
The next 10 years

avatar for mark94

Peter Zehain has a best selling book called “ The end of the world is just the beginning “ where he describes the changes going on in the world and what’s next.

After the Cold War ended, America continued to serve as the World’s policeman, assuring global trade was possible. It was a golden period where billions were lifted out of poverty as poorer countries became connected to the global economy. Those days are gone forever. CoVid accelerated that inevitable transition.

The US is no longer willing to bear the cost of protecting the world while allowing a hollowing out of its manufacturing jobs and becoming vulnerable to supply chain issues.

The nations of the world will return to an earlier model of national and regional economies. The countries that are self sufficient in agriculture, energy, and a working age population will do relatively well. The US ( with regional partners in Canada and Mexico ) will do well. Countries like China and Germany, who must import their food and energy, will be a disaster.

The next few years will see a return of manufacturing to the US. That will require massive capital, raising the cost of everything, but will eventually make the US self sufficient and secure. Friendly countries that align with us, like Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Australia, will also survive. Europe will be a mess, as well as most of Asia and Africa. Zeihan predicts a billion people will starve. Regional wars are inevitable.



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avatar for Iknowbetter
2 yrs ago

Interesting. I can’t believe I’m getting legitimate book recommendations from some knucklehead on TUSCL. But I just ordered this on Amazon. However I will have to overcome what sounds like a lot of “confirmation bias”. It would be great to see manufacturing return to the US, and for the US to become more self sufficient, while Asia and Europe fall apart. So let’s find all the facts that support that conclusion.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

The world does seem less safe than it has in 30-years and the U.S. has it's own "internal war" going-on and seems weaker than it has in a long time and a weak/divided U.S. is bad-news for the world

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

The war in the Pacific started because Japan needed to get access to natural resources for its economy. This time, China could be in the same situation. It’s gonna get messy.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

Some are predicting a lost decade for the U.S. where we at best just go sideways - of course predictions are often wrong and there are many variables most important perhaps being who's running the country

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Zeihan also makes a couple interesting points with regard to Russia.

While the US has the world’s best farmland in the Midwest, Ukraine also has rich farmland. That will be a critical resource to whoever controls it.

Also, as the world boycotts Russia, they have nowhere to send much of their oil. Their wells are in Siberia and the equipment is poorly maintained. If the equipment is out of use for a few months, micro fractures will form and the wells will become useless. That will have a noticeable impact on world oil supply.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

If you were born in 1980 or later, your life will end before it should have naturally ended.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

Lot's of folks have been predicting the end of the world, since the beginning of the world, and we're still here.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

AOC says the world will have ended before then.

I'm going to spend my money on good food, mindless amusements, and loose women, because global warming doomsayers are never wrong.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago



avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

^ do you have a better timeline for me? Because I need to determine if I should go to work next week.

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

My prediction for the next ten years is that it will last just as long as the last 10 years did.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

Scientists and acholara have all become pundits and activists. Look at Fauci, the climate data scandals, the never Trump economists, WHO covering for PRC, the politicization of the FBI and DoJ. There is no place to go to for reliable, objective truth.

avatar for chiefwiggum
2 yrs ago

This is the second thread where people say the US doesn't make anything. That's not true. We make a shitload of petroleum products (refined gas and crude), autos and light trucks, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, just off the top of my head. We just don't make anything retail focused and our factories are highly automated.

This should free up labor to go make other things, but politicians (and to some extent unions, particularly where they act politically) keep fucking around with the economy diverting labor into dumb things.

Mark you're saying the US will have astronomical price increases and a fractured economy but well do well 🤡 this is a classic rant up there with saying Trump won the election and one income is better than 2

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

I didn’t say astronomical price increases, I said price increases.

And, yes, we will do well relative to every other nation. We are uniquely positioned with energy, agricultural, and Human Resources.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Here’s another interesting stat. China just admitted they have 100 million fewer young people than were shown on their official census. If you take the current population, with the current birth and death rates, and project it forward to 2050, China’s population will be half what it is now. And, the average will be old. And, it will still be shrinking.

All this talk about China dominating the 21st century is pretty funny when you consider that.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

If you look at Zeihan’s predictions, here is what America looks like in 10 years. The North American continent is largely self sufficient, the standard of living is good, prices are a bit higher, and we have full employment.

The manufacturing base will see a massive increase with highly automated factories in the US, lower wage manufacturing in Mexico, natural resources from Canada, food production in the Midwest, energy independence, and rapid GDP growth as a result of investment in manufacturing.

Much of the rest of the world will be in chaos. We will have much less involvement in their affairs than we do now because we don’t need them.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

There’s going to be significant push back against the woke nut jobs. You already see it beginning. TUSCL isn’t unique. It’s the viewpoint of the silent majority. Read comments on social media and overwhelming majority of people are anti-Disney, anti-ESPN, anti-Naomi Osaka, anti-Britney Griner.

People will start saying no and stand up against the very small, but vocal group of leftist progressives.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

I’m not against global trade/business; it has its pros and cons – but I am def concerned w.r.t. having any reliance on a country like China (or Europe’s reliance on Russia) – from the looks of it; it seems China wants to supplant us as the world-power and do so by any means necessary; and it seems we have in large part aided them in doing so – we def need to decouple from China as Trump wanted – and Trump also had the foresight to encourage Europe to decouple from madman-Putin although many of those Euro-fags were laughing when Trump was calling out this danger.

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