For Atlanta mongers. Vivide meetup? 🤔

Degenerate gambler and virgin
I forgot how to use the site and tried to add this to vivide but couldn’t… Would any of you be open to hitting up vivide this week? I’ve met most of you, so I was just seeing. I’ve been out of town for 6 months and just came back and ready to see what’s happening in vivide again with the influx of lovely Cubans! Usually weekdays here are great like Wednesdays or Thursdays. What day works for you all if you can? Have a great day and thanks.
last commentWed ior Thu around 3 would probably work for me.
Just about any day would be doable but Wed and Thu are my favorite days at this club.
Ok well I guess Wednesday will work. I know you get to the clubs early shadow, but I don’t get there til like 2 when a few more customers and girls are there. Will that be ok? @doctorevil that sounds good! Wednesday is good tbh
I might've considered Thursday. Wednesday I can't do this week. But you guys who actually live in Georgia do what's best for you lol
Damn. I wish someone would do this for NYC.
If tuskular can get that dancer SashaJuicy to show for a meetup he might be on to something...
I'm on it.
You guys should do a first-ever TUSCL group-VIP
@tuskular I’m always in nyc and if you all want to do a group meet we can set that up too. I’ll be back there October 13 if that will give you all enough time to get prepared with other members and we hit a club.
@wallanon we’ll see what others say but if Thursday works for everyone that works with me too. I texted some members so I’ll see what they say tomorrow
@papi_chulo lmao I’ve done one with a Female member here but idk if I could with all these guys. They’d be trolling the whole time! 😂
I love hanging out with the guys here though, me being younger I learn a lot from how they carry themselves in the clubs. It’s pretty cool tbh.
@wavvycain. This better not be some sort of trap. but I'm down.
Lol a trap? How? I’ve been hanging with dudes here for a while.
I blame covid for being so suspicious of people
Sounds like Wall can make Thurs. Us ATL folks should probably defer to out of towners. I'll plan on being there Thursday.
Thursday it is then!
Thursdays are great days in vivide. It’s usually a packed house because women know some guys get paid on those days etc
Count me in for Thursday.
Sounds good! Thank you!
What time are you all getting up there? I’ll be there around 1:30
I'll be there before that.
Ok, yea I know you usually get there around 12:30
We are here me and shadow but I’ll maybe shake around 2:30 because I have to go to Stockbridge area and traffic is shit lol
Wish I could make it but I'm stuck here at work.