Stripper is a definite candidate. But I had a friend in college whose dad was an insurance adjuster. People who are in accidents tent to ask the adjuster where to get body work done. So (at least back then) the custom was, body shops would send adjusters a bottle of booze at Christmas, to stay in their good graces. So my friend, his dad, and others in his family hit the booze hard (throughout the year).
My first semester of law school (2010) they gave us a weekly seminar where local lawyers would come talk to us. Every week they stumbled into one topic...which was the subject of a different week: addiction. It was either drugs, alcohol, or sex, but the common thread between them all was the addiction to something.
Auto sales is a big one(also heavy drug use back in the day), such a manic-depressant type of situation. Sales of any kind where entertaining the client is involved.
I spent two years as a licensed rep working in a brokerage house. My boss had a desk drawer full of liquor and a mini fridge with ice and mixers. Every day we found a reason to bring the team into the office for drinks... whether to celebrate a new sale, or ease the pain of a missed opportunity. If by 6pm we hadn't started drinking yet, we'd do it just for no reason at all. Everyone in that place was fucked up all the time, and alcohol was the least of it.
^ you exhibit all the classic signs of a meth addicted degenerate, you’re usually up posting all night, you rarely post before 10 or 11 am Cali time, and you do nothing but shit stir like a troll. I’m hoping you OD or get a hot shot sooner rather than later.
It’s a drug user paradise. They have access to all the stuff that street users want, but in pure, well manufactured, measured doses.
Example: My mom used to work in an OR and they use cocaine for medical stuff all the time (for neuro stuff maybe?), and the smallest unit was like a gram. They’d use one qtip worth, and have to bin the rest. There were lots of procedures for accounting for it, but eod some anesthesiologists would abuse the access and party. Same with the opiates, benzos, etc. one she knew of got busted and thereafter was labeled “the dipper”. The dipper also got fired and de-doctored or whatever they do to kick you out. I guess they have access to restricted supply closets etc as well. Total nurse Jackie shit.
pharmacist. I would agree with this. I know several male pharmacists and they are ALL drunks. On the other hand I only know 2 female pharmacists that are drunks.
@PSD like they say, walk a mile in their shoes first. I'm not a drunk, but I'm a fat ass. Because booze is meh to me, but I love food. Better to just be glad for our lucky breaks, not be quick to call others bad or say they lack willpower.
I apologize, I didn't mean to stereotype strippers and having a drinking problem.
I've known plenty of strippers who use a lot of alcohol or drugs. Everyone has a right to live the way they want. The problem is that many of them try to pretend to themselves that what they are doing is not harmful to their health. It's always best to be honest with yourself. Also, many of them seem to offer excuses for their drug or alcohol use. For example, they might say they drink too much because their mom was mean to them growing up. A lot of people have mean parents but don't turn into drug addicts or alcoholics. Be honest with yourself and take responsibility for your own actions.
last commentI’m a fan of “Chopped” and it seems an awfully high percentage are “recovering” substance abusers
Financiers love to get wasted on alcohol, then pick themselves up for work with Adderall. Coke was an 80s/90s thing.
Anesthesiologists are into the hard stuff (opioids, ketamine) which they have access to from work.
That's pretty fucking scary, considering one tiny miscalculation could mean you never wake up again!
@ilb: my one buddy that’s a pharmacist drinks like a fish, fwiw.
I’m hoping you OD or get a hot shot sooner rather than later.
It’s a drug user paradise. They have access to all the stuff that street users want, but in pure, well manufactured, measured doses.
Example: My mom used to work in an OR and they use cocaine for medical stuff all the time (for neuro stuff maybe?), and the smallest unit was like a gram. They’d use one qtip worth, and have to bin the rest. There were lots of procedures for accounting for it, but eod some anesthesiologists would abuse the access and party. Same with the opiates, benzos, etc. one she knew of got busted and thereafter was labeled “the dipper”. The dipper also got fired and de-doctored or whatever they do to kick you out. I guess they have access to restricted supply closets etc as well. Total nurse Jackie shit.
Just like eating healthy, or badly, being honest, or lying/cheating/stealing, being a good parent/spouse/friend, or not…
Good and bad people in every job.
I’m a stripper, I don’t drink, my whole life. I will have a little bit of champagne for a wedding, etc., and I have smoked weed twice.
It depends on the person.
I apologize, I didn't mean to stereotype strippers and having a drinking problem.