Going to Charleston today

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
Should I work in Charleston, Myrtle, or Jacksonville?

I am picking up a car and my eventual destination is Jville.


last comment
avatar for Longball300
3 years ago
My take; Someone with your looks should try Thee Doll House in North Myrtle Beach.

It's peak golf season down there, decent area, variety of lodging near the club, groups of guys on a trip ready to blow some cash, the club is used to traveling dancers......

Nice club with good decor. Not sure if they still make all the ladies wear gowns but, that's how it used to be. Topless on stage.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
Thank you ❤️ I got my gowns ready 👍🏼
avatar for FishHawk
3 years ago
I went to a BYOB nude club in Charleston many years ago it was fun. Not sure it is even there now. Southern Belle or something like that was the name.
avatar for Longball300
3 years ago
My last review of the place:

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
^ already read it 👍🏼
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
Btw that is almost definitely a shill review or club ad.

avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Longballs idea is excellent and I’d agree. I know a group of guys from my town that just came back from an 8 day gold trip down there. They had 2 other friends that flew in from California. I was thinking who the hell flies from California to go to Myrtle Beach? Probably just to get away from their wives.

Myrtle Beach right now is a bunch of guys away from their wives with nothing to do but gold, get drunk and go to strip clubs. Nobody bitches about airdances at Thee Doll House either!
avatar for Longball300
3 years ago
Just like the other 123 reviews...
avatar for Longball300
3 years ago
The other two to even consider are The Masters and Treasure Club. Near to each other but, not in the best of areas. Masters is gigantic where sometimes 5-7 ladies are on stage at one time. Just don't think the dancers can make as much $$ there based on the crowd. Treasure club is not bad; mid-sized and sometimes a more hip-hop make it rain kinda crowd.... not my preference.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
I haven’t even been to Myrtle Beach in a decade but in the past Thee Doll House always had top tier talent that could compete with just about any club in America. The girls were so hot you didn’t even mind the crappy dances.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
I’m not sure if Pink is hot enough to work there - LOL SARCASM!!!!!!!
avatar for Longball300
3 years ago
Thing is over the years I have gotten a huge variety of dances at TDH; especially once in a VIP room. So many of the dancers are from "somewhere else" they all seem to set their own rules.

Now I haven't been there in a few years so maybe it's gotten even more tame compared to the glory days. TBT I have gotten air dances to full menus in all three places I mentioned.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
I wouldn’t work in an air dance club but I know that your house fees are REALLY high in Myrtle and I would be choosing where to work probably based on that. Nobody for Charleston huh? I just have only 2 days and I have to be in Jacksonville on Monday morning, so Myrtle is a 5 hour drive 😢
avatar for Longball300
3 years ago
Been to Charleston but, never in a club.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Same here - Charleston a few times but no clubbing.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
👍🏼 Thank you all!
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
Have you been Charleston though yet PSD? It’s like going back to Revolution really cool old town. Fuck dancing for one day you gotta a do a little tourist something.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
A couple old favs told me that Myrtle is really good during peak gold weather in the fall. Husbands are there without wife or kids. They said the clubs there let you set your own rates, so maybe that's why they weren't concerned about house fees. This was about 10 year ago, so may be out of date.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
Yeah we are talking about NOW though.

When it is work time, I have no interest in sight seeing. Usually once I get going, my knees are killin from stage since I just dance a week or two a month now—I’m not acclimated to it anymore. So walking around a ton to see the sights is like the least appealing thing in the universe 😬😬😬

I think I’m just going to go to Myrtle tomorrow after I get the car though!
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
Hell yeah!!!!
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
avatar for Uprightcitizen
3 years ago
What Muddy said but if you just want to sit and eat some great food hit up High Cotton in Charleston. Try the oyster shooters, yum.
avatar for busta_nut
3 years ago
I would be happy to keep you company in Jax.. just let me know.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
You still don't have a car ?
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
It is a really shitty time to buy a car. I have a car, I am buying a second car, I am a car person, I am taking my time to get the right car for me. The first car I was going to get fell through and this one is a much better car. So hopefully in a few short hours I do have a car. ❤️
avatar for Longball300
3 years ago
Well good luck with the MB visit if that's where you end up. Would be interesting to hear your take on it. BTW there is / was a tiny small club called Pearls like a block south of TDH. Sometimes it was open.... sometimes not. Used to have to enter from the back of the building. Nice set up when I was there and a very subdued vibe compared to the other places.
avatar for RTP
3 years ago
Probably a summary of what everyone else wrote, but Charleston is my favorite of the cities by far. Great food, accessible to beach, history, etc. That being said, the club(s) are something I don't even consider. Haven't been in one for at least 15 years.

Myrtle Beach is my least favorite of the cities, but the best clubbing. Others have already mentioned the best clubs. There will be lots of dancers there right now though. Dancers from Charlotte and Atlanta head to Myrtle in the golfing season.

Jacksonville is an okay city, the beaches are fun, the clubs okay. I think that there has been an issue with law enforcement, etc recently which I am not on top of. I always liked Wackos myself, but that is from the customer perspective and not a dancers. The nude clubs used to be about extras, not sure what is happening there right now.
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
Having a choice, see Charleston because the flooding they get there will only get worse in the future and the historical districts takes the toll. And you might even run into Bill Murray which is a trip in itself.
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