Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg

avatar for san_jose_guy
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game

How do people feel about this Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg?

He got elected in 2016, so now he is in his second term. Prior he was ProTem of the State Senate. But our state legislature has term limits, so can't stay there too long.

I know that a lot of people on this board have political views different from my own. This is why I am putting this out here. Want to see how others perceive him.

Sacramento has a reputation as a pretty tough town, and it has a larger homeless population than San Francisco.


Jane - School of Rock


last comment
avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

Okay Sacramento Guy, now I know you've been shipped to Sacramento because this is the second time you've brought Sacramento up today. How is the wifi at the Sacramento Public Library? Or are they allowing you to use the internet at the Sacramento Loony Bin?

He's the head of Newsom s homelessness commission and supports care courts. He designed the plan where the homeless are obligated to accept housing and psychiatric help.

Check out Stockton Blvd lulz.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Sacramento Mass Shooting | Mayor Darrell Steinberg answers questions following the shooting

That Mental Health System should not even exist. And it is completely unacceptable that anyone would ever be subjected to involuntary psychiatric procedures.

The only reason the Mental Health System exists is to try to make people accept a life that is without public honor, and where one is to live with only the legitimacy which is offered as pity.

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg addresses homeless encampment cleanup

Full interview: Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg talks about his reaction to mass shooting


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Sacramento Shooting Update: Sacramento police update mass shooting investigation (Apr 3, 2022)


You're doing that autistic thing when you get triggered and keep posting irrelevant shit like crazy

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Trying to understand this Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg

Mass Shooting on K Street at the start of April 2022


avatar for pistola
2 yrs ago

Sorry, SJG - He ain't no Ronny D (your future POTUS.)

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

My take on this Darrell Steinberg is starting to take shape. He has learned to talk to people in a very relaxing manner.

He wants people to believe that he is a Progressive, and that he is not a NeoLiberal trying to set up a Police State.

His thinking does have much in common with Michael Shellenberger's.

Shellenberger is just completely wrong, but his ideas seem to be a big influence on Newsom, and Steinberger seems to have played a big role in this.


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Sacramento business owners asking Mayor Darrell Steinberg to make city safer, cleaner from homeless

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg speaks after 12 separate shootings over the past few days (Oct 5, 2020)

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg Unveils His Master Plan To Address Homelessness (Aug 9, 2021)

The future of mental health | Darrell Steinberg | TEDxSacramento April 2016

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg reacts to the death of a homeless person during winter storm (Jan 2021)

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg wants 24/7 homeless respite center (June 2022)


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

We need to organize and fight back against this ever expanding mental health system.

A lot of this talk about homelessness and gun violence are really irrelevant to this. But these things are being used to advance the concept of mental health, and this we must fight by what ever means are necessary.


avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

'We need to organize and fight back against this ever expanding mental health system.'

We? Lol that's funny! Exactly what I'd expect a psychotic mentally ill loon to say as he tries to escape the only system that will protect sane people from people like yourself. BTW, if you're so against that mayor he must be a swell guy.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

^ Asshole sewn shut!

What is Steinberg's connection to Mental Health, where does it come from and what is its basis?


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Vote on AB 34 - Assembly 3rd Reading AB34 Steinberg Urgency Clause (1999)

Steinberg Leaves Health Care Legacy After 14 Years in California Legislature

It seems like this mental health issue is a way the CA democratic party propagates itself. State wide there is almost no other party now. By using mental health they can get votes from gov't employees. But they can also use it to promote fear to get votes from everyone else.


Jane - School of Rock

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago


Sucks goat dicks, takes them up his ass, and oblivious of the upcoming reckoning!

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg's daughter Jordana (Age 20, 7 years ago)

So she would have been born 1984.

Designated as Mentally Ill at age 13​, and this would have been 1997.

Now the one who gets designated as Mentally Ill​ is the family scapegoat, the one who cannot live the lies, the who is undeniable proof that the king has no clothes.

And so of course Darrell Steinberg wants to promote the concept of Mental Illness, because that leaves him smelling like a rose, and as a picture perfect religious family man. And of course he wants to apply this to the unhoused, because usually the people who end up unhoused are those who have been the designated as family scapegoats since before adolescence, and so unless you can somehow brand them, they are evidence that something is seriously wrong.

Margaret Attwood shows this so well in her semi-autobiographical novel "Cat's Eye" in the girl they named Cordellia. The protagonist laments that it was unfair to give her a name like that. She ends up in a psychiatric hospital.

The talk therapy and the drugging are all abusive, as is just convincing the party that they have Mental Illness, and that they are somehow different from other people and that the abusers should be exonerated.

Jordana Steinberg has been cast into having Bipolar Illness. Usually it is bipolar 2.

I say the first time she had contact with any facet of the Mental Health System that should have triggered mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse and an investigation by Child Protective Services. Jordana should not have been alone in any kind of therapy, the parents should have also been in it. And so no, she should not have been sent to any psychiatric facility in Oregon, as that could interfer with the investigation. And those drugs should not even exist. And if there were evidence, a case should have been started in the dependency court. And always, even if it were just to be financial, the parents should have been held accountable.

As I know Emil Kraepelin defined dementia praecox, as the often precursor of full blown madness, or dementia, or what we are now calling schizophrenia.

Not having read this anywhere, it seems that what we are now calling bipolar was what Kraepelin was calling dementia praecox. And the system needs this, because the way schizophrenia has been conceived, it is stretching things to imagine a schizophrenic adolescent. And likewise the system needs autism, because it is hard to conceive of bipolar or schizophrenia before adolescence.

And then we know how the supposed illness will progress:

And so today, after the government's social services and mental health people, the ones clamoring the loudest for Newsom's Care Courts are the families of those who have been designated as mentally ill. They need this to have an objective reality, seemingly just as Darrell Steinberg does.

And so usually the Democratic Party cannot just take over. About half of the voters will be more receptive to the ways Republicans frame issues. But in CA right now, at the state level, it is very close to a one party system. I suggest that this has been accomplished though the concept of Mental Health.

Republicans can scare people about crime and immigration. Democrats can scare people about mental illness.

I mean, we have a huge number of unhoused throughout the state. Part of this is just the weather and the high housing cost. When there are so many, the criminal laws become impractical to enforce. Our jails are already full.

So rather than set up public housing and Universal Basic Income and be subject to Republican accusations of liberalism. The Democrats have decided that internment and regulation is the way. Giving people free housing costs much less than incarceration, maybe only 25%. And then psychiatric drugging costs next to nothing, as does having people submit to Scientology like Auditing, except drug enhanced, through their cell phones via Thomas Insel's Mindstrong startup.

And of course none of this is going to end homelessness or do anything about the epidemic of spree shootings. Likely it will make both of these things worse.


Jane - School of Rock

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

California has been turned into The Republic of Mental Hygiene. When Republicans scare people by talking about Crime, Immigration, and Abortion, then Democrats can talk about Mental Health.

And so far it doesn't seem like anyone has figured a way of responding to this. Usually the strengths of each of the two major parties will be about equal. But CA, at the state level has come pretty close to being a one party state.

So talking about "Mental Health", they make it sound so compassionate. But really they are completely taking over people's lives with neither cause nor due process.

Our economic system squeezes more and more people out of it, and so instead of changing how things work, we just designate the people at the bottom as suitable for drugging and containment.

Mental Health is always those who have power using it to subjugate those who do not.

And so we have the families of those who have been tracked into the Mental Health System clamoring for more intrusiveness, for more elimination of rights, for making it more involuntary.

And we read of Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, his daughter being fed into the Mental Health System at the age of 13, and her being shipped off to Oregon.

Usually besides the drugging, the system will have to convince you that your mental illness is real. "Bipolar". And the system needs bipolar because the way schizophrenia has been conceived, it would be hard to imagine it in an adolescent. And the system needs autism too, because it would be hard to conceive of bipolar in a child before adolescense.

Usually the "Mental Illness" designation will be the result of some identity conflict with the parents. And in this case the daughter was said have eventually had a remarkable 'Recovery". Generally what this will mean is that she eventually found that her parents, the mental health establishment, and their religious community were impossible to oppose, she had to cave in and accept that her "mental illness" was real.

And so you have a political contingent intent on using the idea of mental illness to take rights away from whomever they can.


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Brain Chemical Imbalance is a myth, a very harmful myth. Everyday people in vulnerable circumstances are being convinced of this, and hence led into distrusting their own feelings, and often having their brain chemistry come under attack.

And this is true as California Governor Gavin Newsom is setting up special courts to subject people to involuntary psychiatric procedures.

And behind this are people like Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg who put his own daughter into the psychiatric system at the age of 13, and State Senator Susan Eggman whose family also put someone into the psychiatric system.

And then Thomas Insel, Newsom’s Mental Health Czar, who seems to want everyone to be on medications to regulate and normalize them. And he also has drugs which make people feel the euphoria of sex, and also LSD. And his Mindstrong start up will have people on drugs, checking in with their therapist via their cell phone for something which looks a lot like Scientology's Auditing.

Whereas Republicans talk about crime, immigration, and abortion, Democrats have learned to counter this by taking about mental health. At the state level CA is just about a one party state, because no one has learned to counter this. Newsom, Steinberg, Eggman, and Insel make it all sound so compassionate.


avatar for JimGassagain
2 yrs ago

^^^ I love psychotropic drugs.


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Often the gateway to addiction is now coming through the doctor's prescription pad.


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

So we are in the next to the last day of the CA legislative session, and Gavin's Care Courts Psychiatric Police State plan is still undecided. It could pass any minute. But they also could also just let it go into the waste paper basket.

Recent amendments have largely neutralized it, so much so that if they really wanted to do it they would need to lift those amendments. But the entire cluster of idea is still dangerous, as the Mental Health idea always is. And these ideas are still in play, and they have passed other Mental Health laws in the last few days, and as there are other older laws still in play.

"Darrell Steinberg put his 13yo daughter into an out of state psychiatric hospital."

As far as I am concerned, that is all there is to know about him. Get a blank tomb stone and chisel those words into it, so it will be ready when he needs it.

But as the push for Care Courts escalates,

Steinberg got this published today: Steinberg just got this interview video out.

And then here, this 25 min interview video:

Steinberg continues to make Mental Health the cornerstone of his political career and he is closely associated with Evil Overlord wanna be, Thomas Insel.

Born 1958 and grew up in Millbrae CA. I will try to summarize the 25 min video.

Steinberg says that his interest in mental health began when he was 18 and 19yo, a student at UC Berkeley.

He lived in the dorms, and near the “Center for Independent Living”. For people and Berkeley students living with Physical Disabilities.

At UC Davis Law School, Steinberg and friends Mimi Jones and Mike Dooner started to argue for putting a lift into their Mock Courtroom, so that the students with disabilities could fully participate.

They got the run around and shameless excuses, but within 4 months the lift was built.

The flip side of disability is ability. He was tutoring 2x quadriplegics, Jones and Dooner.


avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

He's a mentally ill fuckwad from the foreign state of California: where rats, thugs, illegals and other assorted garbage live.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

So in 2003 Steinberg sat down with Rusty Selix. "Are we really satisfied with 5000 people getting help?" That was the number we were able to help under AB2034. "Or do we want to go bigger?"

"Wny not do an initiative to use the success from these early years of AB34 and AB2034 to make the case?" "And we then launched proposition 63. Uh we did some polling. We saw that nobody had ever tried a millionaire's tax before, and why not have all the money go to the most vulnerable people in our society, those living with serious persistent mental illness who aren't getting the help and the attention they need."

"We passed proposition 63 in 2004 with the bare minimum amount of money. We ran one week of statewide television. Uh we kind of ran under the radar and we won 53% of the vote."

"And we won I think for several reasons. One I think the main reason we won is because even though we focused on the homeless mentally ill, everybody knows somebody. This became personal for people, and, um, the stories that began being told about loved ones, about, uh, family members, about friends, about coworkers, about ourselves, uh, I think really resonated."

"Prop 63 has now, uh, been around for 18 years. It's generated almost $30 billion. It's now up to $3.8 billion a year. And though, um, there are some imperfections that we continue to work on fixing, it has literally saved tens of thousands of lives because it has been put to work around suicide prevention and reduction, around what we call Full Service Partnerships which are, um, are "whatever it takes," including housing, mental health, substance abuse, alcohol, uh, treatment, uh, so that people can get their lives back. And, uh, and it has been, uh, a remarkable transformation. And that wasn't all. I worked on autism, and, uh, the seminal bill that requires insurance companies now cover applied behavioral therapy, uh, on- as you said, on child welfare and Foster Care and many other parts of trying to fix the mental health system, including in 2018, SB82 that Governor Brown signed, it provided over $300 million for alternatives to emergency rooms for people in crisis. So, um, its been a journey and, certainly the system is not fixed. Um, in... in... in... in so many ways, it is still broken. Um, we can talk about why I think that is, but-"

(so there is commentary by the interviewer and then Steinberg affirms that anyone living on the street is suffering from mental illness, brain-based illnesses )

For Steinberg there is no separation between Mental Illness and Homelessness.

(I would comment that he seems to have made this video to pull the narrative of his 13yo daughter back from the story of his focus on mental health. But I would say that the two are inseparable.)

"Homelessness is the most visible manifestation of untreated mental illness."

"We are all on the spectrum, all of us!

This is beyond belief, beyond parody, too serious to parody. We the most militant anti-psychiatry anti-mental health, anti-psychotherapy movement which has ever existed.


Top 40 Clean Guitar Riffs Medley

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

"housing, shelter, and mental health care are a legal obligation to accept."


Top 40 Clean Guitar Riffs Medley

They are

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

All this idea of mental illness amounts to is being able to take someone's rights away from them without convincing a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that they have broken any law.

If they want to offer housing, they can do it. It only becomes about "mental health" when you are setting up internment camps, which Care Courts most certainly is.

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg is firmly committed to the brain disease model. He says that everyone is on the Mental Illness Spectrum, and so it seems that everyone needs to be checking in with Thomas Insel’s auditor center via their cell phone.

He had put his 13yo daughter in an out of state psychiatric hospital, and now in her 20’s, she still says that she has “Mental Illness”.

Mental Health has been the cornerstone of Steinberg’s entire political career.

You can’t reason with such a person. It really just comes down to power, legal power, political power, and social power, that is the only way one can stand up to such attacks.

August 29, 25 min.

The reason CA has so many people addicted to prescription mood alterants is Steinberg and Prop 63. They did polling to see that the voters would go for a millionaires tax. So Prop 63 has raised over $30 billion and is up to $8.3 billion a year. This promotes the idea that people need to be drugged into compliance and complacency.


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Mental illness is a huge problem. It's why many end up indigent

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

That is just a way of delegitimating those left on the economic side lines, and the survivors of familial abuses. "Mental Illness" is not the cause of poverty or homelessness.


Not true. Mental illness affects people of all classes and ethnicities.

It 8s a cause for homelessness. When people who can't function in society are left to fend for themselves. They need help. Help isn't persecution. That's where your paranoia comes in

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

There is no such thing as Mental Illness, it has always been just a means of persecuting people. We all need to fight the Mental Health System in everyway possible.

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg put his 13yo daughter into an out of state mental hospital.

He thinks everyone is on some "Mental Illness Spectrum", and so we all need to be doing cell phone check-ins with Thomas Insel's Auditors.

He made this video at the last minute to get Care Courts passed, and without talking about his daughter. And it has passed.

Deadly Logic of Care Courts

And you can't reason with someone like Steinberg, because we are all mentally ill. So it just comes down to power, social power, legal power, financial power.

Steinberg with his Prop 63 2004, has largely made CA into a 40 million bed mental hospital already. Most families not rich enough to hire private doctors have someone who they now believe has a brain chemical imbalance and that they are only kept going by psychiatric meds and by checking in with their therapist.

I would love to know who put up the money to get Prop 63 passed. They did polling to see what the voters would go for, and they decided on a Millionaire's Tax. Since it has raised $30 billion and is up to $8.3 billion per year. Then they ran one week of statewide TV ads and it passed with 53% of the vote. What has followed has been the largest deception and mass drugging ever known.

We need to prosecute these people and get them the sentences they deserve.

So if people want to survive, they can't ever trifle with the Mental Health System, we all need to fight it in everyway possible.

"A paranoid is one who knows the facts."


School of Rock

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

"A paranoid is one who knows the facts." William S. Burroughs


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

So in California Prop 63 2004 set up this MHSA,for%20the%20residents%20of%20California

It has its own tax. Polling told them that the voters would go for a Millionaires Tax. It has already raised $30 billion. And now it is up to $8.3 billion per year.

So most families that are not rich enough to hire private doctors, will have someone in them who is now believed to be "Mentally Ill", and is kept medicated. You hear the stories, "Our son can only come home if he takes his meds. Otherwise he has to stay in the homeless shelter."

I am sure that this ideology of "Mental Illness" and the drugging causes more voluntary and involuntary hospital admissions.

This is all clearly within Nuremberg president.




School of Rock

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

I hadn't been planning to post this stuff, but its subject has made it so prominent.

Jordana Steinberg: ‘A story of overcoming’ mental illness w/ video

The main function of the Mental Health System, as it is with the autism industry, it is to get people to believe that there is some objective reality to their supposed ailment.

And with the talk therapy and the drugs, they usually can make people cave in. So that is the treatment and the cure, when they have been pressed in to believing nonsense.


music more edgy

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

So likely she had something like a nervous breakdown, at age 13. And they had to get her away from the parents. It was probably over some kind of a family identity conflict. So getting her away from the parents until they can undergo counseling could well have been a life saver.

And they had talk to her to find out what was going on.

But there also should have been an investigation by Child Protective Services. Paying for private doctors and an out of state hospital should not have evaded that.

And so she made it through. But that does not mean that today should believe that she has ever had anything like Mental Illness.

Making her believe that only serves the purpose of exonerating any and all perpetrators.

And Steinberg has gone on to try and make CA into one 40 million bed mental hospital, and now a Psychiatric Police State.


School of Rock, edgy

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Darrell Steinberg gets the Manson Bench Jump:

Seems like there has been an effort to suppress this photograph. Might have originally been in the SacBee.


avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

^ Why didn't you post at all yesterday?

Cim you don't really mean that and don't care. You're just posting for a reaction.

Your behavior is like someone scarring down curry all day and wiping his ass with his hand

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

^ Brainless, kept floating in a solution of Epsom salts, I do have other things to do besides posting on TUSCL.


avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

SJG said "I do have other things to do besides posting on TUSCL."

And it just so happens that all of those other things get taken care of on the same holiday schedule as the San Jose Public Library.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

These are national holidays, around 10 per year. Except for Vietnamese Coffee, most things accommodate them in some way.


HEART - Straight On (1978)

CIM you don't really mean that. You're only posting to get a reaction out of sjg. You do what you accuse others of doing fucking troll

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

SJG said "These are national holidays, around 10 per year. Except for Vietnamese Coffee, most things accommodate them in some way."

Nice try. But your posting schedule strictly adheres to the SJPL system holidays, including those that are not national holidays. Also, after a full year of getting "other things" done during COVID-19 shutdowns, you magically completed your to-do list on the same day that the San Jose Public Library opened up again.

I would have thought that after over a year of not spending 30 hours per week posting here, your rape cult would have been stood up and fully functioning.

But alas... no.

CIM YOU DONT REALLY MEAN THAT. You're just posting to get a reaction. Why do you only post here to maliciously and backhanded ly attack people like a lil bitch nigga?

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Psychiatric drugging is very common now. A large portion of the population is kept medicated.

It is very common and even more so in CA. We have prop 63 2004, Mental Health Services Act, gotten passed by now Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg. They did polling and found that the electorate would go for a 1% Millionaires Tax. And then they ran 1 week of statewide TV ads and it passed by 53%. It has since raised $30 billion, and is now up to $8.3 billion per year. And all that this money is used for is putting people on drugs.

The Democrats have the 2/3rds in both houses, so they could overturn ballot box propositions, and they could even amend the state constitution. But instead they and Republicans are doing more stuff like this to make it worse.

Darrell Steinberg had put his daughter in an out of state mental hospital at the age of 13 years. As far as I am concerned, there is not anything else one needs to know about him.

The girl now in her 20's goes along with it, "I have mental illness", and her father continues to build his entire political career around mental health.


School of Rock, another one, awesome!

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