25 years is a crime itself. Just think; the pos she shot would still be alive if he had acted like a decent person and mot the thug he was. Fuck George Floyd too.
There is a YouTube video on "Police Activity" channel (recently uploaded) of a cop not shooting a black thug that pointed a gun at him. Scared to deal with the risk.
How does a police officer confuse a taser with a pistol ? Really bad training ? An unqualified candidate for police work ?
She is responsible and should pay a price. Ten years seems like too much though. And, what price will the people who hired, trained, and supervised her pay ?
A travesty of justice, is what it is. She should have been completely exonerated; she shouldn't even have been charged! The guy would probably have gone on to commit some heinous crime anyway, so good riddance to him. Police officers in this country should have carte blanche to waste bad guys on even the slightest suspicion, just to make sure and keep the rest of us safe.
I dunno man. On the surface it seems unbelievable, like she must be the biggest moron in the world. But not having been in her shoes, at that very moment, who knows whether it might have happened to anyone. Did you ever poke a steak with a spoon because you picked up the wrong piece of silverware? Or wonder why the TV remote isn't working, then realize you've got the DVD remote in your hand?
I think this should be a good case study as to whether tasers even make sense. Cops used to carry billy clubs as a non-lethal alternative to shooting. Not a chance of mixing up those two weapons. But the taser, different as it may be, is still a gun-like piece of equipment. You draw, aim and fire in a similar manner as a gun. I'll bet that if she wasn't carrying the taser she might not have shot him at all, because the consequences would be obvious. Draw a taser, on the other hand, and you're most likely going to fire it instinctively. Now put a taser on your left hip, a gun on your right, and you've got a dangerous situation when making a split-second decision in a highly stressful environment.
No way does this woman deserve jail time. Reprimanded and fired? Sure. But what is to be gained by jailing her, other than to avenge the death of some piece of shit criminal?
It sounds like Daunte Wright was a major criminal shithead but manslaughter is the correct call. I don't see how one could confuse a taser and a pistol. Prison is deserved, as well as a hard look at training.
A lot of people have complained about her confusing a gun and a taser and how could that happen with a competent person. unfortunately similar situations happen everyday, just ask people involved in car accidents, one small error can bring grave consequences.
I have read where most experts believe she will get around 7 years. IMO I still think that’s still excessive. This was not an innocent man who was following orders. On the other hand she made bad judgement as well. Police have insanely high risk jobs. I have a friend that is a cop and 90% of his days are spent on the side of the road with his lights on in construction sites, but he also high risk situations as well. Most of us don’t have jobs where we could get shot at while at work. If I made a bad decision at work, it may cost the company I work from some money, if a cop makes a bad decision they can wind up dead or prosecuted.
They've done studies where it's shown how easy it is to make the wrong call in a stressful situations; "to err is human".
This is one more incident of a violent-thug resisting arrest while a cop is trying to do their job and also go home to their family - none of us here likely ever get put in those situations yet we call the cops to confront those situations and put their life on the line to deal w/ people like this while we sit in our living-room monday-morning-quaterbacking.
Just like defund-the-police this too will embolden criminals to resist arrest and not obey nor fear cops and cops will also back down even more, and just like defund-the-police this will likely lead to an increase in crimes and murders.
I've never been comfortable w/ women being on street-patrol - it's too potentially dangerous - the avg woman is not physically built (and often emotionally built) to be able to handle those kinda interactions where they may have to go toe-to-toe w/ a violent male - in no other aspect of society do we expect women to physically go toe-to-toe w/ men.
Cops need to be held to the highest of standards. Enjoy prison. Any suits these families win need to come out of the police pensions not tax payer money. Tighten up and get rid of the bad apples.
Why the fuck would anyone want to be a cop in a City or anywhere there’s a lot of violent crime? It’s a joke. There are definitely at 400 men on the streets of Philly, for instance, who have committed murder this year alone. They will kill again if given the opportunity or need - especially a cop. Fuck these people and there broken “community” and culture. I could care less if they kill each other. Leave them to each other.
“We’re over-policed - defund the police” 2 seconds later, “Why are we killing each other? We need more cops on the street, and social workers, and taxpayer money (not ours - our lazy stupid people either don’t work or don’t make enough to pay taxes) to give to community activists”
Asshole family could give a fuck when their kid was out shooting people and had warrants for his arrest. Now D’ Daunte shit head, whatever the fuck fights the cops, tries to get away and gets shot - they come out of the woodwork with their bullshit crocodile tears to collect the ghetto lottery win.
Fuck them. They’d wouldn’t say shit if their turd kid killed a cop or some innocent person.
Cops would have been sued if D’what-the-fuck got away in that car and killed someone else with it.
"But not having been in her shoes, at that very moment, who knows whether it might have happened to anyone"
It wouldn't have happened to me.
Definitely shouldn't have happened to a trained professional whose job it is to deal with difficult situations (this situation honestly was not very difficult. It doesn't take a genius to to understand gun =/= taser. I know kids with better gun knowledge and control).
Palm you're an idiot. The taxpayer pays the lawsuits not the police pension fund. Jesus fucking Christ are you a moron....or maybe just a fucking liar. Everyone knows what they would have done in Kim Potter's shoes and I know what you'd have done as well: urinate and have it dribble down your leg.
When your own life revolves around using and abusing others, its only karma when you suffer the same fate. Like so many other pieces of shit, had Mr. Wright used his 14 IQ and allowed himself to be arrested, cuffed, charged and bailed, he'd still b e alive to steal and kill others. Nope. Zero pity for him and nothing but disdain for the excrement called his family. Kim Potter is just the results of affirmative action.
Nina, the AA community needs stop blaming everything on systematic racism and take some ownership in raising kids to be responsible for their actions
I was stopped at 4am after leaving a club. I hadn’t been drinking. The cop was an absolute asshole. I asked why he pulled me over and he refused. I could have acted the way these guys who get killed do, but instead I complied. And I didn’t get shot. And I’m still alive to post on TUSCL.
It ain’t that hard. Play along and do what the cop says and comply.
This is almost like judging the things that occur on a battlefield in a courtroom. Things look very different when a person is forced to make split second decisions and actions - as opposed to how they look on a replayed video.
It sucks when a person sworn to uphold the law makes a huge error and kills an resisting criminal.
In terms of criminals being concerned about cops killing them - much of this would be eliminated by complying with officer commands.
If Duante didn’t resist, this wouldn’t have occurred. He likely would have gone to jail, and likely committed more crimes after serving time, but he would still be alive. Would he have contributed anything good to society - sadly I doubt it.
The latest BLS Census reports that the overall worker fatality rate to be 3.5%. Compare that number to the latest BLS compilation of the Ten Most Dangerous Jobs in America (BLS Census Report, page 9):
1] Fishing and hunting workers: 145%
2] Logging workers: 68.9%
3] Aircraft pilots and flight engineers: 61.8%
4] Roofers: 54.0%
5] Helpers, construction trades: 40.0%
6] Refuse and recyclable material collectors: 35.2%
7] Driver/sales workers and truck drivers: 26.8%
8] Structural iron and steel workers: 26.3%
9] Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers: 23.2%
10] Grounds maintenance workers: 19.8%.
That’s all propaganda used by police unions so no one questions their authoritarian tactics. The same people that tried to overthrow our govt on Jan 6th support police being able to rule with autonomy and it’s really puzzling.
Police should not be above the law. This isn’t judge dredd. They are paid well and volunteer for the opportunity to become an officer. 20 years of service retire with 80% pay and full benefits. Stop the pity party.
Complying doesn’t stop police from shooting & killing. Look at Philando Castile, Charles Kinsey who was lying down on his back with hands in air, Daniel Shaver, and host of others.
It’s fact that police show bias when pulling over motorists so they will treat occupants different based on race.
You mention raising kids, majority of schools shooters are white, what’s going on in those households?
"- in no other aspect of society do we expect women to physically go toe-to-toe w/ men."
well thats changing we have the military, and also mma and sports.
@Palm, charles kinsey is fucking irrelevant, that was an accidental shot, cop was going for the autistic patient of his.
bringing up philando castile is fucking laughable, dude had a literal gun in his pocket, cop tells him to not reach for it, and he does. if you have a gun in the same pocket as your wallet, cops have the right to shoot you. thats common fucking sense. if youre out on the road, you dont put your wallet and gun in the same pocket, then be all like "okay officer ive got my gun and wallet in the same pocket can you let me reach for it please sir i promise i wont shoot".
you deserve to be shot by the same cop who shot philando castile.
daniel shaver who ironically was white, BLM didnt do a single protest for him and his gofundme only raised 50,000$ vs gofundme of peolpe like george floyd and ahmaud arbery which raised MILLIONS of dollars
check this "While crawling towards the officers, Shaver paused and moved his right hand towards his waistband. Officer Philip Brailsford, who later testified he believed that Shaver was reaching for a weapon, then opened fire with his AR-15 rifle"
you cant reach for your waistband when youre under arrest. common fucking sense.
As far as I know, this mix-up has never happened to any other cop before. If you know you're too spacey to handle deadly weapons responsibly, don't become a cop. It's the same as killing someone after you choose to drink and drive.
Completely patethic and disgusting. We're now imprisoning people with otherwise exemplary career records for what nobody even tries to claim was anything other than an honest mistake.
Minnesota needs to be nuked. What a garbage state. Repulsive on every conceivable level.
I hope anyone who supports this dispicable and legally indefensible "verdict" ends up in prison for an innocent accident someday too. Shame on anyone who supports this vile travesty of "justice."
To make it even more dispicable they did this to this lady two days before Christmas. Fuck God damn BLM.
last commentWe ask cops to interact with the worst in society and expect split second perfection without consequences.
She is responsible and should pay a price. Ten years seems like too much though. And, what price will the people who hired, trained, and supervised her pay ?
I think this should be a good case study as to whether tasers even make sense. Cops used to carry billy clubs as a non-lethal alternative to shooting. Not a chance of mixing up those two weapons. But the taser, different as it may be, is still a gun-like piece of equipment. You draw, aim and fire in a similar manner as a gun. I'll bet that if she wasn't carrying the taser she might not have shot him at all, because the consequences would be obvious. Draw a taser, on the other hand, and you're most likely going to fire it instinctively. Now put a taser on your left hip, a gun on your right, and you've got a dangerous situation when making a split-second decision in a highly stressful environment.
No way does this woman deserve jail time. Reprimanded and fired? Sure. But what is to be gained by jailing her, other than to avenge the death of some piece of shit criminal?
Carjackings are up 80% this year in Philadelphia. Wonder if she will change her stance.
Also, most stories don’t mention the race of the Perps. Some do
Don’t believe the people who say there isn’t a leftist slant to main stream media
Wonder when this congresswoman switches affiliation. Or demands a doubling of her security detail, to defend her from her constituents.
I have read where most experts believe she will get around 7 years. IMO I still think that’s still excessive. This was not an innocent man who was following orders. On the other hand she made bad judgement as well. Police have insanely high risk jobs. I have a friend that is a cop and 90% of his days are spent on the side of the road with his lights on in construction sites, but he also high risk situations as well. Most of us don’t have jobs where we could get shot at while at work. If I made a bad decision at work, it may cost the company I work from some money, if a cop makes a bad decision they can wind up dead or prosecuted.
This is one more incident of a violent-thug resisting arrest while a cop is trying to do their job and also go home to their family - none of us here likely ever get put in those situations yet we call the cops to confront those situations and put their life on the line to deal w/ people like this while we sit in our living-room monday-morning-quaterbacking.
Just like defund-the-police this too will embolden criminals to resist arrest and not obey nor fear cops and cops will also back down even more, and just like defund-the-police this will likely lead to an increase in crimes and murders.
It’s a joke. There are definitely at 400 men on the streets of Philly, for instance, who have committed murder this year alone. They will kill again if given the opportunity or need - especially a cop.
Fuck these people and there broken “community” and culture. I could care less if they kill each other. Leave them to each other.
2 seconds later, “Why are we killing each other? We need more cops on the street, and social workers, and taxpayer money (not ours - our lazy stupid people either don’t work or don’t make enough to pay taxes) to give to community activists”
Fuck them. They’d wouldn’t say shit if their turd kid killed a cop or some innocent person.
Cops would have been sued if D’what-the-fuck got away in that car and killed someone else with it.
It wouldn't have happened to me.
Definitely shouldn't have happened to a trained professional whose job it is to deal with difficult situations (this situation honestly was not very difficult. It doesn't take a genius to to understand gun =/= taser. I know kids with better gun knowledge and control).
I guess you can spin that both ways. Putting myself in Duante Wright’s shoes, it wouldn’t have happened to me either, because…,
I wouldn’t have had expired tags
I wouldn’t have made an illegal turn
I wouldn’t have had an open warrant
I wouldn’t have resisted
I know little kids that can obey the rules better than this dude
I wouldn’t have made an illegal turn
I wouldn’t have had an open warrant
I wouldn’t have resisted"
And in the land of the free, you should absolutely be able to do those things without being murdered.
I was stopped at 4am after leaving a club. I hadn’t been drinking. The cop was an absolute asshole. I asked why he pulled me over and he refused. I could have acted the way these guys who get killed do, but instead I complied. And I didn’t get shot. And I’m still alive to post on TUSCL.
It ain’t that hard. Play along and do what the cop says and comply.
So are you saying that if a cop catches you with a hooker he has the right to kill you? By your logic he does
This is almost like judging the things that occur on a battlefield in a courtroom. Things look very different when a person is forced to make split second decisions and actions - as opposed to how they look on a replayed video.
It sucks when a person sworn to uphold the law makes a huge error and kills an resisting criminal.
In terms of criminals being concerned about cops killing them - much of this would be eliminated by complying with officer commands.
If Duante didn’t resist, this wouldn’t have occurred. He likely would have gone to jail, and likely committed more crimes after serving time, but he would still be alive. Would he have contributed anything good to society - sadly I doubt it.
The latest BLS Census reports that the overall worker fatality rate to be 3.5%. Compare that number to the latest BLS compilation of the Ten Most Dangerous Jobs in America (BLS Census Report, page 9):
1] Fishing and hunting workers: 145%
2] Logging workers: 68.9%
3] Aircraft pilots and flight engineers: 61.8%
4] Roofers: 54.0%
5] Helpers, construction trades: 40.0%
6] Refuse and recyclable material collectors: 35.2%
7] Driver/sales workers and truck drivers: 26.8%
8] Structural iron and steel workers: 26.3%
9] Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural managers: 23.2%
10] Grounds maintenance workers: 19.8%.
That’s all propaganda used by police unions so no one questions their authoritarian tactics. The same people that tried to overthrow our govt on Jan 6th support police being able to rule with autonomy and it’s really puzzling.
Police should not be above the law. This isn’t judge dredd. They are paid well and volunteer for the opportunity to become an officer. 20 years of service retire with 80% pay and full benefits. Stop the pity party.
Complying doesn’t stop police from shooting & killing. Look at Philando Castile, Charles Kinsey who was lying down on his back with hands in air, Daniel Shaver, and host of others.
It’s fact that police show bias when pulling over motorists so they will treat occupants different based on race.
You mention raising kids, majority of schools shooters are white, what’s going on in those households?
I could have argued with the cop. What good with that have done? I remained calm and it was 30 minutes out of my night. And we both went home alive
well thats changing we have the military, and also mma and sports.
@Palm, charles kinsey is fucking irrelevant, that was an accidental shot, cop was going for the autistic patient of his.
bringing up philando castile is fucking laughable, dude had a literal gun in his pocket, cop tells him to not reach for it, and he does.
if you have a gun in the same pocket as your wallet, cops have the right to shoot you. thats common fucking sense. if youre out on the road, you dont put your wallet and gun in the same pocket, then be all like "okay officer ive got my gun and wallet in the same pocket can you let me reach for it please sir i promise i wont shoot".
you deserve to be shot by the same cop who shot philando castile.
daniel shaver who ironically was white, BLM didnt do a single protest for him and his gofundme only raised 50,000$ vs gofundme of peolpe like george floyd and ahmaud arbery which raised MILLIONS of dollars
check this "While crawling towards the officers, Shaver paused and moved his right hand towards his waistband. Officer Philip Brailsford, who later testified he believed that Shaver was reaching for a weapon, then opened fire with his AR-15 rifle"
you cant reach for your waistband when youre under arrest. common fucking sense.
Minnesota needs to be nuked. What a garbage state. Repulsive on every conceivable level.
To make it even more dispicable they did this to this lady two days before Christmas. Fuck God damn BLM.