“Girl in the Picture” Netflix doc

avatar for PinkSugarDoll

I am watching this show, that is very weird—

The ‘girl’ in question was a dancer at Mons in the late 80s.

Man, I am definitely not old enough to have danced in the 80s or 90s but I always wish I would have started dancing sooner, or that I could have been a dancer before the recession.

At my club in Washington when I started, a few longtime customers would tell me about girls driving brand new corvettes and that was just pinnacle of happiness and success to me lol.

Everyone talks about that time like it was the absolute most fun ever. This movie has footage of Mons in the 80s, it looks cool as shit.



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Pulled a Jacksonville in Vegas 😭😂😭😭😭😭🤡🤡🤡🤡😂😂😂

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Tampa was an awesome strip club destination in the 80s and 90s. A unique feature was the "scale". When a dancer was hired, she was weighed. Before every shift they had to weigh in, like in boxing lol. Had to make weight (within 2-5 pounds), but I don't recall exactly. Gr8, gr8 dances, no privacy, no extras. Extras were across the street at 2001.

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

It does seem like the 80's and 90's were a great time for dancers. Not a ton of universal extras it seemed like, air dances were a thing, guys just like the novelty of it, a lot of high rolling customers, golf, business types that were throwing down, and the girls made bank and it was probably the best talent at this time based on reports. Although I am suspect of some nostalgia bias on that.

As far as Mons, it is the motherland of all things anorexia. Any OTC outta there I'm taking straight to the Golden Corral.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

I worked at mons and it was unimpressive to me??

It was all 19 year olds who were irresponsible and messy and didn’t take care of their nails or hair, very low effort girls who were going to last at stripping for 6 months. At least when I went. The reviews did not align with the club, unless the reviewers were EXTREMELY enthusiastic for very young girls. 😬😬

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

@Muddy so you think Mons dancers are too thin, but you like Denver dancers? I’m so confused lol

I’m sure strip clubs back in the day had plenty of enthusiasm for the very young girls? It seems like quite a few of the OG dancers (who are like 40+ year old now) started up in clubs when they were still technically minors like maybe 15 years old and up? Which is pretty wild to me, but it sounded normal back then.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

I turned 18 in the very late 90s, and my friends started going to Club Admiral in Chicago. Very similar to Mons - full nudity, no alcohol, no extras, no privacy. To my knowledge there were not, at that time, and kind of lap dances or touching at all at Admiral. I heard stories about whales and regulars gifting strippers Mercedes, fur coats, and jewelry; but found it hard to understand why you would do that for the air dances I experienced. This was back when I believed when I was unaware of mileage and extras, and believed the Champagne Room was the biggest scam since Amway.

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

I lived in Tampa in the early 90's. The Mons was a small shack. One big stage in the middle and sofas lined the outer walls. Everywhere else was places to stand. The place was packed every night. There was a line at the front door to pay the $20 cover charge. And this was back when $20 cover charge was unheard of. Girls never bothered to put their clothes back on. As soon as they got finished with one guy, they immediately started dancing for someone else.

It was fun. No privacy at all. But it was fun. The place is a shell of what it once was now.

avatar for 623
2 yrs ago

Mons was the front runner in providing full contact lap dances and they fought countless court battles for the right to do so. Someone should write a book about the pioneers of contact lap dancing and the Mons owner would be chapter 1 thru 7.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

The back in the day version of Mons had the best full-contact laps anywhere and no extras. The dancer crew on pretty much every night was the most attractive in America. If you wanted to sit and chat with a dancer, you were shit out of luck. Warrior nailed the vibe. On a weekend night about 90% of the dancers were 8+.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

I forgot to say that despite how good Mons was (its bogus now like pretty much all of Tampa clubs) I still liked the Tanga better.

avatar for Estafador
2 yrs ago

with all this talk of how the 80s and 90s were great time for dancers and none needed to do anything more than air dance, at what point did it become semi-normal for extras to come into the picutre.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

80s and 90s were not air dances everywhere. There were extras in Tampa in the 80s and extras in Boston's combat zone in the 70's, but mostly confined to Sundays. Extras weren't prevalent in Providence in the 90's, but they did have the "dollar dance" which made them famous. CRs started appearing in the late 90s and extras exploded, becoming the norm. Massachusetts is weird in that extras seem confined to a couple of Worcester County clubs.

avatar for Estafador
2 yrs ago

How do you confine extras in the 70s to mostly sundays? Isn't that church time for most people. WHat kind of wild debauchery was going on in the 70s man?!

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Sundays were called "dirty day" in the combat zone and the police and clubs had a wink, wink deal that if the clubs were clean(er) during the other 6 days, Sunday was anything goes. You could go to the back of the glass slipper or just get a handjob at the bar.

Psd. No answer? It's funny how the tricks all kiss your fake profiles ass coz you're the only butch who talks to them for free. Even if you're really a delusional pl.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

^said the most delusional pl on the site, except that she has never been to a strip club, just read about them. Icee you are so pathetic and faggy, you make Cowboy-48 seem almost masculine.

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

You're right Icey. This is not real :


She acts like she'll meet people then disappears and makes up stupid lies. Then deflects and ignores the topic. Whoever has the profile does it to appear real. And that can be anyone's pics

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ you know you stupid little prick, you need to stop coming on other folks threads and trying to get shit stirred up, you’re nothing a fucking zero get the fuck out of here. Stupid miserable cocksucker idiot.

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