18-22s that look 30+
>:( 🧚🏼♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Wednesday, January 4, 2023 2:51 AM
I keep seeing chicks with crazy caked on makeup and just kinda milfy (read: bigger) type bodies for that age that don't look anywhere near 21 or whatever their age is. They straight up look 30 and up, easily. I'm assuming a lot of it is this contouring drag queen hooker makeup that makes very young girls look extremely old and very, very rough.
Felt like posting this 1 to counter icey's thread lmfao
Felt like posting this 1 to counter icey's thread lmfao
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The body type issues could be a result of diet combined with a sedentary lifestyle. Dancing should burn a lot of calories and keep muscle toned, but maybe you have to be at a really busy club to see a noticeable effect? Factor in how sedentary life is now at every age bracket compared to 30 years ago and I could see a younger generation coming out heavier across the board.
I do enjoy that well used look - and bad make up is a great try at covering up the look of too many nights spent at the local watering hole! Many of those sluts don’t realize the added calories from heavy drinking, and they can get thick quickly. They may also smoke like chimneys - and that can age their looks prematurely too.
Pretty much all my favs have been in that category.