
Is sex today just for the bag?: Tristan Thompson & Co. story

Saturday, April 2, 2022 10:26 PM
The number of times I keep seeing stories like this is getting REALLY ridiculous. You got the PJ Washington/Brittney Reiner situation, Mulan Hernandez being taken back AFTER being dumped by Bol Bol, the extreme amount of women James Harden is with, Lamar Odom and Liza Morales, and many more I'm missing. ANd now you got Tristan Thompson and his second baby momma (or is it third if Khloe Kardashian counts) Maralee Nichols and she's asking for $47K +$1M in fees. And yet she has NO JOB but a big ol' ass and some nice tatas. [view link] THe number of times that this type of situation is in the news, do these athletes really get that stupid once they get money to start dumping in women? And it seems none of these types women are looking to marry or get into real relationships as either some of these marriages are short as shit or it's just dump a baby in me and now get lost but don't forget to drop off the check. Is there something in the algorithm that makes some of these women turn out like this or do all of these sorts of women come with a game plan to simply pump and dump him and never love. And it seems to be a lot of these Instagram type of ladies too. The ones with the super curvaceous bodies, some of them plastic. And men just keep falling into these traps. But I guess I finally understand now why more and more women are willing to get that lips, tits and ass-jobs. It attracts all types of men and many men with money are willing to pay the cost and then some of the body work. I can understand the long game hustle behind it at least.


  • PhredJohnson
    2 years ago
    I love being an old guy who doesn’t give a rip. I know exactly ZERO names you mentioned.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Those girls burn out and start craving something real. It takes a toll on them
  • FLAP3000
    2 years ago
    I’d BB that chick too…I ain’t mad at Tristan.
  • Uprightcitizen
    2 years ago
    That's just high order PL and he up's the game by not paying "child" support. Honestly these guys are often dumb thinking they are the wolf when they bed these bitches.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Reading the article linked from above. Only a fucking Kardashian will talk about Tristan’s infidelity on a TV show, just to make a buck. Does these guys know about vasectomies?
  • Estafador
    2 years ago
    @PhredJohnson you don't have to be young to keep up with sports and it's related drama lol. Your only as young as you feel YOUNG MAN 😉 @shailynn that's what I'm trying to figure out. How many times will they dump in women before they get that their choice in women is bad and need to vet better and/or not to trust every pretty face just because your horny and have money.
  • Estafador
    2 years ago
    @ceoaticeesangelsllc you sure man, women like "DEELISHIS" (google her) and Liza Morales are in there mid 40s and still seem to want to hop around. Not sure if they understand the concept of burn out or just take every penny for a ride till they can't move as fast.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    We are often a product of our environment; by-no-means is this 100%-foolproof but no-doubt it often has a big-influence. Reality is that out-of-wedlock births is something very-common in the black-community and it’s not necessarily taboo/as-taboo nor likely seen as big-a-deal for lack of a better-word – often-times many of these guys come from such environments where like they themselves grew up in similar out-of-wedlock situations as well as most of their peers around them. Then you have the factor of big-time-$$$ and in a very-short period of time – being an NBA player is like winning the lottery where you can go from being broke and growing-up w/ nothing to having more-$$$ than you know what to do with pretty-much instantaneously – so instead of building wealth over time as one builds a career/business, many of these guys can go from broke to multi-millionaires at the stroke-of-a-pen and often as young as 20 or 21 – similar to lottery-winners that instantaneously come into $$$, they wanna have everything they never had and often seem to go overboard spending huge $$$ on huge-houses, buying a ton of cars, buying a ton of jewelry, etc, i.e. living-the-life they only dreamed-about when they were broke – and part of that life and conspicuous-spending is getting w/ as many hot-chicks as the can. These guys, being young and often coming from humble beginnings, often become targets for shysters whether it’s shady-business-people, or gold-diggers - I would imagine these guys kinda have a target on their back w.r.t. professional-gold-diggers that are gold-diggers by profession – one can only assume that Instagram/technology greatly enhances the chances of these gold-diggers making contact w/ these young rich athletes just like technology makes everything in society more accessible these days – growing-up in the 80s I would often hear stories of chicks that would hang-out in the lobbies of hotels where visiting NBA players were staying in order to try to hook up w/ them; with today’s technology/social-media the ability to hook-up w/ these athletes is greatly enhanced – at the end of the day being a pro-athlete’s baby-mama is also like winning the lottery. Of course – there are many pro-athletes that don’t fall into this trap - but obviously too-many do and often lose a lot if not everything due to their lifestyles and poor-decisions.
  • jackslash
    2 years ago
    There's an epidemic of gold-digging whores.
  • Elitis
    2 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo "Reality is that out-of-wedlock births is something very-common in the black-community..." Out-of-wedlock births is very common in America period. As for the rest, agreed. Fast money comes with slow problems
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