
Ignored List

God Bless Dancers
Sunday, April 17, 2022 3:05 AM
I looked up da 40 most ignored members and da Cashmane is got 8 ignoreds. Cashmane is a valuable member because he smashed da like button all day long. Who is da 8 faggors dat ignored da Cashmane. Likes Likes Likes Likes Smash dat likes button!!! Or I dumpa load in your basement šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©


  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
    You can ignored me all you want, but don't do dat to my buddy Cashmane. He is a valuable contributory to tuscl
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    Your cousin Mack the Knife would never be ignored. [view link]
  • DoctorPhil.
    2 years ago
    Why the fuck does Mr. Desert ā€œClub Adā€ Scrub have the most ignores of anybody? Donā€™t people want to know which reviews are club ads. By the way, I found a video of Mr. Scrub. Turns out that heā€™s a high school teacher. [view link]
  • DenimChicken
    2 years ago
    Smashing the hell out of the like button - I did my part so you need to make sure not to shit in my basement!!!
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    Cash is into some rough stuff. Maybe there are 8 dancers out there that he left tied up and don't want to speak to him again.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    2 years ago
    How in the world is most ignored a piece of info available to all on this site lol
  • doctorevil
    2 years ago
    ^ Isnā€™t it great though?
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
    ^^^ [view link] Just tap on the drop down menu and go down to top 40 clubs. If you tap on top 40 clubs, then tap on the top 40 clubs on the top of the page, it will show other options. One option is top 40 ignored.
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
    Dr Evil ninja me lol
  • PinkSugarDoll
    2 years ago
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I finally made a TUSCL list! Woo hoo! The second most ignored member remains an enigma to me. Snazzynazz - with basically no public activity. That must be an offensive dude!
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Cashman supposedly he goes around DMing like every person or dancer on the site! And hes quite the filthy man, so gets blocked quickly!
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Cashman having 8 ignores is likely because of the filth he posts. Some people are too immature to deal with filth!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    All of Snazzynazz's ignores come from dancers because he does this stuff via pm: [view link]
  • rickthelion
    2 years ago
    Here is what I canā€™t believe: more people are ignoring yours truly than Skifredo. WTF? I recognize that some of you damn dirty apes canā€™t take the truth bombs I hit you with but Skifredo is a demented moron crab that suffered brain damage from being boiled. Surely my stupidity-seeking missiles of truth are preferable to his wining. What kind of cowards donā€™t want to hear my valuable rickvice? ROAR!!!
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I really thought snazzynazz would sound much creepier. That Reddit post seemed odd - but not rude - and he didnā€™t suggest the dancer would be perfect for his organization. Those folks making comments about us being creeps and losers! Wtf?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    I'm under the impression that *all* he does on here is message dancers, and that the message shown in that Reddit post is his idea of an introduction. I suspect that the the number of dancers who have taken the trouble to block his messages him represent the tip of the iceberg.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    I never go to reddit or stripperweb except maybe sometimes if someone provides a link. I took a quick look at the reddit link above, a stripper posting there under r/stripper.. WOW, what a babe!
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    Thatā€™s a valid point Ishmael. Iā€™m sure his continued messaging of dancers gets him ignored.
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
    ^^^ you da mane Can mane!
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
    Keep smashing dem like buttons and spreading da positivity
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    ā€œMeanwhile the #1 most ignored goes out of his way to insult the men (and dancers) on there, call their club reviews fake, and solicit them for anal sex.ā€ Ahahahahahaha! I havenā€™t read this Reddit forum before, but this post is really funny. I also didnā€™t know that scrub was dm-ing dancers for anal sex! That is just hilarious! ā€œFuck you, you club ad writing Russian spy, youā€™re all fake old men eating liver and onions in a basement, and btw can I pay you for some anal sex?ā€
  • PinkSugarDoll
    2 years ago
    Hereā€™s an interesting question too: How many people do you ignore on this site? I ignore 13.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    I mostly ignore the obvious pranksters, like ones who create a name that looks like another member but with a dash or a dot. Also the advertisers. The only long term member I ignore because I simply can't stand him is BBBC.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I checked - as I didnā€™t remember having anyone on ignore. I ignore SJGTHREATENSWOMEN - I think that profile spammed every discussion one night - and it made the site unusable. That was a worthwhile ignore.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    Yeah Cashman is cool. And I thought pretty uncontroversial?
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I appreciate that NiceSpice. I thought you might be busy as you seem to be a part of Mamisanā€™s Easter Bunny Special - [view link]
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
    Hell yeah!
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
    I got everybody on ignored
  • BBBC
    2 years ago
    "I mostly ignore the obvious pranksters, like ones who create a name that looks like another member but with a dash or a dot. Also the advertisers. The only long term member I ignore because I simply can't stand him is BBBC." Score one more for the pink team!!!! šŸ˜œ I knew you were in love with me mrorange!!! Please cum out of the closet and we will have a cumming out party for you in Jacksonville! We cal all ride around in the cock mobile chicken limo!
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    Interesting, I don't officially ignore anyone but I don't enter every thread or read everything posted in the super long threads. But I do check the ignore list once or twice a week and I recently noticed that my ignores have doubled from 8 to 16 in the 2 month period since I decided to ramp up trolling the trolls. The funny thing is that if I posted as a dancer but posted the same way I'd have 0 ignores. Oh well, that's the price of being honest and life goes on. Lol
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