Brandon fucked up his whole family!
The pervert molester in chief!
We already know about hunter, brandon's daughter is in the mix too.…
We already know about hunter, brandon's daughter is in the mix too.…
Not only is he a complete fuck-up as a human being but worse yet is completely fucking-up the country and evwn worse he's just getting started.
Basically they're porn for partisan Democrats. Everyone else is too busy trying to keep food on the table.
That's a poor counterargument - Brandon is accused of doing some shitty douchebag stuff and the rebuttal is to point to something else (and it's not the first time Brandon is accused of doing shit like this it's just that the media for the most part hides it - let it be a Republican and Brandon's actions would be on a a 24-hour news-cycle for days or weeks on end).
Whereas we all now know the utter corruption and anti-American conduct of Trump.... thank goodness Biden won and Republicans with integrity upheld the election results.
They say Joe’s 1st wife’s accident was actually a suicide because Joe told her he was going to dump her, with 3 very young children, for Jill who he was having a blatant affair with.
Also, creepy Hunter followed in his footsteps, dumping his wife after a blatant affair with Beau’s widow, while his body was still warm.
They’re trash.
Only thing he’s got and it totally transactional. Most blue collar union members actually dislike him for things like killing the Keystone pipeline project and fucking the economy by giving away taxpayer money to non-workers.
Cronyism on full display - and why I dislike unions - they often get sweetheart deals to benefit them at the expense of everyone else -just look at what the teachers union has done - and the recent story of an LA lifeguard that made $500,000 in compensation for one year; etc etc
Many are starting to say that this administration's continuous fuck-ups one-after-the-other are a feature and not a bug - that it is on purpose rather than mere incompetence.
Inflation and high oil prices are global events driven by several factors, most of which are not under Biden's control. But "
It's all Biden's fault" is a convenient, brain-dead message to further rile up voters.
We'll keep voting Democrat not because they're D, but because they have long term vision for what's really needed in this country. Which includes addressing climate change, energy independence, healthcare, economic inequality and gun violence.
One of the comments was:
"... I can’t believe Putin did this ..."
Short video clip of the fall in the article:…
That's why I keep voting Republican, because of the Democrats' vision for this country...
It's like when the Dems say that their policies are great it's just that "they have a messaging problem" - translation: "we're currently unable to gaslight the American people like we're used to"
The Dems problem is the unrealistic demands of their activists and donors. Reparations, Green New Deal, elective abortion up to the moment of birth, viewing sex and gender completely as social constructs, extreme taxation, critical race theory, placing the government at the center of American lives.
Your voters are much more moderate than that. You win when you come to the country with kitchen table issues they're concerned about today, instead you're leading with a riot that got out of hand 18 months ago.
The House is gone and you're going to get pounded in state houses. You might keep the Senate because we're running a freak show (Oz, Walker) and our backups. That won't work in 24 when you've got a different map to defend.
It's the explanation that best fits the data, over the shrill, bed-wetting dire threat to democracy angle. Flagpoles and selfie sticks. What's especially rich is how the left makes it out like the right has paramilitary tactical teams.
We don't jerk off to guns, we own them and see them as tools. You don't do your cause or your end goals any good when you use childish language like that. Hint, we don't want children massacred any more than you do. But when your actions suggest your ultimate goal is to end private firearm ownership (particularly when you're saying "defund the police," "looting is reparations," and aren't enforcing the gun laws on the books in the name of "equity"), you're not making yourselves particularly easy to work with.
As for income inequality, blue states are the worst in the country. I live in a sapphire blue state, where all the Cambridge liberals love the poor in theory but don't want affordable housing within an hour's commute. Ditto Cali, might be even worse. And we're not even getting into the urban blight where Republicans haven't had a mayor since antiquity.
Right now, the country is awash in problems that Biden is frantically trying to deflect from. January 6 investigations are yet another deflection. It isn't working.
In numbers, yes. But they have disproportionate voice in setting your agenda and filling your bank accounts.
Wow! Really believe that others think that way do you? Saying something as reprehensive as that does the opposite of what you think it does and says way more about you than anything else.
"Biden Taps Native American Chief To Serve As Next Treasurer Of The United States"
"... President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that he would appoint Marilynn Malerba, chief of the Mohegan Tribe, as the next treasurer of the United States.
Malerba will serve alongside Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen as she oversees the U.S. Mint, Fort Knox, and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. She will also advise Yellen on “community development and public engagement” and lead the newly created Office of Tribal and Native Affairs.
The U.S. treasurer role has been vacant since January 2020, when Trump appointee Jovita Carranza departed to lead the Small Business Administration.
Malerba, who is carrying out a lifetime appointment as chief of the Mohegan Tribe in Southeastern Connecticut, worked as a registered nurse before her current role as a member of the Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee, according to the White House. She advises Yellen on the taxation of Native Americans ..."…