked, tasteless joke, or shitty attempt at satire? Place your bets.
avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
You should out her in a review, "(name) doesn't swallow".
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
^More “hackneyed” than “hacked”, but I agree.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
She should be fined for littering, too bad it didn’t happen in the subway, the signs in the subway say you will be fined for spitting.
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
On a side note, do you really care what happens after you make a deposit?
I don’t care what the barber does with my clippings.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
It's his cacaplop impersonation
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
^Get cancer.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
GMD - well played sir. Very well played…

If this escalates and she texts a photo of a dead bunny - that’s when I’d run upstairs and tell mommy!
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Did she specifically say she’d swallow? Thats too bad then

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
^Remember your first blowjob?
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
How long it take to get the taste out of your mouth?
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
By your own admission you stated she did half the job, so I think it’s perfectly reasonable for her to expect half of what you would normally have tipped her.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
What y mean by 3, gmd?
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
avatar for Dan3635
2 years ago
Georgmicrodong is not georgemicrodong. Move to ban this account.
avatar for Dan3635
2 years ago
I’m dumb. Shouldn’t drink and post. Why, oh why, isn’t there a delete post feature?
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
@Dan3635: "Georgmicrodong is not georgemicrodong. Move to ban this account."

That George guy sure is a poser, eh? I am the one and only Georg! 😏
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
@Dan3635: that was my first thought as well, but he's VIP and verified. Plus, click the name to see the profile, and it is gmd.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
To be fair, the satire here that is obvious to frequent visitors could easily be lost on those who spend less time on the discussion forums.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
The satire will be complete when georgmicrodong and georgemicrodong begin to argue with each other in multiple threads and review comments in a lame attempt to show they are not the same person. Thank my lord Founder for the Ignore function.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
What do you mean Ishmael?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Next time wipe up your cum with a benji and tip her the benji.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Scrub you sent this to the fbi? What did they say?
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
@jimmyMcNulty: "The satire will be complete when georgmicrodong and georgemicrodong begin to argue with each other"

I have to say, I honestly wish I'd thought of that...
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
OP, are you trolling someone else who is famous for these kinds of questions? Smart post.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Vic you are champbilly
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
OP is trolling by this post the only immature guy asks these kind of silly stupid questions
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
I have a feeling that desertscrub's "report" to the FBI and Icee's "legal paperwork" against skibum and 25 are all destined for the same nothing-burger fate.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
How come you cant hide the accent vicphilly?
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
One and only inmate guy trolled by this post. You all know who is that. He himself knows it.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Who? Champphilly?
avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
avatar for londonguy
2 years ago
Studme nails it with his side note.
avatar for Specialj
2 years ago
You shouldn’t take a bbj itc for granted. That’s more than a lot of desirable dancers are willing to do. I see your point on her not following through but are you willing to lose her as an option?
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Georg ACAB is just not an acceptable thing to say.
avatar for georgmicrodong
2 years ago
I'll stop saying when it's no longer true.
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
It never was true. people saying ACAB never judge any other profession in the same manner.

You have mcdonalds workers… fast food workers… drug dealers… doctors.. nba players.. nfl players.. whi have all been involved in murders, rapes, thefts, etc.

In fact if you look through murder statistics and the top 10 professions with the highest number of murderers, i doubt cops are on the list.

If less than 1% of cops being violent means its a systemic problem, that means nba and nfl players are all bad. If an entire police department and the chief are responsible when an individual cop does something bad, that means the entire team and coach are responsible anytime an athlete does something bad.

Yet nobody really says the same thing about fast food workers or athletes or drug dealers or strippers. The reason is simple. We live in times where a huge % of people are into immoral stuff like theft, rape, killing, violence, and that is the primary motivator for this ACAB stuff. The vast majority of the time its either someone directly involved in criminal activity, or someone butthurt about their friends or family getting in trouble for some sort of criminal activity. Its like those protestor looters directly engaging in terrorism or theft, then tens of thousands of other people who, didn’t directly participate but still thought it was okay for them to do all they did.
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
Anyone thinking ACAB needs to delve deep… and think about why they feel that way about one profession but not others
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
You agreed to a certain amount and didnt pay. She performed the act regardless of whether its to your liking. You nullified the consent. It titters on the scale of sexual assault and rape depending on your state. If its true she should call the cops
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago

If a hoe scams a client, you proudly exclaim it’s perfectly fine because “illegal contracts arent enforceable”

But if a client scams a hoe, you claim its “rape and sexual assault”
Thats false. As you said, illegal contracts arent enforceable. Hoes cant go to the cops just because a client doesnt pay them lol. If that was the case clients could go to hoes for not providing
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
Cacaplop the autistic indian aka rickmicrodong . Youre on here ranting about robbing and beating prostitutes. Now youre advocating rape.

A sex crime is a sex crime regardless of the circumstances
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
No you dont get it, prostitutes cant go to the cops and say she was raped because the client didnt pay her for the sex, nor can she go to the cops and say the client robbed her and didnt pay

Like you said, illegal contracts arent enforceable. Similar to how client cant go to the cops if a hoe scams, the same applies to a hoe going to the cops regarding a client not paying

And thats not how consent works to begin with. If a client bangs a hoe and doesnt pay up, it means he stole X amount of money from her. It doesnt mean she didnt consent to the sex. Consent isn’t something you can revoke after the fact. If that was the case, all the fake players like you would be getting arrested for rape for lying to girls about being famous musicians or athletes to hook up with them.
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
Retard. You have no comprehension of the law. Youre saying a prostitute cant be raped robbed or assaulted. That says a lot about your mindset.
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
Lol. Is english not your native language or something? Prostitutes CAN be raped. Never said otherwise. What i did say is, if a client refuses to pay a prostitute, or if he pays her first, then steals back the money later on, thats not rape legally nor ethically. Its not theft legally speaking, but it is theft morally speaking.

You were the guy proudly claiming illegal contracts cant be enforced.

To reiterate, if a prostitute agrees to fuck a guy for money, then the guy doesnt pay her, no, she cant file rape charges for that. I mean, she can accuse the guy of rape sure, anybody can accuse anybody of anything, but no, legally speaking she cant get the guy charged with rape just because he refused to pay her. Consent is based on what she agreed to do in that moment. If the consent is given based on a monetary fee, then its theft if the guy doesnt pay, but again, legally speaking it isnt theft either. The government doesnt help drug dealers get back their money if they for instance get shorted money when theyre selling drugs.

The good thing is though we have street justice, karma, and God himself to take care of scammers and thieves whether its the hoe or the client, the dealer or the buyer. The difference between you and me is i dont want the girl nor the guy getting scammed or robbed, meanwhile you celebrate guys being scammed by hoes while claiming its rape if a guy scams a hoe.
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
The irony of you saying that, after claiming clients cant be robbed because the sex contract isnt legally enforceable. If its not a legally enforceable contract that goes both ways boy
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
Youre just stupid. Comparing buyers remorse to the legality of rape makes you more retarded of a troll than anyone on here already thinks
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
Your argument is that since solicitation is illegal. Raping a prostitute is legal.... Youre a sick fuck
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
No you cant rape a prostitute. But similar to how clients cant go to the cops if a prostitute takes their money and doesn’t provide service, for the same reasons, prostitutes cant go to the cops and say this guy didnt pay me for sex or stole back money he initially paid me for sex.

Consent is given during the act, not before/after. If a client refuses to pay a prostitute who fucked him, thats theft, but its a form of theft similar to not paying for drugs, so in both cases you cant go to the cops or pursue legal action for that sort of theft.

Im not sure where buyers remorse comes into play at all. If a girl offers you sex for money, takes your money and doesnt provide sex, thats called theft, not buyers remorse, and you have the full right to knock her out, take back the funds she stole, etc.
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
You cant say “i didnt consent to sex because the guy stole his money back later” nor can you say “i had sex with this guy because I thought he would pay me after but he didnt pay me so thats rape”. A future promise of something in exchange for sex, doesnt nullify the consent if its not followed through on. If that was the case there would be all kinds of pickup artists or liars getting in trouble for rape.

Imagine some guy lies and tells a girl hes a star college athlete, on his way to be an nba player, or he tells a girl hes in med school about to become a doctor. Then the girl fucks him and later finds out he lied about his wealth or career. It sucks that it happened but you wouldn’t be able to charge the guy with rape. Even if the girl only fucked the guy because she thought he was an athlete or doctor.

As far as payment for sex, if a guy hands over money, the girl fucks him, then he steals the money back, its theft ethically speaking but because it involves prostitution she wouldnt be able to pursue legal actions. Its the same thing if a guy promises to pay after the sex but then refuses. Normally if you did that with say a massage it would be considered theft of services. But with sex its not enforceable because prostitution is illegal.
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
Coercive measures dont constitute consent. Beating or robbing a prostitute after you fuck her is assault and battery and sexual assault and rape.

Did you do it and get away with it?
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
Go troll elsewhere sick fuck
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
Sexual assault and rape how dumbfuck? Rape means you fucked someone without consent, it absolutely does not apply to someone fucking a prostitute then stealing money. The only immoral thing done in that situation is the theft itself. Youre trying to conflate two different things,

You claim her consent goes away if the money is stolen, that means the consent comes back if the money is returned, so once again, robbing a prostitute does not legally mean you raped her, it does mean you owe her whatever agreed upon fee you owe her, its a theft of service.

No, why would i beat someone up? I said it’s acceptable to beat scammers which would be someone who asks you for money but doesn’t provide whatever product or service they said they would in exchange for it. Pretty simple concept to understand ghetto boy
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
Icey at one point i was in vegas with someone local there and i handed over $400, the girl counted it while asking me to go wash my hands, i went to wash but peeked out to see where she was putting the money. I came out, she then said the $400 includes a massage and if I want anything additional shell do sex for another $200, BJ for another $500, while she was yapping away I gave her a good ol 1-2 followed by another good 1-2 for good measure, took back my money and left the hotel. I would have taken another $100 as an inconvenience fee for wasting my time and trying to scam me but the ghetto hoe didnt have any other money in the drawer 😂
avatar for Icey
5 months ago
Those places have bouncers. Seems highly unlikely. But the fact that your brag about beating up hookers. Thats low even for a retarded autistic troll like you
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
What? Hotels in vegas dont have bouncers. Not every hotel is a casino hotel and even the casino hotels have standard security. Im not sure what relevance a bouncer has. Technically she wasnt a hooker, more of a massage girl since nothing was available besides a HJ. Thankfully my hands were better, and i had the 1–2 😉
avatar for rickmacrodong
5 months ago
It was a thief not a hooker 😉
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