
Spent 60 cents on gifts for ATFs and results very positive

Thursday, January 3, 2008 8:19 PM
I'm fortunate to have some very nice ATFs, and the natural "nice guy" inclination of any PL would be to give them a present for Christmas. I concluded that cash is the best gift. So with two of my best ATFS I brainstormed various amounts, lets say maybe $500 cash for each or maybe a $1000 for one and nothing for the other etc MONEY ACTUALLY SPENT = 0 dollars cash, except for 2 burned discs that just happened to be given to them w/o being designated a Christmas gift, total cost around 30 cents each RESULTS - better than ever, no complaints from them, both now ratcheting it up from their end - even more


  • SuperDude
    17 years ago
    Let's see how long the effects last.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    Yes, will be interesting to see how long the positive effects last from taking the low road about buying Christmas gifts, I mean any decent guy would have gotten some kind of gifts in this situation, however its a balancing act and one has to toss in enough jerk things here and there to keep from being the dreaded and chemistry killing "nice guy" - with also trying to avoid becoming a total asshole type. Meanwhile I thought I noticed one of my AFTs had put on lets say 10 to 12 lbs over the late fall/early winter, so I had a discussion with her (dancer) sister whether in fact this was true, and even her sister had previously suggested she start exercising a bit more. I got a pledge from her sister "to not tell Dancer X that I said anything" (yeah right in the land of oz) Note, that such indirect insults are always a real plus. In any case for a typical man looking at this dancer in one of her sexy outfits on stage, only the most hard cased prick would have any complaints about the 10 to 12 lb weight gain of this rather stunning and generally on the lean side and yet curvaceous latin beauty Meanwhile this dancer is barraging me with emails, way way more than normal, she must have received the insult
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    The best things in life are free. :)
  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    David: I have been giving burned CD's to my favorite dancers for about 5 years. Every month a new CD. I have over 5,000 songs by 250 different artists on my hard drive. I have even burned a couple of DVD's. All of the guys that attended the convention in Oct got CD's too. "Strip Club". The girls loved it and I think the guys did too. This month they are getting Annie Lennox.
  • David9999
    17 years ago
    true, shawdowcat - it seems burned CDs are quite popular with many dancers, especially if they are not the types the burn CDs themselves. What happens when I'm with them in the club, they mention liking certain songs when the DJs play them, so I add these songs and a few more, ending up with typically 10 tracks total. I only do it now and then, which makes it a bit more special and they seem to genuinely enjoy them. In fact one dancer has (twice now with both CDs I'd given her) utilized 3 songs from each - for her actual standard stage dance set at the club. I recently walked in the club, after not seeing her for 2 weeks, and she's on stage, and I hear these same songs (from the burned CD) as I'm in the entry way and at the bar, and she no idea when I would be there at that point
  • David9999
    16 years ago
    Thought of the day on the virtue of being frugal: "Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship." quoting Ben Franklin (the same guy I see on those large bills i'm always handing strippers)
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I once gave a stripper in need $1,000 and all I got for it was a kiss and tears of joy. She is now in EMS school. If I ever have to call 911, I hope that she is one of the responders.
  • David9999
    16 years ago
    1000 is very generous
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