
Old-time guys on TUSCL

Avatar for BaddJack

I was on TUSCL for a couple of years, left for almost a year, came back and was vexed by a guy whose handle was greenvegas. The dude was insulting and uncool. Not the kind of insulting you give you best buddy, but the kind you get from a 7th-grader on the playground. I blocked him. Wrote a few more Discussions and Reviews. Had a stroke. And a heart attack. And generally shitty health. Got my act together, lost 127 pounds, got a hip replacement, and came back. I just re-read a discussion I started in 2009. I had to confess to my TUSCL brethren that a promised review didn't materialize simply because I got hungover and stayed home. My comment was "Plain and simple, I wussed out. I feel so greenvegas about the whole thing." Greenvegas? If your sorry ass is still out there, I would use this phrase again. You rat-faced bastard.


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Avatar for Warrior15

Lost 127 lbs ? Congrats. How's the heart now ?

Avatar for BaddJack

I am only on one med, and I only take half a pill. For blood pressure. Heart is A-OK, after 5 bypasses. The stroke sucked, and my face still has some residual paralysis, but it sorta gives me a Stallone vibe. My left hand is back enough to type and play guitar for my grandchildren. The hip replacement was a godsend. Oh, yeah, and even after losing 127 pounds, I am still 5'10", 280. Still a 3X. Thanks for the congrats.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ I'll bet you feel better, I had my own struggles with weight when I was younger, I was about 280 at my heaviest, I'm 5'8" and about 205 now, and have maintained that weight since my middle 50s. I'm 68 now I swim every day, and walk every day, I used to work out with weight machines, but I have developed cervical disc problems so I was forced to cut that back, still my health is good quit smoking cigars several years back, and I feel well. I know how hard it is to maintain your health, but it's so worth it.

Best of luck to you and congrats on your accomplishments, keep it up.

Avatar for misterorange

^^ Fuck you Icee you stupid cocksucker.

Avatar for twentyfive

Hey Iceefag my BMI is approx 19 look that up bitch

Avatar for skibum609

Icee weighs 373, but is 5' 9", so it works.

Avatar for Tetradon

I'm 6'9", 275 pounds of fast twitch muscle, bench 500, squat 650, am ranked in three martial arts, and have a 10.5-inch pecker. Like everyone else on the internet.

Avatar for twentyfive


you're still in better shape than some cosplay pimp who has a pacemaker at the age of 27

Avatar for datinman

At 205 lbs., to have a 19 BMI you would have to be you would have to be 7' 3" tall.

BMI is frequently really misleading. Same BMI for a 6' 200 lbs. weight training athlete with a 15% body fat and a doughy 6' 200 lbs. couch potato with a 35% body fat.

Avatar for Mate27

^^ so true. I ditched my last practitioner when he showed me a chart regarding proper BMI for height and weight. I told him that most people my weight and height have much less muscle mass than me, so take your chart for what buys worth, a range for the average person. If you’re athletic those BMI charts blow. Aaron Judge was recently pinned as being overweight by the BMI chart. He clearly for his size and weight as a professional athlete is maybe 10% body fat, clearly not overweight according to those charts.

Avatar for PinkSugarDoll

Good job, glad you are feeling and doing better! That is hard work. You lost a whole “me.”

“Hey Iceefag my BMI is approx 19 look that up bitch”

Lmao, Jesus lol. ^^ that was very greenvegas of you 🏆🏆🏆

Avatar for BaddJack

^^PinkSugarDoll: when I got to 110 pounds, I described it as "I've lost a whole stripper."

Avatar for shailynn

Congrats and glad to see you’re doing well.

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