
Plastic Cups for Fine Dining

They never tell you what you need to know.
Thursday, November 11, 2021 5:48 AM
Last weekend wife and I went out to eat, to an upper-end, local restaurant. Water and soda was served in plastic cups. This is not a plastic cup type of place. Tablecloths on the table and linen napkins. My wife was like "WTF" and I said "they can't find dishwashers and this is their solution." Anyone else see anything wacky like this? Someone told me recently that take out containers for restaurants has more than tripled in price since the beginning of the pandemic.


  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    You know I don't if it was Covid related but this one Italian restaurant near me that has ridiculously food. I got a to go order of rigatoni ala vodka (it's the best I've found in anywhere so far honestly) but they wrapped this really hot dish in saran wrap. And I could smell the plastic melting. It's like are you people fucking retarded. I took off quick that's shit is not healthy to be breathing in.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I've been served plastic eating utensils at IHOP. Plastic glasses at every strip club that I have been to lately.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    It's probably covid related. I've seen it at some fine dining places. I don't really like it. Their prices are the same or higher so they should be making up for it in some way. I donno if you guys have boa steakhouse. But eating their food with plastic cutlery at their prices is a rip off but it's worth it
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Why didn't you just ask the server? I'm dubious any restaurant would wash glasses by hand, not in an automatic dishwasher. Even if the border patrol wasn't keeping all the low-wage hand washers out of the country. Probably most of the people Cheetolini separated from their kids and put in cages would have hand-washed your glass. But now they're going to get $450,000 each in compensation, so the work doesn't appeal to them anymore lol.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    1) you still need unskilled labor to bus tables, load the dishwasher, unload said dishwasher, and put stage/put away the dishes 2) CBP is not keeping illegals out. They are flying them all over the country and resettling them in unwarned communities at our own expense 3) It was Obama, not Trump, who started the practice of separating children from the adults for the childrens' own safety. Those famous pictures of kids behind fences are from Obama's administration. It was the almost the right thing to do. Trump actually did do the right thing and kept them in Mexico or deported them back to their country of origin when caught. 4) They are still illegals. They cannot be employed in the US, although they still get welfare despite not paying any taxes and not contributing to our economy. That's your daily dose of truth. You're welome.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    I was only given plastic utensils once, a long while ago, at a full service barbecue restaurant near New Orleans. I never went back.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    More plastics in the ocean, I guess…. I eat less and less in restaurants as time goes on just because it’s hard to get a healthy meal in them. My last several restaurant meals were served with real glasses but I don’t eat out enough to know if that’s the norm.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    To lean the reasoning towards not enough labor versus COVID I have a buddy who manages a similar style restaurant locally as well. His main gripe (currently) is he can’t find dishwashers. He said eventually a few undocumented workers will come by and he’ll hire them, pay them in cash, but there’s none around right now. He hasn’t gone the plastic cup route but he said some nights he’s the one washing the dishes. I was like DAMN, he’s a small intimate restaurant but on some weeknights he’ll do 80 seatings and he’s only open for dinner.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Everything where we go is the same as before, just more expensive due to Bidenflation.
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    Wow that restaurant must pay shit. Don't go back.
  • goodyman
    3 years ago
    I haven't seen this. Sounds like a shite excuse to serve plastic cups. If you are fine dining there is no excuse for that.
  • EndlessSummer
    3 years ago
    No offense, but these sound like high class problems to me! 🧐 Hell, I remember being damn near excited to stand in an inordinately long line outside of Costco because I was just happy to be out of the house. If the pandemic has done anything for me, it's made me appreciate a lot of little things and not sweat the small stuff even more so than before. I'll drink out of plastic, paper, a flask brought from home...whatever! It's just good to be out in the world again 🔆💋
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    ^ Your positivity has been missed around here. 🥺
  • EndlessSummer
    3 years ago
    ^Thank you, that really means a lot 🤗 I stayed away when it was harder to be positive... it's good to be back on all levels 🔆
  • gobstopper007
    3 years ago
    Seems like last time I was at Treasure Club was first time since pandemic started they were back using glasses and not plastic
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Posting this since SJG is slipping: [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Can’t say I’ve ran into this problem downhere in SoFlo – off the top of my head the only thing I recall has been at IHOP where they still don’t have syrup and condiment bottles on the table like they used to and now they give you a small individual to-go ones even when dining in – I assume they are still doing this b/c of Covid but I think it’s overkill at this stage especially for SoFlo where there haven’t been many if any Covid-restrictions for a good-while
  • Yasmin48
    3 years ago
    It's probably covid related. I've seen it at some fine dining places.
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