My theory about Icee

avatar for Cashman1234
He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.

The ladies over at the pink site got together and decided to plant a mole on this site. They thought that by infiltrating our privacy wall with someone truly more despicable than a PL, they could shame us (from the bottom) for our enjoyment of paid sexual encounters.

They found someone to portray a pimp in a legitimate manner, and they created the Icee persona. This person has developed and perfected a persona that very few TUSCL’ers like, and therefore that part is a success. However, this person has recently been hospitalized, and has apparently no true friends. His lack of friends has caused him to continue posting discussions because no one would even check to see if he was alive.

There is one fatal flaw in the the pink site’s logic. They forgot that we are the source of a good portion of stripper (and sex worker) income, and if we are discouraged from our hobby, they will no longer have a source of income. So, they may need to regroup after reading this discussion, as discouraging us is bad for business.

I know Nina, NiceSpice, PSD, EndlessSummer, and Blah weren’t invited to this pink think tank, as they understand the PL business model.


last comment
avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

I wanna be pimp thinking he’s our moral compass? Wtf?

Crying about suicide attempts because his girl dumped him?

He’s more full of shit than a toilet after CrazyJoe makes a stop at McDonald’s!

avatar for Mate27
3 yrs ago

Interesting theory, but honestly o believ it comes down to someone who has a complete void in his life and he’s using this site to make himself feel better. Some people over eat, do drugs, compulsive sex with strangers, and Icee does all of that and still has time to come on this board to spam it up with BS, again to validate his emotions for his lack of having a real life

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

I was hoping he wasn’t serious in his posts, but I think you might be correct. His recent discussion is just too much. Telling us to look introspectively after watching a video of a (HIV positive, former addict) guy who fucks skid row hookers.

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

I don’t think we waste one drop of energy thinking about him as far as I’m concerned Iceefag is a void

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

You make a good point. I was thinking twice about this discussion, as I’m sure it arouses him seeing his name as the subject of a discussion.

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

ThatXGuy85 I agree, even though that’s insulting to pussy.

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

My theory about Icey is that he was the inspiration for Wayne D on South Park.

Otherwise, he's the second-most boring person here. All he needs to do is talk about an "organization" to take the crown.

Your assumptions are as ridiculous as you are.

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

^ I have no assumptions I know for a fact you about as useless as tits on a bull

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

I agree with Icee. Some of my post was intended to be ridiculous.

I also agree with Twentyfive.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

Twentyfive and Cashman, the Underground Circle Jerk Room has saved two seats for you guys.


Frampton, 26min

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

SJG, Iceefag described you as autistic , he meant you’re a useful idiot. You too, are as useless as tits on a bull

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 yrs ago

No TWENTYFIVE, you are the one who is unable to carry on a conversation.


Frampton, 26min

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

Why would I want to have a conversation with you you think you know everything just like your fag buddy, there’s no conversation with either of you worth having, and it’s too bad cause you guys actually need to learn a few things.

avatar for nicespice
3 yrs ago

Ooh nice one Cash 😁

While speculating, here’s an alternate one:

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

^ Go away, Cacaplop

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

Really cute how SJG acts like he's some kind of authority figure here.

Just like it's cute how Icey thinks he's more intelligent or moral than a hyena.

You're welcome to ignore us. But then you won't coz your purpose is to troll

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

^ Naah, you're better than Failblog for "just look at this dumbass" style entertainment.

Don't ever change!

You're a sheltered social retard

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

You're a firsthand expert on retardation, all right

avatar for shailynn
3 yrs ago

Icee the drug dealer, can’t even keep a drug addicted girlfriend.

Hey bud, how’s it going in the hospital?

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

Actually, Cacaplop, you've completely failed to shut down this board like SCL Desire.

How does it feel to be such a loser at your sole purpose here?

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

Icee I admit I made you out to be a farce. I was wrong, as you are not a farce, but a true leech on the ass of legitimate society. You are a manager of women, which indicates you pimp out girls. That is a horrible thing to do to a woman.

Twentyfive called you useless as tits on a bull, but you are more sinister than useless. I can’t think of a more detestable role for a human to occupy, than that of a pimp who keeps women down, and brings his community down through drug sales and self serving greed!

Cashman you're delusional. Make your mind up about what I am. A pimp drug dealer troll liar retard woman addict etc. You can't pick and choose depending on how you want to insult me.

And remember there's no sex trade without demand. Tricks who are greedy antisocial and couldn't care less about the fact that they're paying women to be cum dumpsters. Who are arrogant enough to pretend she enjoys it coz she agrees go take his money. Who pretends he doesn't know most use drugs to forget about the tricks and to cope with letting the tricks touch them for money. The biological failure you are having to pay for a basic bodily function. At most tricks are tolerated as long as they serve a purpose.

I connect with women on a sincere level.

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

"I connect with women on a sincere level."

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Like buying them drugs and turning them out? I guess nothing is more sincere than an addict's desire for their fix. Best laugh I've had all day. Thank you.

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

Tell everyone here, are you a drug dealing pimp? If you aren’t, then you are delusional, as you work to portray yourself as one.

As usual, you refuse to accept responsibility for your detestable actions. You would rather deflect and blame the tricks, than accept responsibility for the truth, that pimps serve no beneficial role.

Pimps, like you, keep whores addicted to drugs so they can’t get away. They prey on addicted whores like the useless humans they are.

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

^ He tries to convince us that he's on some higher ethical plane than other pimps. Like he only gives them coke and not meth. Let alone us mongers.

It's like an alcoholic who says they aren't one because they only drink beer. Or a slut who says she isn't one because she remembers the names of all the guys she sucked off.

I could write a book off all his self-owns.

First thing a hoe wants after letting a trick use her is to get high and not be touched. Thats the impact you have on women.

Again make your mind up. You keep changing who I am based on how you want to insult me

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

^ And the impact you have is so beneficial that a Puerto-Greekan drug dealer offers more, and they won't speak to you for $5,000.

Nothing's keeping you in the pimp life, man. You could stop enabling this moral depravity, get your GED, and get honest work. What's stopping you?

avatar for doctorevil
3 yrs ago

Very plausible theory, except for this part: "They found someone to portray a pimp in a legitimate manner."

Icee portrays a pimp in a ridiculous, cartoonish manner. Does a pimp really (pretend) try to kill himself when his fake stripper hoe dumps him?

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

I see you don’t want to answer.

If that’s what you do, I can understand you not wanting to admit to being a gang member who pimps out drug addicted whores. It’s obvious you don’t have a reputation for helping women.

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

doctorevil - true. That is a very valid point.

Do your ocd trolling elsewhere.

Now you're just repeating sircumsinhispantsalot.

She wouldn't take money coz she loves me and we're talking.

Now hurry and keep at your old trolling fucktard

And remember tricks like you are the reason hoes need drugs to cope

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

LOL you're such a fucking victim now. God forbid anyone remind you of your own words.

Loves you? You're the source of her fix, and obviously not as good of one as her Puerto-Greekan stud muffin.

I never claimed to be an angel, but every fucking John on this board is the Virgin Mary compared to you.


avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

You can repeat that line about drugs as much as you want, but it won’t make it true.

It’s sad how you try to save face by mentioning the girl who dumped you is now talking to you. She must care deeply for you, if she didn’t visit you in the hospital…

No visitors if you have covid.

We know what we have.

And repeating sircumsinhiapantsalot just makes you look as retarded as him

Trolladon and brokeman. Keep telling yourself hoes don't find you repulsive and you're anything more than 🤡🤡🤡

But remember you're the reason that hoe gets high so she can cope with fucking you.

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

Keep up the wannabe pimp persona Icey, it’s working so well for you!

I probably shouldn’t get you worked up, since you just had pacemaker surgery. It sounds as though you made as many friends at the hospital as you’ve made here!

Keep changing your story about me to suit your insults.

Trick ass fuck nigga

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

^^ You still can't address YOUR OWN WORDS so you deflect to someone else who remembers them.

Too bad they can't give you a pacemaker for your brain as well as your heart.

What's the going rate for long-term OTC in Vegas? Obviously more than $5,000 and some blow.

OCD.... Neurodivergent trolladon

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

"Trick ass fuck nigga"

Articulate, ain't he? Give him a hand!

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

That’s a first! I’ve never been called the N-word before!

Now I know Icey is done!

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

^ He meant to say "trick ass fuck African-American"

He wouldn't waltz into a black club dropping the N-word like that. Not if he wanted to walk out with all his teeth.

avatar for gSteph
3 yrs ago

Sigh 😕 Icey melting yet

avatar for skibum609
3 yrs ago

Icey was identified as female at birth.

avatar for NinaBambina
3 yrs ago

The ladies at the pink site don't have time for that. Now there might be a straggler or two who does, but a bunch of them did not get together and create this persona because as a whole, they're more interested in just working and paying their bills. Plus I used to be active on that site and would've known.

avatar for Mate27
3 yrs ago

Icee says “I connect with women on a sincere level”!

That’s a head scratcher, when all his(or her) women are stripper hoes that pretend to like old white guys for their cash. Try being in a committed real to ship with a girl who doesn’t turn tricks, Icee. See how real your connection gets when they find out your just an underground pharmaceutical rep out in the streets pimping hoes. She’ll connect the palm of her hand across your face! Yeah, really nice connection….

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

skibum609 - it’s not a gender - but leech would be a more appropriate identification.

Nina, the part about the ladies on the pink site was just a silly way to lead in before getting more serious and harsh. But, if they do have pink think tank meetings, in a pink conference room, I wouldn’t mind seeing the video.

Making up fantasies about me shows your mental illness

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

I'm sticking with my previous theory:

avatar for georgmicrodong
3 yrs ago

These aren't theories, they're hypotheses. Theories have repeatable experimental evidence to back them up.

Sorry, I just go laid, so I'm a little...relaxed.

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

^ You just got laid? What was his name? ;)

avatar for georgmicrodong
3 yrs ago

@Tetradon: I don't know. Who cares? 🤣

avatar for Muddy
3 yrs ago

I just had to put him on ignore, I can only take so much stupid. The site is a lot better now.

avatar for DenimChicken
3 yrs ago

There is no reason to care about the pink site other than to get high and laugh at their stupid broke pompous asses.

How in the world any of you aren't already ignoring icee or sjg or more is just ridiculous.

avatar for Mate27
3 yrs ago

^^ tru dat

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