
Has anyone else noticed this and don’t you find it odd

Living well and enjoying my retirement
Saturday, April 23, 2022 1:19 PM
There are some areas where strip clubs thrive and some clubs do better than others, one thing I’ve noticed is certain clubs have plenty of girls while other places can’t often have enough girls to properly staff some shifts, now I assume different styles of management have an influence on this, but the struggling clubs are mixed in the area don’t seem to be really trying to attract girls to a shift, anyone else with thoughts on this, and for my fellow Florida mongers Pompano is the area I am talking about look at the difference’s in the clubs there, I’m sure it’s true in other areas as well.


  • Omega_Entertainment
    2 years ago
    Pompano is a strange bird. Back in the day You had Crazy Horse and The Dollhouse on Federal Hwy as your main two with the dive next to Dennys as your one to avoid. This was the round building Dollhouse that was on the corner where Walgreens and that nasty brewery sit now, and CRazy Horse went to being Athenas and 3299 etc finally to be removed. The dive bar had one last hurrah when it was used as the Eager Beaver in Striptease before they tore it down. This was all before the city changed its zoning the first time. They had Federal Hwy for the tourists and it was topless, while in the bad part of town, clubs went full nude for everyone else. Cheetah, Booby Trap, and Diamond Dolls were your nude places to go and they got grandfathered in for being fully nude where they stood when the zoning changed. The change made it so only way to be nude is to be in a special I1-x zone, of which 99% of is held by county entities and only a few touch main roads, most being a block off. Where all the school buses are parked off powerline for instance. When Solid Gold took over the old Lions Den Swinging Richards spot, which was zoned I1-x it was because MJP found out the road was being changed at Andrews making it more accessible. SO he put millions into the spot. Club Pink has always been a dive for the hoodrats, and has always been known for BJ under the barrail, and FS for $50 in the rooms. Its always full of the girls who just cant get hired elsewhere or are tired of walking Dixie. Its also one that was affected by the zone change and didnt pay enough to stay nude when it changed. Porthole was Gus's one of four that had the only 4 am license due to being unincorporated Broward before Deerfield annexed it. Before he passed He also had Gumwrappers on the beach, which is now a bad beach dive normal pub, Wild Things on Powerline and Mcnab that became a music store, and his fave Diamond Dolls run by his nephew. Only DD still thrives, as Porthole was sold to its current ghetto owner and went even more downhill. Shadow Cabaret: formerly Playmates off copans is a tax write off for the main club in Miami, so its hit or miss save when they have their special event colaborations with the Miami club. Senoritas aka foxy lady, stilettos etc is where your mexican crowd goes and always has mainly since they all live in the apartment complex just a few blocks away, they can walk and be drunk when they stagger home. Pompano Gold sits in an I1-x zone but its so far removed from the main street, and that you risk flat tires to get to it from all the salvage yards, that it really never had a chance without breaking its own private drive to the east, which they never have. With little chances to get any but the most daring customers, you cant hold many dancers. Its always been true girls go where they can make the most money, and the customers go where the girls are. Thats how Pompano is, your top four have 90% of the girls, and the other dives have the dregs that are left over.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    But there was a time before the covid shutdowns that solid gold had a pretty good crowd and their late afternoon Wednesday thru Friday was great, seems to me that Cheetah has always been a solid performer DDs has never been a regular stop of mine, and BT is the younger party crowd so I don’t go there often. The other places Porthole is a dump and it’s gotten lousy, pink is a dumpster fire but I assume T likes it that way and the others like shadow and senoritas suck badly, leaves the Gold Club with being able to get much traction which I think is because of the club management.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    IME and IMHO these disparities exist in just about every market with more than a few clubs. IMO customers gravitate to the places where they find the right combination of comfortability, good treatment and of course good talent. IMO and IME the majority of dancers gravitate to the places where they can make money and where management makes it easy for them to work there. In every market there seems to be some clubs find the optimal mix and others that struggle more. Club size definitely matters as certain guys feel less comfortable in dives, regardless of what may be available in them. But I have also seen small clubs compete well with larger ones because the larger ones fucked this mix up. For example, here in J'ville, there was a period of a few years where Emperor's night shift sucked ass. It was so bad that the little dive club in a shitty location down the street often had hotter girls and even more customers. The problem was that the night shift manager at the time was a Grade A dick and nobody wanted to work for him, so the talent went elsewhere and eventually so too did many of the customers. They have fixed this since and Emps now easily has the hottest night shift in town, but it took a couple of years to turn it around. Desire in Providence is probably one of the gold standards for getting this mix right. Customers are treated well and, by all account I've heard, management makes it very easy for the girls to work there. The Foxy Lady also gets its share of talent and customers, even though it doesn't offer all of the same...amenities...as Desire. OTOH Fantasies and the Caddy are often less well attended because they feel ghetto and are just not as comfortable to be in as the first two. Anyway I could go on but I made my points fwiw.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    I think this is pretty accurate in most areas. It’s not 100% though. Just some thoughts: There is more leeway for manager behavior in cities where young females like to hang out in, and clubs don’t even *have* to have good management to keep a full roster of dancers. One example: Denver. A place notorious for the most unnecessarily mean-spirited managers out of anywhere. And if not full of active assholes, then managers who will look the other way if somebody gets drugged by a favored customers. (And since incidents of different dancers talking about this has happened more than once at different points in time, I def believe it. Sigh) In smaller areas, where it’s tougher for an attractive female to fly under the radar in her daily life, keeping dancers around may or may not be a club’s fault. For example, many clubs will have managers that won’t take you on if you’re a dancer who blatantly says “I’m just traveling here”…but over in South Dakota managers actively encourage out-of-state girls to hang out for a week or two. I can’t comment on Pompano. There is no shortage of attractive women, so clubs have lots of options of who they want to accept. But then again, there are also lots of clubs around that aren’t within the same chain, so dancers have the ability to pick and choose where they want to go more easily. Probably something to it with observations about good management there, idk
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ I agree there’s definitely places where the management is better liked and the girls make out well, I don’t think the costs to the girls are a large part of the equation either because one thing I noticed is most of the gals that do well do well everywhere, not saying that gouging is ok, but some of the better management practices do cost money, when management is investing in their own business it improves the environment for all.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    Idk what you mean by costing money, are you referring to house fee + tip out expectations clubs have for dancers?
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Yes but also the clubs that regularly do a catered buffet, I’m also talking about the quasi partnership the girls have with the club remember anything the club does to bring in more paying customers and things of that nature A rising tide lifts all boats.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^You know spending some of that profit to improve just like the girls do getting manicures and hair done etc.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    When all clubs are bad (or non-existent) in an area, I think the root cause is that the locals are judgmental and don't know how to enjoy life. Where people have a more positive, live and let live attitude, clubs are generally good. The ones with bad management can't compete. In borderline areas, the gubment makes it hard to open a new club. Sometimes, there are good, well managed clubs. But clubs with bad management are not forced out of business, because the gubment protects them from full competition, and thus from the consequences of their own incompetence. It also depends what you are looking for. If you go for low-rate extras from dancers who you wouldn't be surprised to see turn up dead, high-poverty areas are the best place to find that.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Has anyone here ever heard the sound of one hand clapping ?
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^Rong thread
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