I wish he did not say that. I have not read his marijuana stuff, but I plan to.
He is coming out of a medical an pharmacological culture, and so the Autism Hoax is something which goes unchallenged. But it is clearly peripheral to his message. His message is that marijuana fucks you up. I have seen this regularly in all walks of life.
Life rarely gives us gurus whom we can just unconditionally submit to.
As it is with most who have something worthwhile to say, Berenson brings the prejudices and fallacies of his environment with him. One just has to filter it out.
But he has also done tremendous work, first book on COVID in June 2020, showing how completely irrational the COVID response is, and how unsafe and ineffective that so called vaccine is, and how nutty it is to try and tell everyone that they should get needled.
And then if Berenson is saying that marijuana causes autism, then he is looking at it like France and the Latin American countries do. They see autism as a psychosis, something caused by environmental factors, rather than being congenital and genetic.
But the American autism industry is something else, created by parents trying to defend themselves against Bruno Bettleheim. And this is still today what it is, except that with these "Autism Narratives" you have those who have accepted the label now proclaiming it for themselves. So of course, the way they see it in France and Latin America, and the way it sounds like Berenson is looking at it, will make them livid.
It is all Socially Constructed, and it is not at all useful, and on one should stand for it.
The Social Construction of Autism: Identity Politics in Our Culture by Sami Tamimi (extremely good) https://www.youtube.com/watch?…
Tetradon, off course I do not literally go along with that, ~mental illness~, but I know that marijuana fucks people up, and this is what Alex Berenson is saying.
^ I could post something about neurotransmitter levels in major depression/bipolar/schizophrenia, genotype-phenotype correlations, but something tells me he would post more nonsense.
"There are no brain chemical indicators of ~mental illness~. It is all a myth and all sociologically defined."
False. Schizophrenia is associated with disordered dopaminergic neurotransmission and abnormal neuronal connectivity. Bipolar disorder is associated with ion channel (mostly sodium channel) abnormalities, hence the efficacy of sodium channel modulators in treating it.
But what do the scientists know--you watched a youtube video!
You are asserting without evidence that you know better than thousands of actual physicians and scientists. Why should anyone believe that you know better?
Look up neurobiology of schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar.
^ I've known, and has political debates with, people of all stripes. Lately I've had a couple good PM conversations with self identified leftists here.
I watch more for how someone expresses their views and their thought processes behind it. Do they think through their decisions and assume good faith even when they disagree? That's part of the problem these days, that the other side has to be "evil," not just "wrong." If they show themselves incapable of a rational conversation, I can play that game too.
Right and wrong exist. There is such a thing as epistemological truth.
Good bad evil those are attempts at turning something into an emotive rant.
And left vs right is often irrelevant. It often ignores the organization of the economy and instead comes down to questions of social permissiveness. Which is just fluff.
^ he doesn’t disagree with anything, he just posts what he believes will cause the most shit, don’t ever give Iceefag credibility like that, you should know better
Nope til you started trolling me. And there's no point in pretending someone's wrong views about some things are valid. And sure they may have valid views on other things. They're just misguided people
Your views on civil rights protests for example are racist and bigoted. Your views on the poor are bigoted. Your support of the republican party is bigoted.
I live in a much bluer state than you and have left-leaning friends from all walks of life. I've talked politics with people ranging from elite academic professors to guys ranting about the "New World Order" (and I don't mean the pro wrestling one) at gun shows to left-leaning TUSCLers. You're the only one to have called me a bigot, and not a voice I particularly respect on the matter.
Either you're way off base, or yet another internet loudmouth.
last commentSJG
Have Nots
He is coming out of a medical an pharmacological culture, and so the Autism Hoax is something which goes unchallenged. But it is clearly peripheral to his message. His message is that marijuana fucks you up. I have seen this regularly in all walks of life.
Life rarely gives us gurus whom we can just unconditionally submit to.
As it is with most who have something worthwhile to say, Berenson brings the prejudices and fallacies of his environment with him. One just has to filter it out.
But he has also done tremendous work, first book on COVID in June 2020, showing how completely irrational the COVID response is, and how unsafe and ineffective that so called vaccine is, and how nutty it is to try and tell everyone that they should get needled.
And then if Berenson is saying that marijuana causes autism, then he is looking at it like France and the Latin American countries do. They see autism as a psychosis, something caused by environmental factors, rather than being congenital and genetic.
But the American autism industry is something else, created by parents trying to defend themselves against Bruno Bettleheim. And this is still today what it is, except that with these "Autism Narratives" you have those who have accepted the label now proclaiming it for themselves. So of course, the way they see it in France and Latin America, and the way it sounds like Berenson is looking at it, will make them livid.
It is all Socially Constructed, and it is not at all useful, and on one should stand for it.
The Social Construction of Autism: Identity Politics in Our Culture by Sami Tamimi (extremely good)
I never new there were psyche depositors. Apparently comparing is used for psychosis. Including that caused by autism.
You learn something every day lulz
Organic brain dysfunction? Well sometimes people die, and they do get senile and they do lose memory faculties.
This is the best:
A Conversation With Robert Whitaker: Journalist, Author & Expert, Founder of Mad In America
Robert Whitaker: The Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in the US
Marijuana makes you stupid and dangerous.
1. Marijuana is no good
2. Autism is a hoax
3. Mental Illness is a myth
Covid is cured with sleep
Biden is a genius
Fake ukrainian war propaganda is real
If you test positive for COVID, they tell you to go home, self quarantine, and sleep.
Biden continues to show excellent judgement and leadership.
Schizophrenia is associated with disordered dopaminergic neurotransmission and abnormal neuronal connectivity.
Bipolar disorder is associated with ion channel (mostly sodium channel) abnormalities, hence the efficacy of sodium channel modulators in treating it.
But what do the scientists know--you watched a youtube video!
Mental Illness is a hysteria measured by the number of people in disability.
And the psyche meds get ingested for the same reasons that street drugs and alcohol do.
False. Read some actual science.
^ you are reading Russian and US Far Right propaganda.
But its all propaganda and anything saying mental illness exists is pseudoscience?
Look up neurobiology of schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar.
We have lots of scientists who work with ~mental illness~. This is the locus of the problem.
And sure we have these organic brain problems. But those are not ~mental illness~.
And Icey, the one responsible for carnage and slaughter is Vladimir Putin.
Look also at Psychiatrist Peter Breggin:
Now get back to trolling and harassing sjg
I watch more for how someone expresses their views and their thought processes behind it. Do they think through their decisions and assume good faith even when they disagree? That's part of the problem these days, that the other side has to be "evil," not just "wrong." If they show themselves incapable of a rational conversation, I can play that game too.
Good bad evil those are attempts at turning something into an emotive rant.
And left vs right is often irrelevant. It often ignores the organization of the economy and instead comes down to questions of social permissiveness. Which is just fluff.
And right 2ing sheltered drivel is meaningless
Should read
"And I never had a problem with you til you started expressing opinions I didn't agree with."
- William F. Buckley, Jr.
Says it perfectly.
The opposite of leftist values is bigotry.
If someone is a bigot and views being called what they are pejorative. Maybe they should look in the mirror and rethink their views.
Truth is cacaplop is no different from any of the Republicans on here.
That is a fact.
You'd rather call names than make logical points, so we're back where we began.
Your views on civil rights protests for example are racist and bigoted. Your views on the poor are bigoted. Your support of the republican party is bigoted.
You have a very myopic world view and that's why you think it's okay to think like that.
"I've been called worse things by better people."
- Pierre Trudeau
Either you're way off base, or yet another internet loudmouth.
And see you resorted to name calling like usual.
Go ahead keep proving me right.
Amazing how you know the dozens of left-leaning people I've talked to better than I do.
Some of them are on this board
"I just call it like I see it."
As am I.
You don't ever get the impression that any one of them thinks like a pot head.