
A Very Untimely Pimple

Anywhere there are Titties.
Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:57 PM
I'm kind of a gym rat. I work out just about every day. And I sweat a lot when I do my workouts. Yes, I shower after every workout. But sometimes you miss spots and end up with blemishes because of it. And these blemishes are in odd places sometimes. Even at my advanced age, I still get a zit every once in a while. I actually had acne pretty bad when I was a teenager. OK, none of you care about this. On Tuesday, I have a date with a sugar baby that I have known for several years. 5-3 , 105 lbs, Natural d-cups. The kind of body that wet dreams are made of. We have known each other long enough that there is a large amount of trust with each other. So I am very comfortable having raw sex with her. And she loves sex. Multiple times too. She will spend the night with me and we'll fuck though the night and morning. She shows up to the hotel before dinner so we can do round one before we eat. She walks into the room and immediately disrobes, then takes my clothes off. Then push me onto the bed. She then playfully grabs my dick and says " lets examine this to make sure we are OK " . She was kind of joking, kind of not. Well, in her quick examination, she sees two small red bumps. My heart almost stopped beating. I had no answer for these bumps. ( And I did have covered sex with another girl the night before ) , Lucky for me, I do have a box of condoms. But the potential evening of tons of RAW sex was out the window. The next day, one of the bumps is gone and the remainder is quite small. Now two days later, both bumps are gone. They were zits. I don't know the point of this story. Other than it's me having sex with beautiful girls and wanting to talk about it. But "junior" is going to be plenty of body wash going forward.


  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    Hey Bro you know we’re buds and all, so let me say simply as gently as I can, this is over sharing TMI
  • Cashman1234
    a year ago
    I have no issue with your description of what happened. I understand the dangers of consistent work outs - and sweat. Please, don’t post any photos! That would be too much.
  • TheeOSU
    a year ago
    Cash it goes without saying that you don't speak for cj, he's drooling for photos.
  • JamesSD
    a year ago
    Honestly you're lucky the pimples on your dick weren't too painful to bang
  • wallanon
    a year ago
    "But the potential evening of tons of RAW sex was out the window." If you're getting the inspection everytime you'd better be full on with damage control for next time, too. This is a rare occasion when a dick pic (not for us, for her) might be called for.
  • CJKent_band
    a year ago
    @Warrior15 “Red spots appearing on the penis can be due to various reactions. Some might be normal, and some might need rigorous treatment. So it is advisable to seek a doctor when something suspicious is found. However, with proper treatment, most of the conditions can be managed.” Just make sure you get checked regularly and protect yourself and your favorites. Let’s be careful out there.
  • CJKent_band
    a year ago
    @Warrior15 I almost forgot; Pics and Vids of the Sugar Baby that is 5-3 , 105 lbs, Natural d-cups. The kind of body that wet dreams are made of… or it didn’t happen. Good Times, Good Times. :D
  • rickmacrodong
    a year ago
    Cj kent you have to first provide pics of your sugar babies escorts etc before requesting others to do so.
  • Jdo11
    a year ago
    So as an avid ldk'er who was going multiple times a week before the holidays, I think I can provide some advice. Hand towels run under hot (scalding hot) water, then wrung dry and applied over the affected area until the heat dissipates, will hasten the timeline of any unseemly bumps on the shaft and balls. This will work to reduce the size of any fluid filled bumps. You can pull/stretch the skin surrounding the bump tight (so that it's almost transparent, like a bat's wing) to get a better view of what all is inside the bump. If you're hellbent on performing a drainage by yourself; rub the surrounding area dry, stretch the affected skin so that the inferior most part of the bump is exposed, prick the surface of the bump with a needle (as in you're NOT pushing the sharp into the bump but rather using the sharp point to create a microscopic tear on the surface of the bump), hold a tissue paper underneath the site where you've just pricked, press the skin surrounding the bump in a milking motion until you're no longer draining fluid from said bump. Gross warning: I've done this once for myself after a night of ldking whilst wearing a hair tie as a cockring. No problems to date (~6 months or so).
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