
First trip - end of November

I'm looking to take my first trip to Tijuana/HK. I very much appreciate all the reviews and information about TJ/HK on here. Thanks to all of the regulars and newer posters!

My schedule is pretty flexible (plan to go during the week, probably Wed-Thur nights). It sounds like I should book a Master Suite room at the Cascada. Some random questions:

- is there a newbie guide to Tijuana? I'm guessing "likely" but not sure where to look

- is the Cascada decent for a couple nights? Or does anyone stay elsewhere in TJ? any downside to staying at the Cascada?

- sounds like I should get a Master Suite room ... correct?

- sounds pretty easy to walk over the border and grab a taxi. Is it worth doing to VIP transportation from San Diego to HK for $150? Sounds reasonable (?) hkmexexpress?

- area near the hotel ... is it easy to walk around the Cascada for food etc? or just take a taxi and have them drive you somewhere for decent food? just looking to eat clean/healthy with no big expectations

- any language issues walking around the area? I'm intermediate level Spanish so I should be okay but throwing out the question

Thanks all!


  • Redbaron12
    2 years ago
    If you're going to Hong Kong yes, stay at Cascadas. I always book the master suite but to be honest, it's not worth it unless you use the jacuzzi or need a window. I get it and I request one with a window. If you don't care about either of those you're sort of wasting your money. Rizo (across the street) is nicer and newer. You can take girls from Bar Tropical to Cascadas or Hong Kong to Rizzo but if you're planning to spend most of your time at HK I'd stay at Cascadas. It just more convenient.
    As far as transportation, I'd never pay $150 to ride across the border. Take a taxi or jump in the HK limo for $5 or $7.
    Food is everywhere and available 24/7 right outside HK. You''ll never need to take a taxi anywhere unless there is somewhere specific you want to go.
    You don't need to know Spanish. Most people will know English well enough to communicate.

    The first time people go to Tijuana/HK they're nervous and want to. know everything. The area is safe. Food is everywhere. Anything else you'll need is all right there.
  • azfriole
    2 years ago
    Here is a link to a guy that wrote a novel on the beginners guide. It's pretty spot on. https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=8113…

    Yes, stay at cascadas! Get the VIP card to save 20% on your rooms those nights. Azul and Senda Norte are the two restaurants connected to the hotels and are pretty good.

    Just uber to San Ysidoro from the airport, don't spend the $150 for the HK service. If feeling adventurous you can also do the blue line to the border.

    I was there last week on a Thursday and it had the most girls I've ever seen at HK. You are going to love this place! Lol

  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    The TUSCL article below is 5-years-old but has some good info (the price info may be outdated though):

  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago

    I will play along and comment on your discussion.

    Since you said this is your first time keep things simple in your first visit and go with the expectation of this just being a recon mission to gain information and see how things work/are, if you don’t speak Spanish fluently be prepared for misunderstandings because somethings get lost in translation.

    Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

    Just take the trolley/streetcar to the Border and walk across.

    When going into Mexico the Mexican border officials might ask you for the Visitor Permit (FMM) and the permit will be stamped and the number of days that is valid noted on it (up to 180) and you keep half of the Visitor Permit.

    Keep the Visitor Permit with your passport card or passport because you are supposed to show it to Mexican government officials, if they ask for it, and ultimately you will have to give it back to a Mexican immigration official when you leave Mexico.

    This is the Mexican website with the official information:

    After crossing the border, joust walk over the pick up place for the Free Limousine ride service to Hong Kong, the people there will be happy to help you get to The Happiest Place on Earth (according to Krusty)


    When you get to the hotel Cascadas, get the VIP card for the discounts and offers.just get a “basic room”, and check in.

    I recommend to go to eat something light at the restaurant azul and then take a shower before going inside Hong Kong.

    Inside the club walk around and see if any girl is of your liking and approach her, to interview her to see if she is right for the “job/position” of going with you upstairs (arriba)

    Make sure you and her are clear about what is expected of each other, basic is full service (covered), everything else is extra.

    YES; that is the basic full service, from there everything else has to be negotiated in the paid-for-sex experience. Like restaurants, every bargirl has their own menu, and rules and have the “right to refuse service”.

    Remember you are visiting a different country with a different culture a different language, but very nice people and really good food, an interesting “experiences” that you should be able and happy to afford.

    As long as you behave like respectable, friendly, gentleman, you will be treated like a friendly, respectable gentleman.

    Don’t overthink things, nothing is going to be exactly like you imagined or were told, just be prepared for the worst and hope for the best that way you won’t be surprised.

    Just relax stay open to the positive experiences so you can have a good enjoyable time.

    Keep in mind the Russian proverb:

    “People greet you according to the way you dress and say goodbay according to the way you behave"

    Don’t drink or do drugs or do or carry anything illegal, focus on enjoying your first Hong Kong experience, relax and enjoy, don’t worry be happy.

    And let’s be careful out there.

    Remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
  • PutaTester
    2 years ago
    With respect to CJ, you can get a 7-day FMM for free. Sometimes they don’t even bother with it; you just flash your passport and they wave you through. The 180-day FMM was $35 when I renewed last month. Unless you are coming back frequently, you don’t need the 180. I have never had to surrender it when leaving Mexico. (The rest of his advice is spot on.)

    Your bags will be X-rayed going both directions. Travel as light as possible. Bring your own condoms. Consider bringing your own lubricant. I bring a flavored version that the girls enjoy and appreciate. The only issue is that if you are flying, you have to check the bag if it is over 3 ounces. I check my bag going to SD and just leave liquids behind when going home.

    A cab to HK/Cascades should be between $4 and $7. Make sure that you negotiate the price before getting into the cab. Don’t accept offers for a cab as you walk down the path from the border crossing to the street; they tend to try to rip you for a high price, especially newbies. If you opt for a cab, there are several stands on the street as you exit the turnstiles. If, when you are through the turnstiles and at the street you turn right, about a block up is the HK shuttle that you can ride for free (but a few dollars in a tip is expected). The shuttle usually runs from 2:00 on, but it can be sporadic. Last time I was there, the shuttle office was locked, but the shuttle was doing laps. I just waited outside.

    Read both of the suggested postings pointed to in the replies above. You might also ask if someone on this board wants to hang with you. I have met with some great people in TJ from this board.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    Try to get a room on the 7th or 8th floor at Cascadas. Too low, you can hear the music. Too high, the elevator takes forever. And try to get a two double beds. One to sleep in and the other to............ Well, you know.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    And on getting a different hotel, depends on how long you are there. If only two nights, then just stay at Cascadas. If longer, I would try to find somewhere else to sleep. But that does add an extra to the cost of your trip.v. Cascadas is NOT a nice hotel. It's just very convenient to Hong Kong.
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago
    @Puta Tester

    Thank you for the clarification on the FMM card (visitor permit/visa)
    Sometimes they don ask for it and sometimes they make a big deal about it to try to get some money, is better to have it printed and ready just in case, but don’t voluntarily bring it up, only if they ask..

    Yes 7 days is free as far as I know.
  • booji boy
    2 years ago

    All good advice above. There are more articles available, just click on the search link on the menu here. Overall, you should also be checking out sources outside of this website. Employ a little common sense here. You're going to a different country with different rules than you're used to.

    As far as getting a VIP card goes, it costs $60 and it gives you 20% off during the week (70% on Mon/Tue). If the discount doesn't save you enough to cover the cost of the card, why bother? Having your own condoms & lube is a good idea, just keep in mind that these things can be got easily once you're there. I would add some nice body wash and a couple of cheap washcloths to the shopping list, but that's just me.

    Final bit of advice: Pace yourself. Grab a shower and clean up when you get there and when you hit the clubs, take some time to take it all in before you dive into the chicas. Don't get stupid drunk because it could cost you dearly. The Zona Norte is pretty safe if you stick to the area around the major clubs but that won't keep you from being a victim if you don't pay attention to what's going on around you.

    I'm going to be there mon-wed of next week but I'll be spending a lot of that time visiting with friends.
  • marty_mcfly
    2 years ago
    Thank you all for the responses! It will take me a minute to digest; but I'll be very well prepared. Sounds like it should be a fun trip.

    I'm not a heavy drinker so no issue there. I like to smoke a little weed but I'm probably not going to bring that across the border (because why risk it).

    Thanks again! You guys are awesome!
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