
Are some reviews kinda long?

avatar for ww

I've been chuckling on and off all day, so decided may as well make a thread cuz I'm certain anytime I'm feeling blue, this will still get a chuckle out of me again in the future.

The review is posted here: /review.php

And the 1st commentor, which most will recognize, as he needs no introduction, made a statement that started "Review was pretty-long and I didn't get to the end b/f I hit reject...".

Which made me do my Dave Chappelle impression of Lil' Jon that goes something like "Whaaattt???"

This reaction was due to my contrasting this review to the many reviews done by the commentor, many of which contain a lengthy breakdown of all the ins and outs.

I thought "Man, if we were all rejecting reviews based on them being kinda long, some reviews would never publish!" LOL! Of course, founder guidelines do state "Be Wordy!"

Then another thought entered, as I couldn't help imagining a reviewer going "Damn, this review is so long, can't even get through this shiznit!"

Anyway, I'm just joking around - I know I've taken this out of context and the reject wasn't based on length at all - still found it funny, though. Let me stop here, as my rant is starting to feel kinda long...lol!


last comment
avatar for doctorevil
2 yrs ago

OP, no

Papi Chulo

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

Lol yeah ^^^ somebody hold Papi back, hold ‘em back!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

Glad that I can bring a chuckle to your life and "for anytime you're feeling blue".

For me the review was "too long" bc it didn't contain that much info I already didn't know about the club and why I didn't get to the end of it - whether it was too long or not is for each individual reader to decide.

Thanks for your contribution on this thread and I hope I can continue to lift your spirits.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

I didn't reject the review bc it was too long - I had read up to the part where the reviewer named a dancer in the context of extras and that is when I hit Reject and didn't read the rest of the lengthy review - it wasn't till the review was published and I saw some of the Adjudicator comments that I went back and read the rest of the review where the reviewer had later mentioned the dancer not treating him right; but up to the point where he named the dancer it seemed like just another Silver Cricket review and I hit Reject bc of the dancer-naming.

It's the descriptions of the parking lots and club layouts that make reviews boring. I'm surprised no one is measuring the height of bar stools and how many steps it is from the bathroom door to a urinal. Or a survey of nipple length and costume colors. Otherwise it's not enough club details for a certain clique on here 🤡

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ Do you ever get tired of being the turd in the punchbowl ?

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

Hey Kettle, what color is that Pot again?

avatar for From978
2 yrs ago

"I have made this longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter."

Blaise Pascal, 1657

avatar for Pussylicker2
2 yrs ago

I think reviews should provide information that is useful to a pl. If I'm in a new town and thinking about hitting a club I want to know what things cost, is it safe, what kind of experience will I have. It makes no difference if the bar is on the right, left, in the back. If makes no difference if the reviewer got out of a meeting, had a long drive, etc. I won't go to a club that scans driver's licenses or requires you to surrender your car keys. I like getting extras so I'd like to know if they're available. I've accepted very short reviews that provide good information, and rejected ones that were so long it was a pain to read.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

That´s an example of long review that´s good, because it has good paragraph structure. You can read the first sentence of a paragraph, and know it it´s worth reading to you, or if you want to jump to the next paragraph.

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