Is not smoking roaches an under 40 thing or a stripper thing? I was never that much of a head, but I am a major cheap-ass, so this has always irked me. Every stripper I've used the term "roach clip" with just responds with a blank stare.
No need anymore. In the old days of so-so pot,the only strong part was the roach. Saving them up for smoking in a pipe 🤪 was one way to get high on just a toke or three. Tasted terrible though. 😕
I haven't seen anyone mention a "roach" in a long time. Last time was a dancer who was actually using a paper clip on what was left of an actual roach. Most now smoke blunts or pends. Or like me, do edibles.
I always have a vape ITC (old school at home). The convenience is addictive. They're also magnets for the pothead dancers. Not a fan of all the flavors though. Skunk all day for me thank you.
I smoked weed for the first time in 1969; started smoking as often as possible in 1973; sold it in college and haven't been without my own personal stash for even a day since 1989. Roaches are gone for a lot of the reasons stated hereinbefore, but women with nails were never big fans of roaches, they turned your fingertips a sick shade of yellow/orange which turned ppl off; you could inhale them or burn yourself. Weed sucked back in the day compared to the hi-test we have now. The longer the joint burned, the more thc accumulated at the end. Some smoked roaches in bowls, but I am health conscious, lol, so we just unrolled and collected the bits and pieces until we had enough for a bowl without the paper. I still have a few old school friends who roll with zig zags and they toss the roaches now, simply because unlike 40-50 years ago weed is available all the time and there is no annual summer drought. If you have plenty of food, you dump some in the trash after eating. If you are starving you use it all.
I never heard the "all the THC's in the roach" theory before. Sounds like something an old fart made up, after getting teased by younguns for being cheap-ass.
@ilb, the smoke from burning the weed still has THC on it. So as you smoke it through a joint, that THC collects on both the paper and the unburnt weed. That's how it gets stronger as you smoke a joint. Chemistry!
^I smoke out of a little wooden bowl. Just using a paper clip to clean it out is hysterical when you think that sludge you wipe on a paper towel is the same shit in your lungs. I fucking love the stupidity of the young when they give older guys shit, simply because I was young once like they are, so I know how young men think. Now I am old and know how old men think and the young today are so stupid they don't realize that they don't. The young are twice as arrogant with half the knowledge, which is why if you go to CVS you will see "men's" makeup products now.
I guess edibles and bongs are more popular today, due to decriminalization and hookahs. It's sad if roaches are no longer a thing, sort of the end of an era.
I am sitting here with my little wooden bowl. I filled it with 29.7% thc ghost train haze. I also added some 95.6% thc Mimosa crumble. If you have never smoked Mimosa, it is the best tasting weed of all time.
When it comes to blunts I only like backwoods. I haven't been into blunts since having covid. But I take advantage of sales at dispensaries and give dates weed instead of flowers lulz. An oz if I really like her.
I ain’t smokin all that roach paper, but I used to unroll them and dump the profit in a bowl and smoke. I wasn’t only going through school, but after school and working out of a state I never lived in, I had nobody to buy from so I’d hoard whenever I could. Glad it’s recreational at the state level.
I never really got used to vaping. To me the high is really intense for a shorter duration and then I crash from it harder and then just want to go to sleep. With smoking it (bong preferred but joints and bowls are fine too) I don't crash as hard and I can keep smoking and get high again and again. I think with a pen I just overdo it from the start.
We were in eastern Oregon and went 3 hours without cell phone service. Back in the day of pay phones we'd have been able to stop a few times and make a call, Technology is perfect...................
last commentAnd nowadays if you buy a joint it will likely have a cardboard tip so no roach clip needed.
Not a fan of all the flavors though.
Skunk all day for me thank you.
Then there's the people who go around looking for them on the ground
I still have a few old school friends who roll with zig zags and they toss the roaches now, simply because unlike 40-50 years ago weed is available all the time and there is no annual summer drought. If you have plenty of food, you dump some in the trash after eating. If you are starving you use it all.
Yeah, BTDT. 🤦
^^^so true 😂. Pothead strippers out here in Portland will suck a full vape pen dry before you get it back.