UPDATE: Hookers Were Actually Strippers In Seven Bridges Incident

avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
This is one of the most entertaining stories I've read in a long time.

"According to PBSO sources and information from those familiar with the incident, deputies responded en masse around 2:45 in the morning to a home on Bozzano Drive. Deputies were told that a man was in the home with two women identified as escorts. They were allegedly attacked by the man’s wife when she came home to find her husband with the women. The woman then fled the scene. She returned to the scene a short time later and — despite injuries allegedly being seen on at least one of the strippers — denied that anything nefarious took place"

avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Floriduh!!!! Has to do crazy stuff to keep relevant. They cannot let California or Texas or Nevada outshine them!
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