
Jailed in the US for fun in TJ?

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Saturday, August 27, 2022 2:21 AM
Found this: [view link] . The most relevant part seems to start at page 430. Sex workers in Mexico are legally required to be 18 or older. But, Mexico being Mexico, wouldn't surprise me if younger paradas are tolerated, maybe even chicks younger than 18 working in the bars. Risk seems low, but maybe not zero. This document says it's more about your intent than what you do. Seems like it would be hard to prove intent beyond a reasonable doubt. But, when it comes to claiming to have probable causes for an arrest, it might be easier to claim you had intent than you actually did anything. The risk is greater because there are clearly a lot of dishonorable people in LE. The irony of the drug war is that dishonorable people in LE have gotten as addicted to fucking people over for victimless crimes as many are addicted to substances. As more and more people get fed up and see the truth about the dishonorable drug war, dishonorable people in LE see a war on "sex trafficking" as their next gig. The replacement for "Reefer Madness" is hysterical claims that all sex workers are trafficked, and thus all PLs are rapists. Since PLs are rapists, they can be presumed to not care if their "victim" is a minor. Since there are (too many) real cases of minors who are trafficked for sex, all PLs should be considered guilty of this.


  • OrangeClown
    2 years ago
    Can someone translate this crap into English? Only thing I got out of it was this guy believes it's safer to fuck his dog in the ass than bar girls in TJ.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Now the link you posted only has 41 pages, not 430 pages. But your insights are always appreciated ilbbaicnl. page 430 of the larger manuscript talks about child abuse protection act 1994 I think these age of consent laws are necessary, but they always do cause problems. You can't tell how old they are. So you could say, well I met her in a strip club. I would not in Mexico go outside of the Zona Putas. I knew a young women who was a Denny's waitress, who between the lines was telling me that she worked in the TJ bars before she was old enough. There needs to be some safe harbor rules, some precautions that you can take that will protect you from prosecution, even if you have been fooled about her age. SJG School of Rock ,edgy [view link]
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